Research projects
International Programmes National Programmes
International Programmes National Programmes
Research, Cleaning Methodologies, Economic Valorization and Pilot Application for Macroalgal Blooms, MACRO CLEAN, BSB00584 LET’S CYCLE AT THE BLACK SEA, LetsCYCLE, BSB-998 CRADLE: Creating Activity-designed Language Learning Environments for Entrepreneurship Education Equalsportforall, Development and evaluation of guide-models mass athletics for sports in students whith spetial needs (obese, disabled personse etc – 579917-EEP-1-2016-2-ЕL-SPO-SCP ESFA Football3 For […]
Acta Scientifica Naturalis SocioBrains International Scientific Refereed Online Journal Издания на Факултета по хуманитарни науки Съвременни български научни издания
Acta Scientifica Naturalis SocioBrains International Scientific Refereed Online Journal Издания на Факултета по хуманитарни науки Съвременни български научни издания