Acta Pedagogica Naturalis’2022 (full) Basic information 2 CONTENTS 4 Key competences in geography and economics training in junior high school stage | Rositsa Vladeva, Penka Ruseva 5 The potential of the geography and economics curricula in the first secondary stage of bulgarian schools for the formation of key competences | Rositsa Vladeva, Penka Ruseva […]
USEFUL INFORMATION Litermedia Annuals of the Faculty of Humanities Lyuboslovie Journal Publications of Research Center Preslav Literary School Publications – Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen LINKS Department of German Studies Facebook
The publishing ethics guidelines of the academic series “Filologičeski rakursi” are based on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines and aim to comply with the accepted international standards for ethical behavior of all participants in the publishing process in all of its stages. The academic series publishes original scientific works of […]
Editor-in-chief: Assoc. Prof. Daniela Kirova (Shumen University Episkop Konstantin Preslavsky, Bulgaria) Members: Prof. Wolf-Dieter Krause, PhD (University of Potsdam, Germany) Prof. Christiane von Stutterheim, PhD (Heidelberg University, Germany) Prof. Birsen Tütüniş, PhD (Istanbul Kultur University, Türkiye) Prof. Hikmet Asutay, PhD (Trakya University, Türkiye) Prof. Dr. sc. Ana Dimova (Shumen University Episkop Konstantin Preslavsky, Bulgaria) […]
The academic series “Filologičeski rakursi” of the Department of German Studies at the Faculty of Humanities of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen provides an opportunity to publish materials in the field of philology studies. Its main goal is to present serious academic research in various areas of linguistics and language studies: classical and modern literature, […]
The academic series is indexed, monitored within CEEOL and included in the National reference list of NACID. Filologičeski rakursi is an academic series of publications (with an open access) in the main areas of philology education: linguistics, literary studies, translatology, intercultural communication and methods of foreign language teaching. The academic series is issued biennially in […]
4.5. Mathematics Algebra and number theory Mathematical analysis Computational mathematics 4.6. Informatics and Computer Science Informatics 1.3. Pedagogy of teaching in … Teaching methodology in mathematics and informatics
Acta Pedagogica Naturalis’2023 (full) Basic information 2 CONTENTS 4 Use of interactive methods in teaching man and nature to 6th grade students, and in teaching biology and health education to 7th grade | Rositsa Vladeva, Gyulhan Syuleiman 5 Globalization, key competences and geoglobal issues in the context of school geography education | Rositsa Vladeva, […]
Acta Pedagogica Naturalis’2018 (full) Book Cover 1 Basic information 2 Sponsors 7 Contents 10 Rositsa Vladeva, Petinka Galcheva, Methodological aspects of teaching Natural sciences at Shumen University 11 Stella Dermendzhieva, Tamara Draganova, Situational analysis of a type plan (algorithm) in the training on „Geography of countries” in the Balkan Peninsula 18 Stela Dermendzhieva, Semra […]
Acta Pedagogica Naturalis’2018 (full) Book Cover 1 Basic information 2 Sponsors 7 Contents 10 Rositsa Vladeva, Petinka Galcheva, Methodological aspects of teaching Natural sciences at Shumen University 11 Stella Dermendzhieva, Tamara Draganova, Situational analysis of a type plan (algorithm) in the training on „Geography of countries” in the Balkan Peninsula 18 Stela Dermendzhieva, Semra […]