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    Доц. д-р  Светлана Йорданова Неделчева
    Доц. д-р Светлана Йорданова Неделчева

    Факултет: Факултет по хуманитарни науки


    Кабинет: Корпус 2, стая 310

    Телефон: 054 830495 вътр. 245 K2

    Email: s.nedelcheva@shu.bg

    Приемно време: К2: I и II седм.: вторник

    2007 Когнитивнa интерпретация на английския предлог ON и българските му еквиваленти - докторска дисертация по научна специалност 05.04.20 "Германски езици" - 2007
    2020 Неделчева, Св. Когнитивна интерпретация на английския предлог ON (съпоставително изследване). УИ „Епископ К. Преславски”. 255 с. ISBN: 978-619-7586-17-6
    2013 Nedelcheva, S. Space, Time and Human Experience: A Cognitive View on English and Bulgarian Prepositions. УИ „Епископ К. Преславски”. 263 с. ISBN: 978-954-577-680-9
    2024 Nedelcheva, S. (2024). Skunked Terms as Part of Language Evolvement. Cultural Perspectives. Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania, Vol. 29. pp. 179 – 206. (Scopus, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL)
    2023 Nedelcheva, S. (2023) Pro- in two semantic networks (a comparative study of English and Bulgarian. Analele Universitatii „Ovidius” Constanta. Seria Filologie, Vol. XXXIV, 1 / 2023. pp. 96-115. ISSN: 1224-1768. https://litere.univ-ovidius.ro/Anale/content_2023_1.php (Scopus, CEEOL, Index Copernicus)
    2023 Nedelcheva, S. (2023) 21-century neologisms - word-formative strategies and adaptation (a corpus study of English and Bulgarian). Cultural Perspectives. Journal for Literary and British Cultural Studies in Romania. Thematic focus: Bridging cultural gaps and adapting to change. Vol. 28. pp. 187-212. http://cpjournal.ub.ro/2023/12/18/cp-number-27-2022-2/ (Scopus, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL)
    2022 Nedelcheva, S. (2022) The semantic profile of the verbal prefix do- in Bulgarian and Croatian. Slovene, Vol. 10, № 2, p. 252–276. e-ISSN: 2305-6754 p-ISSN: 2304-0785 DOI: 10.31168/2305-6754.2021.10.2.10 (Scopus)(co-author Ljiljana Saric)
    2021 Nedelcheva, S. Translating deictic motion verbs among Bulgarian, Croatian, and Serbian: A corpus-based study. Russian Journal of Linguistics, Vol 25, No 1 (2021), 43-67. URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/article/view/25997 DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2687-0088-2021-25-1-43-67 ISSN: 2687-0088 (Print) ISSN: 2686-8024 (Online) (co-author Ljiljana Saric)
    2021 Nedelcheva, S. Coining Nonce Words: Contrastive Research Based On A Novel. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, (2021), 9(2) Exloring English Studies: Aspects of Language, Culture and Education, pp. 7-29. SJIF 2020 = 5.892, ISSN 2534-9538, ISSN (print) 2534-952X EBSCO, DOAJ, RINZ, Dimensions, CEEOL.
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. Exploring smell from cognitive perspective in English and Bulgarian (a corpus study). Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 8(2) Exloring English Studies: Aspects of Language, Culture and Education, pp. 95-116. SJIF 2020 = 5.892, ISSN 2534-9538, ISSN (print) 2534-952X
    2018 Nedelcheva, S. The verbal prefix u- in Bulgarian and Croatian. Languages in Contrast: International Journal for Contrastive Linguistics. ISSN 1387-6759. http://doi.org/10.1075/lic.16015.sar (co-author Ljiljana Saric)
    2015 Nedelcheva, S. The verbal prefix o(b)- in Croatian and Bulgarian: The semantic network and challenges of a corpus-based study. Suvremena Lingvistika, Zagreb: (80)/2015. ISSN 0586-0296 (co-author Ljiljana Saric)
    2024 Nedelcheva, S. (2024). Creating creative blends in 21st century (a corpus study of English and Bulgarian). Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol. 12/ 1. pp. 185-199. (Scopus, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL)
    2024 Неделчева, Св. (2024). Академичното писане от перспективата на редакторския опит. Литературна мисъл, (3), 71-86. София: БАН. (Scopus, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO, Index Copernicus, CEEOL)
    2023 Nedelcheva, S. (2023) English internationalisms and their effect on Bulgarian. 43rd International Scientific Conference. KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE. KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol. 61. pp. 941-948. (EBSCO, CrossRef, Index Copernicus)
    2022 Nedelcheva, S. Bulgarian-English Google Translate Issues. Analele Universitatii Ovidius, Constanta. Seria Filologie Vol. XXXIII, 2 / 2022. pp. 261-276 ISSN: 1224-1768. https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100338503 (Scopus)
    2021 Nedelcheva, S. Translating nonce words (a corpus study based on a novel). Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie - Foreign Language Teaching, (2). 130-142. https://doi.org/10.53656/for21.22tran ISSN 0205–1834 (Print) ISSN 1314–8508 (Online) (Web of Science)
    2019 Nedelcheva, S. How seeing is different from looking? A cognitive perspective on verb-particle constructions with look and see. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Sofia: Asenevtsi Publishing. 99-113. ISSN 2534-952X
    2019 Nedelcheva, S. Cognitive view on English phrasal verbs of eye perception. Матеріали IV Міжнародноi науковоi конференції “Світ мови – світ у мові” 24–25 жовтня, Киiв 2019 р. УДК 811, ББК 81.2. Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова, 2019, 120-123. ISBN 978-966-931-192-4
    2019 Nedelcheva, S. The Prefix Na- in Bulgarian Verbs: a Cognitive Linguistic Approach. Chuzhdoezikovo Obuchenie - Foreign Language Teaching, (6). 565-579. ISSN 0205–1834 (Print) ISSN 1314–8508 (Online)
    2018 Nedelcheva, S. Some Aspects of Semantic Frames and Meaning. Annual Journal of Technical University, Varna. Bulgaria, Volume 2; DOI: 10.29114/ajtuv.vol2.iss1.68 (co-author)
    2018 Nedelcheva, S. Frame semantics and verbs of motion. The case of enter and go into. A corpus-based study. In Todorova et al. (eds.). “Trends and Intersections in Linguistics, Culture and FLT”. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 3. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2018. IF: 4.685 (SJIF 2018) (co-author)
    2018 Nedelcheva, S. On the Balkan Route: the Image of Migrants in Bulgarian Online News. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 2018, 3(1): 18-29. DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2018.1.18 РИНЦ
    2018 Nedelcheva, S. A close-up of run in technical texts. A corpus-based study. In Kovacheva, M. (ed.). “Language close up. Papers in honour of Christo Stamenov”. Sofia University Press: Sofia, 2018: 328-243. (co-author)
    2017 Nedelcheva, S. Expressing refusals in business communication. Twelfth International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS 31.3-2.4.2017, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia ISSN 1857-923X Global Impact and Quality Factor 1.023 (co-author)
    2017 Nedelcheva, S. Translation strategies in the LORD OF THE RINGS. Twelfth International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS 31.3-2.4.2017, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia ISSN 1857-923X Global Impact and Quality Factor 1.023
    2017 Nedelcheva, S. Crossing borders on the Balkan route: representation of migration in online news. In Todorova et al. (eds.). “Crossing Borders And Bridging Gaps”. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 2. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2017. IF: 3.363 (SJIF 2016)
    2016 Nedelcheva, S. Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) - Good Practices. Knowledge – International Journal, Vol 15, 2016 (Global Impact & Quality Factor (GIF) 1.023 (for 2015). (co-author)
    2016 Nedelcheva, S. The Balkan route: Multimodality in the representation of migration in Bulgarian online news. - В: Медиалингвистика. Вып.5. Язык в координатах массмедиа : матер. I Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (6–9 сентября 2016 г. Варна, Болгария) / отв. ред. В. В. Васильева. – СПб. : С.-Петерб. гос. ун-т, Ин-т «Высш. шк. журн. и мас. коммуникаций», 2016. 209-210. РИНЦ
    2016 Nedelcheva, S. Phrasal verbs with OFF may not be hard to pull off. In Todorova et al. (eds.). “Challenges in English teaching and research”. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 1. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2016. 42-56. IF: 3.363 (SJIF 2016)
    2016 Nedelcheva, S. GEOTHiNK paradigm in students’ education at Shumen University (co-author). GEOSPATIAL THINKINGEducating the Future Spatial Citizens. Proceedings of the GEOTHNK Project Closing Conference November 7, 2015, Athens, Greece. Kavouras, M., Sotiriou, S. (eds.). National Technical University of Athens, 2016, 5-16. ISBN 978-618-82392-0-3
    2015 Nedelcheva, S. „The project “GEOTHNK” – semantic pathways for building a spatially-thinking society”, International Scientific Online Journal SocioBrains, ISSUE 8, APRIL 2015 , ISSN 2367-5721 (co-author) http://sociobrains.com/website/w1465/file/repository/24_29_The_project_GEOTHNK_semantic_pathways_for_building_a_spatially_thinking_society.pdf
    2015 Nedelcheva, S. ‘BULGARIZE AWAY!’ – cognitive analysis of phrasal verbs with away and how it can help efl learners to interpret them easily (a corpus study). The global and the local: current tendencies in English studies and translation. Shumen University Publishing House, 2015: 69-84.
    2014 Nedelcheva, S. “Run to the hills, run for your lives” – FOR versus TO with verbs of motion - a corpus-based study. Англицистика: проблеми на превода и съпоставителното езикознание. УИ „Епископ К. Преславски“, Шумен 2014: 145-157.
    2014 Nedelcheva, S. Cognitive typology helping to avoid spelling problems – the preverbs o- and u- in Bulgarian (a corpus study). Studia Hungaro-Bulgarica Tomus 3. Съвместно издание на статии на преподавателите по хуманитарни науки към Сегедския и Шуменския университети. Шумен – УИ „Епископ К. Преславски”. 2014: 93-110.
    2014 Nedelcheva, S. Project GEOTHNK - semantic pathways for building a spatially-thinking society, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Bulgaria, 2014 (co-author) http://astro.shu-bg.net/pasb/index_files/Papers/2014/Marchev_2014.pdfbg.net/pasb/index_files/Papers/2014/Marchev_2014.pdf
    2013 Nedelcheva, S. Organizing Verb-Particle Constructions Cognitively: The Case Of On And Up. // Dynamics, Interdisciplinarity, Diversity (Динамика, интердисциплинарност, вариативност). Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”. Шумен, 2013: 97-106.
    2013 Nedelcheva, S. Helping students catch on and pick up verb-particle constructions. // BETA conference, Varna, 2013. http://www.beta-iatefl.org/4824/blog-publications/verb-particle-constructions/
    2012 Неделчева, Св. Разграничаване на омонимни предлози и постфикси в английския език. // сп. Любословие. Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”. Шумен, 12/2012: 78-87. ISSN 1314-6033
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. Bulgarian Ingressive Verbs: The Case of Za- and Do-. // Годишник, Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”. Шумен, (XXIII A) 2012: 72-89. ISSN 1311-7300
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. It’s Better to Do It Over Than Overdo It: Polysemous Prefixes and Particles. // Current trends in the study of English. Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”. Шумен, 2012: 106-124. ISBN 978-954-577-651-9
    2011 Неделчева, Св. Oпределяне на централното значение на предлога “ЗА” с модела “принципна полисемия.” // Епископ Константинови четения. т. 16. Шуменски университет, Шумен, 2011: 125-132. ISSN 1313-8286
    2010 Nedelcheva, S. А minimalist specification of BY: the view from LCCM theory. // Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the XIth International Conference, Constanta, 2009. Kazan State University Press. Ed. V. Solovyev, M. Chernyshov, V. Polyakov - Kazan State University, 2010: 155-167. ISBN 978-5-98180-779-4
    2010 Nedelcheva, S. Cognitive Semantic Relations of the Prepositions V/NA and the Prefixes V-/Na- in Bulgarian. „Language, Cognition, Communication”. Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2010: 99-110. ISBN 978-954-577-561-1
    2010 Nedelcheva, S. The LCCM Theory Applied to the Bulgarian Preposition DO (a comparison with English TO). Съпоставително езикознание. Ред. П. Асенова и др. Университетско издателство „Свети Климент Охридски”. 2 (2010): 40-53. ISSN 0204-8701
    2010 Nedelcheva, S. On the invariant meaning of the English Preposition AT and its Bulgarian Equivalents. // Сборник научни статии „Език, култура, идентичност”. Фабер, 2010: 62-69. ISBN: 978-954-400-281-7
    2010 Nedelcheva, S. On the semantics of the preposition ZA and the prefix ZA- in Bulgarian. // In Text Processing and Cognitive Technologies N19, Proceedings of the XIIth International Conference Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Ed. V. Solovyev, V. Polyakov. 2010: 144-148. УДК 004.9 81’322 ББК 81.1 O 23
    2009 Неделчева, Св. Когнитивни семантични отношения и връзки на предлога НА и префикса НА- в българския език. // Епископ Константинови четения. Шуменски университет, Шумен, (т. 12) 2009: 145-155. ISSN 1313-8286
    2009 Неделчева, Св. Прилагане на когнитивната лингвистика в преподаването на английските предлози. Юбилейна конференция с международно участие на тема „Отговорността пред езика” – книга 2. 2007. Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”. 2009: 264-275. ISSN 1313-695Х
    2008 Nedelcheva, S. Functional Interpretations of Prepositions: Inference or Idiosyncrasy. Studia Hungaro-Bulgariaca. Tomus 2. Съвместно издание на статии на преподавателите по хуманитарни науки към Сегедския и Шуменския университети. Шумен – Сегед. Ред. Пл. Панайотов, И. Феринц. Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”. 2008: 121-131. ISSN 1789-1353
    2008 Неделчева, Св. Когнитивна семантична връзка между английските фразови глаголи с out и българските глаголи с представка из-. // сп. Любословие. Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”. 9/ 2008: 176-188. ISSN 1311-94-86
    2008 Nedelcheva, S. The Cognitive Semantic Relation between English and Bulgarian Spatial Prepositions and Prefixes// Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the Xth International Conference, Bechichi - Kazan. Ed. V. Solovyev, R. Potapova, V. Polyakov - Kazan State University, 2008: 189-203. ISBN 978-5-98180-588-2
    2007 Nedelcheva, S. Cognitive Foundation and Image-schema Interaction: Possessive OF in English and its N1 + N2 equivalents in Bulgarian. За човека и езика. Сборник научни статии, посветени на 60-годишнината на проф. д.ф.н. Майа Пенчева. Университетско издателство “Св. Климент Охридски”, София. 2007: 160-173. ISBN 978-954-07-2534-5
    2007 Nedelcheva, S. The Prototype and Conceptual Network of Possessive NA-constructions in Bulgarian. Съпоставително езикознание. Ред. А. Бондарко и др. Университетско издателство „Свети Климент Охридски”. 3 (2007): 50-64. ISSN 0204-8701
    2007 Nedelcheva, S. Teaching Prepositions through Cognitive Linguistics: The Case of ON. Foreign Language Teaching. Ed. P. Stefanova. Министерство на образованието и науката. 3 (2007): 28-39. ISSN 0205-1834 (Print) ISSN 1314–8508 (Online)
    2007 Nedelcheva, S. Cognitive Interpretation of English Phrasal Verbs: The Case of UP. // Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the IXth International Conference, Sofia - Kazan. Ed. V. Solovyev, R. Potapova, V. Polyakov - Kazan State University, 2007: 208-218. УДК 81.322 ББК 81.1 К 57
    2006 Nedelcheva, S. The View of Cognitive Spatial Semantics on the “Prepositions of Movement” TO and THROUGH and Their Bulgarian Equivalents ДО/КЪМ and ПРЕЗ. // Осма международна конференция “Когнитивно моделиране в Лингвистиката”. Шуменски университет, ДИПКУ, Варна, 2005. The VIIIth International Conference Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Moscow – Varna. Proceedings. Volume 1. Ed. V. Solovyev, V. Goldberg, V. Polyakov - Russian science and educational centre for linguistics, Kazan State University, 2006. c. 339-350. ISBN 5-98180-243-X
    2005 Nedelcheva, S. Understanding and Translating the (Spatial) Preposition ON: The Application of Cognitive Semantics to Lexicography // Международна юбилейна конференция – Катедра “Английска филология”, Шуменски университет “Еп. К. Преславски”. Transatlantic Relations in a Changing Cultural Context – Bulgarian Society for British Studies, Bulgarain American Studies Association, Conference Proceedings. Ed. M. Danova. Sofia, 2005. с. 182-193. ISBN 954-796-012-1
    2003 Nedelcheva, S. Categorization and Functional Geometry of Spatial Prepositions: the Case of IN and ON. // Сборник доклади, Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие.Шуменски университет, Педагогически колеж, Добрич, 2002. т. III C. Шумен, 2003: 93-99. ISSN 1312-2347
    2003 Nedelcheva, S. (IN) BETWEEN and ON. Problems of Polysemy and Synonymy among Prepositions. // Сборник доклади, Международна юбилейна конференция. Яш, Румъния, 2001. XXI,2003. Section Cultural Studies, Comparative Studies; Linguistics, с. 58-66.
    2002 Nedelcheva, S. Time and Space, and their Connection to Human Experience. The Case of the Preposition ON. // Юбилейни Паисиеви четения. Пловдивски университет “Паисий Хилендарски”, Пловдив. Dialogues: American Studies in an International Context, Conference Proceedings. Plovdiv: Printing House Zombori. Ed. M. Katsarska. 2002. c. 253-258. ISBN 954-91615-1-X
    2002 Nedelcheva, S. ON as a particle and preposition. // Сборник доклади, Юбилейната научно-практическа конференция. Пловдивски университет, филиал Смолян, Смолян. т. V. 2002: 33-36. ISBN 954-91026-8-8
    2002 Nedelcheva, S. Polysemy and Ambiguity in Magazine Advertisements. // Икономиката и развитието на обществото. Икономически университет, Варна. (т. 5). 2002: 293-299. ISBN954-21-0125-2 (т.5)
    2001 Nedelcheva, S. Prepositional Phrases and Deep-Case Organization. The Case of the Preposition OF. // Приложна лингвистика и чуждоезиково обучение. ВВМУ “Н. Й. Вапцаров”, Варна. (т. 3). 2001: 112-119. ISSN 1310-9278
    2024 Nedelcheva, S. Translation/ transliteration of newly borrowed English words into Bulgarian. ХХX Епископ-Константинови четения, Шумен, 14 май 2024 г.
    2024 Nedelcheva, S. Skunked Terms as Part of Language Evolvement. XXXI годишна международна конференция на Българската асоциация на преподавателите по английски на тема “Language teaching challenges: rediscovering, reconsidering, revisiting” и Втори централно- и източноевропейски конгрес на Международната федерация на преподавателите по съвременни езици Шумен, 27-29 септември 2024 г.
    2023 Nedelcheva, S. Assimilation of Newly Borrowed Internationalisms in Bulgarian. 7th International Scientific Conference “World of Language – World in Language”. Ukrainian State University Mihayl Dragomanov, Kiev, 27 October 2023.
    2023 Nedelcheva, S. English internationalisms and their effect on Bulgarian. 43rd International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE. Institute of Knowledge Management – Skopje. Bansko, Bulgaria, 15-17 December 2023.
    2022 Nedelcheva, S. Overcoming translation hurdles (a corpus study). Jubilee International Conference of Faculty of Humanities at Shumen University, Shumen, 11-13 May 2022.
    2022 Nedelcheva, S. Bulgarian-English Google Translate Issues. METAPHOR - SPATIALITY – DISCOURSE. The International Conference of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Letters, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania. 6th edition, 8 July 2022.
    2022 Nedelcheva, S. Google Translate accuracy in Bulgarian-English translations. ONLINE SEMINAR: ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS IN ENGLISH STUDIES. Department of English Studies, Faculty of Humanities at Shumen University, Shumen, 29 October 2022.
    2021 Неделчева, Св. Фактори, влияещи върху ефективността на онлайн обучението по чужд език. Информационна сесия за запознаване с резултатите от осъществяването на проект HELP 2 - онлайн курсове по специализиран английски и немски език за медицински специалисти и работна среща на тема \"Една година образование в дигитална среда - споделяне на добри практики в чуждоезиковото обучение и спорта\", Кранево. 18-19 юни, 2021 г. (съавтор И. Иванова)
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. Exploring ”smell” from cognitive perspective in English and Bulgarian (a corpus study). Кръгла маса семинар на катедра „Английска филология“: Exploring English Studies: Aspects of Language, Culture and Education“, Шуменски университет, 30 септември 2020 г., Шумен.
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. Non-verbal portrayal of 2015-2016 “Refugee Crisis” in Bulgarian online news. Международна научна конференция ”Язык в координатах массмедиа, этики и права”, 8 ноември, 2020 г., Санкт Петербург, Русия.
    2019 Nedelcheva, S. How seeing is different from looking? A cognitive perspective on verb-particle constructions with look and see. Кръгла маса семинар на катедра „Английска филология“ „Гледни точки и перспективи в англицистиката“, 26-29 септември, 2019 г., Хисар, Одрин.
    2019 Nedelcheva, S. Cognitive view on English phrasal verbs of eye perception. Матеріали IV Міжнародноi науковоi конференції “Світ мови – світ у мові”, Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова, 24–25 жовтня, Киiв.
    2019 Nedelcheva, S. Deictic verbs of motion: A corpus-based study of (South) Slavic (plenary speaker) (co-author). International Symposium DEIXIS IN LANGUAGE, June 28–29, 2019, Rijeka, Croatia.
    2017 Nedelcheva, S. Expressing refusals in business communication. Twelfth International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS, March 31 - April 2, 2017, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.
    2017 Nedelcheva, S. Translation strategies in the LORD OF THE RINGS. Twelfth International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS, March 31 - April 2, 2017, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.
    2017 Nedelcheva, S. Teaching phrasal verbs through corpus linguistics. The case of AWAY. 1st FIPLV East European Regional Congress. 26th BETA-IATEFL Annual International Conference Learning and teaching languages: Creating bridges to the future. Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Department for Information, Qualification and Lifelong Learning, June 22–25, 2017, Varna.
    2016 Nedelcheva, S. The Balkan route: Multimodality in the representation of migration in Bulgarian online news. I Международна научно-практическа конференция “Езикът в координатите на масмедиите”, 6-9 септември 2016 г., Варна.
    2016 Nedelcheva, S. Inquiry-based science education (ibse) - good practices (co-author). Eleventh International Scientific Conference “Knowledge in practice”, December 16-18, 2016, Bansko.
    2015 Nedelcheva, S. GEOTHiNK paradigm in students’ education at Shumen University (co-author). GEOSPATIAL THINKING Educating the Future Spatial Citizens, November 7, 2015, Athens, Greece.
    2014 Nedelcheva, S. The Paths of Prototype Shift: A Case Study of ZA- in Russian and Bulgarian. (co-author) 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Adam Mickiewicz University, September 11-14, 2014, Poznan, Poland.
    2013 Nedelcheva, S. Helping students catch on and pick up verb-particle constructions. BETA conference, 2013, Varna.
    2013 Nedelcheva, S. Cognitive Linguistics and Typology: Comparing Polysemous Prefixes O-/OB- Across Slavic. (в съавт.) 9th Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, 15-18 Sept. 2013., Dubrovnik, Croatia.
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. Two Ways to Form Ingressive Verbs in Bulgarian. Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 27-29 September 2012, Zagreb, Croatia.
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. It’s Better to Do It Over Than Overdo It: Polysemous Prefixes and Particles. Round Table, University of Edirne, 23-25 November 2012, Edirne, Turkey.
    2011 Nedelcheva, S. (Un)Boundedness in English Adverbial Particles and Bulgarian Preverbs. Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Conference, 2011, Corfu, Greece.
    2011 Неделчева, Св. Определяне на централното значение на предлога “ЗА” с модела “принципна полисемия.” Епископ Константинови четения, Шуменски университет, 2011 г., Шумен.
    2010 Nedelcheva, S. Education for the New Age: Tradition, Reform, Innovation. Fulbright Conference, August 2010, Bansko.
    2010 Nedelcheva, S. On the semantics of the preposition ZA and the prefix ZA- in Bulgarian. Text Processing and Cognitive Technologies N19, Proceedings of the XIIth International Conference Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, 2010, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
    2009 Nedelcheva, S. А minimalist specification of BY: the view from LCCM theory. Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the XIth International Conference, 2009, Constanta, Romania.
    2008 Nedelcheva, S. The Cognitive Semantic Relation between English and Bulgarian Spatial Prepositions and Prefixes. Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the Xth International Conference, 2008, Bechichi - Kazan.
    2007 Nedelcheva, S. Cognitive Interpretation of English Phrasal Verbs: The Case of UP. Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the IXth International Conference, 2007, Sofia - Kazan.
    2007 Неделчева, Св. Прилагане на когнитивната лингвистика в преподаването на английските предлози. Юбилейна конференция с международно участие на тема „Отговорността пред езика”. 2007 г., Шумен.
    2006 Неделчева, Св. Когнитивни семантични отношения и връзки на предлога НА и префикса НА- в българския език. Епископ Константинови четения. Шуменски университет, 2006 г., Шумен.
    2005 Nedelcheva, S. Understanding and Translating the (Spatial) Preposition ON: The Application of Cognitive Semantics to Lexicography. Международна юбилейна конференция – Катедра “Английска филология”, 2005 г., Шуменски университет “Еп. К. Преславски”.
    2005 Nedelcheva, S. The View of Cognitive Spatial Semantics on the “Prepositions of Movement” TO and THROUGH and Their Bulgarian Equivalents ДО/КЪМ and ПРЕЗ. The VIIIth International Conference Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, 2005, Moscow – Varna.
    2002 Nedelcheva, S. Polysemy and Ambiguity in Magazine Advertisements. Конференция ”Икономиката и развитието на обществото”. Икономически университет, 2002 г., Варна.
    2002 Nedelcheva, S. “Success. It’s a Mind Game”. The Element of Nightmarish Surprise in a Series of TagHeuer Advertisements. Научна сесия. Национален военен университет “В. Левски”, 2002 г., Шумен.
    2002 Nedelcheva, S. ON as a particle and preposition. Юбилейната научно-практическа конференция. Пловдивски университет, филиал Смолян, 2002 г., Смолян.
    2001 Nedelcheva, S. Prepositional Phrases and Deep-Case Organization. The Case of the Preposition OF. Приложна лингвистика и чуждоезиково обучение. ВВМУ “Н. Й. Вапцаров”, 2001 г., Варна.
    2001 Nedelcheva, S. (IN) BETWEEN and ON. Problems of Polysemy and Synonymy among Prepositions. Living in between and on Borders: Constructions of Gender, Ethnicity, Race, Class and Sexuality along the Centuries. Proceedings of the International Conference at Al. I. Cuza University, 21-24 March, 2001, Iasi, Romania.
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. Essential English Syntax for University Students. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2020. Pp. 216. ISBN 978-619-201-450-6
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. English Morphology - Traditional and Cognitive Perspective. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2012. Pp. 224. ISBN: 978-954-577-625-0
    2019 200 текста за превод от български и английски за бакалаври. З. Тодоров (ред.). Издателство Асеневци. ISBN: 978-619-7356-80-9
    2019 120 текста за превод от български и английски за магистри. З. Тодоров (ред.). Издателство Асеневци. ISBN: 978-619-7356-79-3
    2019 333 български и английски текста за превод. З. Тодоров (ред.). Издателство Асеневци. ISBN: 978-619-7356-81-6
    2015 Ръководство за изготвяне на образователни сценарии, прилагащи нови технологии (в съавт.) УИ „Епископ Константин Преславски“
    2013 The English Noun Phrase - модул за електронно обучение http://cdo.shu.bg/course/view.php?id=289
    2011 120 български и английски текста за превод. (съавт.) УИ „Епископ К. Преславски”. Шумен, 2011.
    2010 12 примерни теста за кандидат-студнтски изпит по английски език. (съавт.) УИ „Епископ К. Преславски”. Шумен, 2010.
    2009 10 примерни теста за кандидат-студнтски изпит по английски език. (съавт.) УИ „Епископ К. Преславски”. Шумен, 2009.
    2018 Неделчева, Св. Образът на мюсюлманите в медийния дискурс. Любословие, 18. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“ С. 275-278. ISSN 1314-6033
    2017 Неделчева, Св. Отново за лексикограматиката. Любословие, 17. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“ С. 296-299. ISSN 1314-6033
    2024 Nedelcheva, S. (2018). The verbal prefix u- in Bulgarian and Croatian. Languages in Contrast: International Journal for Contrastive Linguistics. ISSN 1387-6759. http://doi.org/10.1075/lic.16015.sar (co-author Ljiljana Saric) Цитирано в: Dickey, S.M. Russian aspect from a cognitive linguistic perspective. Russian Linguist 48, 11 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11185-024-09296-1
    2024 Nedelcheva, S. (2013). Organizing Verb-Particle Constructions Cognitively: The Case Of On And Up. // Dynamics, Interdisciplinarity, Diversity (Динамика, интердисциплинарност, вариативност). Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”. Шумен, 2013: 97-106. Цитирано в: Mandic, S. (2024). FRAZNI GLAGOLI U RECNICIMA ENGLESKOG JEZIKA: NOVI MODEL ORGANIZOVANJA I PREDSTAVLJANJA IZ UGLA KOGNITIVNE LINGVISTIKE I TEORIJE PROTOTIPA. Годишњак Филозофског факултета у Новом Саду, 48(3), 185–200. https://godisnjak.ff.uns.ac.rs/index.php/gff/article/view/2360
    2024 Nedelcheva, S. (2023). English internationalisms and their effect on Bulgarian. 43rd International Scientific Conference. KNOWLEDGE IN PRACTICE. KNOWLEDGE – International Journal Vol. 61. pp. 941-948. Цитирано в: Todorov, B. (2024). Financial Terminology Comparison and English Loanword Readiness in Bulgarian and French. E-списание в областта на хуманитаристиката Х-ХХI в. год. XII, 2024, брой 30; ISSN 1314-9067 https://www.abcdar.com/magazine/XXX/Dzl_2024_br30_16_Blagovest_Todorov_Sravnitelen_analiz_na_finansova_terminologia_i_zaemki_ot_angliiski_v_bg_i_frenski_ezik.pdf
    2024 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Crossing borders on the Balkan route: Representation of migration in online news. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 2, 53–70. Цитирано в: Templer, B. (2024). Teaching Bulgarian Folktales in The EFL Classroom: Exploring ‘Storytelling in Education’, Textual Realms of Aesthetic Illusion and Your Own Local Folkloric Culture. Lyuboslovie, 24, 207-241. https://doi.org/10.46687/AVEP2717
    2024 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Translation strategies in the LORD OF THE RINGS. Twelfth International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS 31.3-2.4.2017, 1213-1219. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia ISSN 1857-923X Global Impact and Quality Factor 1.023. Цитирано в: Stoyanova-Georgieva, I. (2024). Fantastic names and how to translate them. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(3), 99-114. https://doi.org/10.46687/GBMV8502
    2023 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Crossing borders on the Balkan route: Representation of migration in online news. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 2, 53–70. Цитирано в: Jaindl, M. (2023). Gender and Visual Securitization of Migrants along the Balkan Route. MA thesis. https://unipub.uni-graz.at//obvugrhs/8586787
    2023 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Crossing borders on the Balkan route: Representation of migration in online news. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 2, 53–70. Цитирано в: Kisic, J.J., Salamurovic, A. (2023). Migration Discourse in Serbian Media – Analysis of National Dailies Politika, Danas and Vecernje novosti. In: Fabian, A. (eds) The Representation of REFUGEES and MIGRANTS in European National Media Discourses from 2015 to 2017. Linguistik in Empirie und Theorie/Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics. J.B. Metzler, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66775-0_10
    2022 Nedelcheva, S. Saric, L. (2021). Translating deictic motion verbs among Bulgarian, Croatian, and Serbian: A corpus-based study. Russian Journal of Linguistics, Vol 25, No 1 (2021), 43-67. URL: http://journals.rudn.ru/linguistics/article/view/25997 DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2687-0088-2021-25-1-43-67 ISSN: 2687-0088 (Print) ISSN: 2686-8024 (Online) Цитирано в: Ivanova, S.V., Medvedeva, S.N. A Corpus-Based Differentiation of Near-Synonyms in Smart-Technologies Framework. Science and Global Challenges of the 21st Century - Science and Technology. 2022. pp 684-692. Springer. Print ISBN: 9783030894764, 3030894762; eText ISBN: 9783030894771, 3030894770
    2022 Nedelcheva, S. (2020). Exploring smell from cognitive perspective in English and Bulgarian (a corpus study). Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 8(2) Exloring English Studies: Aspects of Language, Culture and Education, pp. 95-116. SJIF 2020 = 5.892, ISSN 2534-9538, ISSN (print) 2534-952X. Цитирано в: Krishna, P.P., Arulmozi, S., Mishra, R.K. Do You See and Hear More? A Study on Telugu Perception Verbs. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2022. Springer. E-ISSN 1573-6555; P ISSN 0090-6905.
    2022 Nedelcheva, S. (2019). How is seeing different from looking? A cognitive percpective on verb-particle constructions with look and see. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Sofia: Asenevtsi, 7-21. Цитирано в: Aneva, Ts. Глаголи за възприятие в английския и българския език от когнитивна гледна точка. Годишник на Факултета по хуманитарни науки.. Шумен: Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, 2022 г.
    2022 Nedelcheva, S. (2020). Exploring smell from cognitive perspective in English and Bulgarian (a corpus study). Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Sofia: Asenevtsi, 95-116. Цитирано в: Aneva, Ts. Глаголи за възприятие в английския и българския език от когнитивна гледна точка. Годишник на Факултета по хуманитарни науки. Шумен: Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, 2022 г.
    2021 Nedelcheva, S. Krysteva, M. (2018). Frame semantics and verbs of motion. The case of enter and go into. A corpus-based study. In Todorova et al. (eds.). \"Trends and Intersections in Linguistics, Culture and FLT\" Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 3. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2. Цитирано в: Collington-OMalley, Tessa Emily. \"Whats in a name?\": political correctness, euphemism, and the impact of name-words on thought. 2021. scholar.sun.ac.za
    2021 Nedelcheva, S. (2018). On the Balkan Route: the Image of Migrants in Bulgarian Online News. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 2018, 3(1): 18-29. DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2018.1.18 РИНЦ Цитирано в: De Matas, J. Traumatic tourism and the tide: Human and planetary futures in selected stories of drowned worlds: Tales from the anthropocene and beyond. Colloquy (Monash University), 2021, No. 40, 2021, [39]-58. search.informit.org ISSN:1447-0950
    2021 Nedelcheva, S. (2018). On the Balkan Route: the Image of Migrants in Bulgarian Online News. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 2018, 3(1): 18-29. DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2018.1.18 РИНЦ Цитирано в: Novikov, A. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy: Five-year Anniversary. Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 2021, 6(1). 176-181. DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2021.1.176 E-ISSN: 2500-106X
    2021 Nedelcheva, S. (2015) The verbal prefix o(b)- in Croatian and Bulgarian: The semantic network and challenges of a corpus-based study. Suvremena Lingvistika, Zagreb: (80)/2015. (co-author Ljiljana Saric). Цитирано в: Zundanovic, D. (2021) Translation of Conceptual Metaphor in George Orwells 1984 from English to Croatian. https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:142:815331
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2016). The Balkan route: Multimodality in the representation of migration in Bulgarian online news. Медиалингвистика. 2016. Вып. 5. Язык в координатах массмедиа: мат-лы I Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (6—9 сентября 2016 г. Варна, Болгария) / отв. ред. В. В. Васильева. С. 209—210. Цитирано в: Аврамова, В., Стоянова, Е. Стилистические исследования медиа в Болгарии. Серия «Язык в координатах массмедиа». Медиалингвистика славянских стран. Монография. Москва: Издательство «ФЛИНТА». 2020. с. 206.
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2018). On the Balkan Route: the Image of Migrants in Bulgarian Online News. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2018. № 3 (1). P. 18—29. Цитирано в: Аврамова, В., Стоянова, Е. Стилистические исследования медиа в Болгарии. Серия «Язык в координатах массмедиа». Медиалингвистика славянских стран. Монография. Москва: Издательство «ФЛИНТА». 2020. с. 208.
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Crossing borders on the Balkan route: representation of migration in online news. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. 2017. Vol. 2. Crossing Borders And Bridging Gaps. Цитирано в: Аврамова, В., Стоянова, Е. Стилистические исследования медиа в Болгарии. Серия «Язык в координатах массмедиа». Медиалингвистика славянских стран. Монография. Москва: Издательство «ФЛИНТА». 2020. с. 206.
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2003). Categorization and Functional Geometry of Spatial Prepositions: the Case of IN and ON. Conference proceedings. Shumen University, College of Pedagogy, Dobrich, vol. III. Shumen, 93-99. Цитирано в: Gаrdenfors, P. Comparing force prepositions with spatial prepositions. Любословие, 20. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“ 2020. с. 98. ISSN 1314-6033
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2010). On the Invariant Meaning of the English Preposition AT and its Bulgarian Equivalents. Language, Culture, Identity. Veliko Turnovo: Faber. Цитирано в: Gаrdenfors, P. Comparing force prepositions with spatial prepositions. Любословие, 20. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“ 2020. с. 105. ISSN 1314-6033
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2013). Space, Time and Human Experience: A Cognitive View on English and Bulgarian Prepositions. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press. Цитирано в: Gаrdenfors, P. Comparing force prepositions with spatial prepositions. Любословие, 20. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“ 2020. с. 98. ISSN 1314-6033
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2019). How seeing is different from looking? A cognitive perspective on verb-particle constructions with look and see. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, Vol. 7. Sofia: Asenevtsi, 7-21. https://doi. org/10.46687/SILC.2019.v07.001. Цитирано в: Aneva, Ts. Practical aspects in teaching dynamic and stative verbs. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 8(1) Exloring English Studies: Aspects of Language, Culture and Education, p. 41. SJIF 2020 = 5.892, ISSN 2534-9538, ISSN (print) 2534-952X
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2020). Exploring smell from cognitive perspective in English and Bulgarian (a corpus study). Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 8(2) Exloring English Studies: Aspects of Language, Culture and Education, pp. 95-116. SJIF 2020 = 5.892, ISSN 2534-9538, ISSN (print) 2534-952X. Цитирано в: Aneva, Ts. Practical aspects in teaching dynamic and stative verbs. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 8(1) Exloring English Studies: Aspects of Language, Culture and Education, p. 41. SJIF 2020 = 5.892, ISSN 2534-9538, ISSN (print) 2534-952X
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2019). How seeing is different from looking: A cognitive perspective on verb-particle constructions with look and see. Studies in linguistics, culture and FLT. Vol. 7. Sofia: Asenevtsi, 7-21. Цитирано в: Shevtsova, А. Viewpoints and perspectives in linguistics and translation. Любословие, 20. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“ 2020. с. 320. ISSN 1314-6033
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Crossing borders on the Balkan route: Representation of migration in online news. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 2, 53–70. Цитирано в: Ivanova, I. Pragmatic functions of interrogatives in media texts. Media Linguistics, 2020, 7 (4), 501–515. P. 504. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu22.2020.409
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Translation strategies in the LORD OF THE RINGS. Twelfth International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS 31.3-2.4.2017, 1213-1219. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia ISSN 1857-923X Global Impact and Quality Factor 1.023. Цитирано в: Димитрова, А. Мизерно заекване… или мълчание?! Художествен превод - проблемни моменти. Монография. Шумен: Университетско издателство \"Епископ Константин Преславски\". с. 240. ISBN 978-619-201-420-9
    2020 Неделчева, Св. (2008). Когнитивна семантична връзка между английските фразови глаголи с out и българските глаголи с представка из-. Любословие 9/2008. Шумен: Университетско издателство \"Епископ Константин Преславски\", 176-188. ISSN 1314-6033. Цитирано в: Братанова, Б. Английските фразеологични глаголи и българските префигирани глаголи - граматикализаия и аспектуалност. Монография. В. Търново: Университетско издателство \"Св. св. Кирил и Методий\". 2020. с. 361. ISBN 978-619-208-233-8
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. The Cognitive Semantic Relation between English and Bulgarian Spatial Prepositions and Prefixes. Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Bechichi - Kazan. Ed. V. Solovyev, R. Potapova, V. Polyakov - Kazan State University, 2008: 189-203. ISBN 978-5-98180-588-2 Цитирано в: Братанова, Б. Английските фразеологични глаголи и българските префигирани глаголи - граматикализаия и аспектуалност. Монография. В. Търново: Университетско издателство \"Св. св. Кирил и Методий\". 2020. с. 361. ISBN 978-619-208-233-8
    2020 Неделчева, Св. Разграничаване на омонимни предлози и постфикси в английския език. Любословие. Университетско изд. „Епископ К. Преславски”. Шумен, 12/2012: 78-87. ISSN 1314-6033 Цитирано в: Братанова, Б. Английските фразеологични глаголи и българските префигирани глаголи - граматикализаия и аспектуалност. Монография. В. Търново: Университетско издателство \"Св. св. Кирил и Методий\". 2020. с. 362. ISBN 978-619-208-233-8
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2018). On the Balkan Route: the Image of Migrants in Bulgarian Online News. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 2018, 3(1): 18-29. DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2018.1.18 РИНЦ Цитирано в: Alexander, F., Galina, M. Current trends in media and information literacy in research and scientific publications of the early 21st century. Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 2020, 5(2). 153-163. DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2020.2.153 E-ISSN: 2500-106X
    2020 Nedelcheva, S. (2018). On the Balkan Route: the Image of Migrants in Bulgarian Online News. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 2018, 3(1): 18-29. DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2018.1.18 РИНЦ Цитирано в: Fedorov A., Mikhaleva G. Current trends in media and information literacy in research and scientific publications of the early 21st century. International Journal of Media and Information Literacy. 2020. № 5 (2), 153-163. DOI: 10.13187/ijmil.2020.2.153 E-ISSN: 2500-106X
    2019 Nedelcheva, S. (2019). How seeing is different from looking? A cognitive perspective on verb-particle constructions with look and see. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Sofia: Asenevtsi Publishing. 99-113. ISSN 2534-952X Цитирано в: Aneva, Ts. The semantic network of “see” (a corpus-based study. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Sofia: Asenevtsi Publishing. ISSN 2534-952X p. 126.
    2019 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Crossing borders on the Balkan route: representation of migration in online news. In Todorova et al. (eds.). Crossing Borders And Bridging Gaps. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 2. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2017: 53-70. IF: 3.363 (SJIF 2016) Цитирано в: Dimitrova, N. International students’ perceptions of communication challenges in English medium instruction Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Sofia: Asenevtsi Publishing. p. 75.
    2019 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Translation strategies in the LORD OF THE Rings. Twelfth International Scientific Conference KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT BORDERS 31.3-2.4.2017, 1213-1219. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia ISSN 1857-923X Global Impact and Quality Factor 1.023. Цитирано в: Pirhayati, M. Translation Quality Assessment: Proposing a Linguistic-based Model for Translation Criticism with Considering Ideology and Power Relations. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Reserch, 2019 - jallr.ir
    2018 Nedelcheva, S. (2018). The verbal prefix u- in Bulgarian and Croatian. Languages in Contrast: International Journal for Contrastive Linguistics. ISSN 1387-6759. http://doi.org/10.1075/lic.16015.sar (co-author Ljiljana Saric). Цитирано в: Polancec, J. (2018) “Orphan secondary imperfectives in Croatian. Suvremena Lingvistika. Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57034142300
    2018 Nedelcheva, S. (2015). The verbal prefix o(b)- in Croatian and Bulgarian: The semantic network and challenges of a corpus-based study. Suvremena Lingvistika, Zagreb: (80)/2015. (co-author Ljiljana Saric). Цитирано в: Polancec, J. (2018) “Orphan secondary imperfectives in Croatian. Suvremena Lingvistika. Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57034142300
    2018 Nedelcheva, S. (2012). Bulgarian Ingressive Verbs: The Case of Za- and Do-. Годишник, Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”. Шумен, (XXIII A) 2012: 72-89. ISSN 1311-7300 Цитирано в: Lazarov, T. Bulgarian-English Parallel Corpus for the Purposes of Creating Statistical Translation Model of the Verb Forms. General Conception, Structure, Resources and Annotation. Proceedings of the Third International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2018). 27-29.05.2018 г. The Institute for Bulgarian Language Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. ISSN: 2367 5675 (online)
    2018 Marchev, D., Pavlova, N., Radeva, V., Nedelcheva, S., Borisov, B., Vladev, D., Milev, A., Harizanov, K. (2014). The project „GEOTHNK” – semantic pathways for building a spatially-thinking society. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Bulgaria, 1, 16. Цитирано в: Stoykova, P., Zarbash, A. The teacher’ role for the formation of the political culture. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal. Vol. 23 No. 1 (2018): 123-129. ISSN: 1857-923X (Printed) ISSN: 2545-4439 (Online)
    2017 Nedelcheva, S. (2017). Crossing borders on the Balkan route: representation of migration in online news. In Todorova et al. (eds.). Crossing Borders And Bridging Gaps. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 2. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2017: 53-70. IF: 3.363 (SJIF 2016) Цитирано в: Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva D. (2017) “Stereotypes and Prejudices at the Border: An Attempt at Raising Intercultural Awareness through Examples from the Bulgarian and the British Media” In Todorova et al. (eds.). “Crossing Borders And Bridging Gaps”. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 2. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia. IF: 3.363 (SJIF 2016) p. 188
    2017 Неделчева, Св. (2015). Ръководство за изготвяне на образователни сценарии, прилагащи нови технологии. Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски” (в съавторство). Цитирано в: Павлова, Н. (2017) „Социальные сети в обучении математике.“ Серія 3 Фізика і математика у вищій і середній школі, Випуск 18. Київ: Видавництво НПУ імені М. П. Драгоманова. УДК [37.09:51/53](06) Стр. 182.
    2017 Nedelcheva, S. (2015). The verbal prefix o(b)- in Croatian and Bulgarian: The semantic network and challenges of a corpus-based study. Suvremena Lingvistika, Zagreb: (80)/2015. (co-author) Цитирано в: Matovac, D. Usage properties and meanings of the preposition mimo in the Croatian language | [Obiljezja upotrebe i znacenja prijedloga mimo u hrvatskom jeziku] Jezikoslovlje. Scopus https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57034142300
    2016 Marchev, D., Pavlova, N., Radeva, V., Nedelcheva, S., Borisov, B., Vladev, D., Milev, A., Harizanov, K. (2014). The project „GEOTHNK” – semantic pathways for building a spatially-thinking society. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Bulgaria, 1, 16. Цитирано в: Борисов Б., 2016, „Изучаване на планетни резонанси с програмата Gravity Simulator”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Bulgaria, 1, стр. 14
    2016 Marchev, D., Pavlova, N., Radeva, V., Nedelcheva, S., Borisov, B., Vladev, D., Milev, A., Harizanov, K. (2015). The project „GEOTHNK” – semantic pathways for building a spatially-thinking society. SocioBrains – International Scientific Online Journal, 8, 24. Цитирано в: Борисов Б., 2016, „Изучаване на планетни резонанси с програмата Gravity Simulator”, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Bulgaria, 1, стр. 14
    2015 Nedelcheva, S. (2012). English Morphology – Traditional and Cognitive Perspective. Унив. издателство „Епископ К. Преславски”. Шумен, 2012. Цитирано в: Lyutachki, M. ”English – Bulgarian Contrastive Analysis of the Function of the Verb “SIN” in the New Testament of the Bible”. The global and the local: current tendencies in English studies and translation. Shumen University Publishing House, 2015: 145
    2014 Nedelcheva, S. (2012). Bulgarian Ingressive Verbs: The Case of Za- and Do-. Годишник. Шумен: Университетско изд. „Еп. К. Преславски”, 2012. 72-89. Цитирано в: Seizova-Nankova, T.‘Translation, Meaning, Corpоra. ‘English studies: Problems in Translation and Contrastive Linguistics” ”Англицистика: проблеми на превода и съпоставителното езикознание” English Department. Konstantin Preslavsky University Press. 2014: 60.
    2013 Nedelcheva, S. (2012). English Morphology – Traditional and Cognitive Perspective. Shumen: Shumen University Publishing House, 2012, 224 p. ISBN 978-954-577-625-0 Цитирано в: Лекции по увод в общото езикознание – cdo-shu.bg, 2013, ISBN: 978-954-577-691-5 http://cdo.shu.bg/file.php/154/razdel_1.1.pdf
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. (2010). А minimalist specification of BY: the view from LCCM theory. Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the XIth International Conference, Constanta, 2009. Kazan State University Press. Ed. V. Solovyev, M. Chernyshov, V. Polyakov - Kazan State University, 2010: 155-167. Цитирано в: Kostadinova, H.: Ways of Translating the Bulgarian Reflexive Passive Voice into English in Fiction books. Епископ Константинови четения, т. 18. Шуменски университет, 2012: 152.
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. (2009). The Prototype and Conceptual Network of Possessive NA-constructions in Bulgarian. Съпоставително езикознание. Ред. А. Бондарко и др. УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”. 3: 50-64. Цитирано в: Mollovska, Y.: “The Bulgarian Preposition ‘Na’ and Its Equivalents in English.” Литермедия, 2012: 4. http://litermedia.com/index.php?ind=downloads&op=entry_view&iden=80
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. (2010). Cognitive Semantic Relations of the Prepositions V/NA and the Prefixes V-/Na- in Bulgarian. Language, Cognition, Communication. Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 99-110. Цитирано в: Mollovska, Y.: “The Bulgarian Preposition ‘Na’ and Its Equivalents in English.” Литермедия, 2012: 10. http://litermedia.com/index.php?ind=downloads&op=entry_view&iden=80
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. (2012). English Morphology – Traditional and Cognitive Perspective. Shumen: Shumen University Publishing House, 2012, 224 p. ISBN 978-954-577-625-0 Цитирано в: Сеизова-Нанкова, Т.: “Относно учебника Английска морфология – традиционна и когнитивна перспектива”. Любословие, книжка 13, 2013 : 260 ISBN: 1314-6033
    2012 Nedelcheva, S. (2012). English Morphology – Traditional and Cognitive Perspective. Shumen: Shumen University Publishing House, 2012, 224 p. ISBN 978-954-577-625-0 Цитирано в: Станчев, С.: “Oт традиционните категории към когнитивна перспектива в английската морфология”. Чуждоезиково обучение, година XL, книжка 2, 2013: 248-250.
    2023 Адам Смит / Принципите, които ръководят и направляват философски изследвания, както е илюстрирано в история на астрономията (превод от английски Св. Неделчева). Любословие, 23, 70-83. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“ (ERIH PLUS; РИНЦ; EBSCO)
    2022 Уилям Джеймс / Принципи на психологията (1890) Глава XXV. Емоциите (превод от английски Св. Неделчева). Любословие, 22, 35-45. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“
    2021 Арнолд Тойнби / Индустриалната революция (превод от английски Св. Неделчева). Любословие, 21, 43-55. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“
    2020 Ленард Блумфийлд / Сравнителният метод (превод от английски Св. Неделчева). Любословие, 20, 70-91. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“
    2019 Едуард Едуардс / Мемоари за библиотеките (превод от английски Св. Неделчева). Любословие, 19, 9-24. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“
    2018 Йожен Гобле д’Aлвиела / Миграцията на символите (превод от английски Св. Неделчева). Любословие, 18, 52-66. Шумен: УИ „Епископ К. Преславски.“
    2010 Nedelcheva, S. Case studies – combining tradition and innovation. (съавт.) http://conference.fulbright.bg/ 2010.
    2010 Nedelcheva, S. To Chicago and Back, Fulbright Newsletter, 2010.