Доц. д-р Мирослава Николаева Цветкова
Факултет: Факултет по хуманитарни науки
Кабинет: Корпус 2, стая 310
Телефон: 054 830495 вътр. 245 K2
Email: m.tsvetkova@shu.bg
Приемно време: I и II седмица: петък 13-15 ч.
2010 | Цветкова, М. Аспекти на усвояването на сегашно продължително време в английския език (I-IV клас). Автореферат. Шумен, 2010. COBISS.BG-ID - 1256703716. |
2020 | 1. Tsvetkova, M. 2020. Taxonomy of the English Constructions with ‘Be’ (Bulgarian Learners’ Acquisition, Use and Errors). Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press. ISBN 978-619-201-404-9. COBISS.BG-ID – 41233928. |
2012 | Цветкова, М. 2012. Конструкцията на сегашно продължително време в английския език като част от когнитивнaтa таксономия на предхождащите я конструкции, 26 с. Годишник на ШУ „Епископ Константин Преславски”, Факултет по хуманитарни науки, том ХХІІІ А, 2012: 256- 281. ISSN 1311-7300. COBISS.BG-ID – 1255097572. |
2024 | Tsvetkova, M. Second Language Acquisition in the Digital Era. Annals of the University of Craiova. Series Philology. Linguistics, an XLVII, nt. 1-2, 2025 (ISSN-L 1224-5712, ISSN 2734-7168), Universitaria Publishing House (in print) (Scopus) | 2023 | Tsvetkova, M. CROSS-LANGUAGE INTERACTION DURING TRILINGUAL PRODUCTION. METAPHOR - SPATIALITY - DISCOURSE. The Annals of Ovidius University of Constanta: Philology Series. Vol. XXXIV, 2 / 2023. pp. 252-262. (Scopus) https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=59254542700 | 2022 | Tsvetkova, M. The Contradiction of the Age: Online Teaching and Learning Vs the Limits on the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The Annals of Ovidius University of Constanta: Philology Series Vol. XXXIII, 2/2022. pg. 352-368. (Scopus) https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=59254542700 | 2021 | Tsvetkova, M. 2001. Common mistakes in English-Bulgarian translation. In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, Scientific Papers. Vol. 48.4, Skopje, pp. 635-638. ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version); ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version). | 2020 | Tsvetkova, M. 2020. A Palindrome: a Unit of Two Symmetrical Tails. In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, Scientific Papers. Vol. 38.6, Skopje, 2020, 1383-1390. ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version); ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version). COBISS.SR-ID - 512268701. Отворите извор https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/issue/archive | 2019 | Tsvetkova, M. 2019. Grammar Mistake or Creative Effectiveness? In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), Knowledge – International Journal. Vol. 30.5. Serbia, 1137-1142. ISSN 2545-4439. Global IF 1.822 (2017). COBISS.SR-ID - 512268701. Отворите извор https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/issue/archive | 2019 | Tsvetkova, M. 2019. Beyond L2 Grammar Instruction. In: R. Todorova et al. (Eds.), Viewpoints and Perspectives in FLT & Linguistics. Studies in Linguistics. Culture and FLT. Vol. 6. Sofia: Asenevtsi Publishing, 79-86. ISSN 2534-952X за печатно издание; ISSN 2534-9538 за онлайн издание. Impact Factor: 3.363 (SJIF 2016), 4.163 (SJIF 2017), 4.685 (SIF 2018), 5.017 (SJIF 2018), 5.452 (SJIF 2019). | 2018 | Tsvetkova, M. 2018 Past-Time Reference, Tense, and Aspect (Past Simple and Present Perfect). In: R. Todorova et al. (Eds.), Trends and Intersections in Media Studies, Linguistics, and FLT. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol. 4. Sofia: Asenevtsi trade Ltd., 98-105. 4.685 (SIF 2018), ISSN 2534-952X за печатно издание; ISSN 2534-9538 за онлайн издание. Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), ROAD – Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, The Journals Impact Factor (JIFACTOR), Systematic Impact Factor (SIF), Central and Eastern European Online Library, Scribd, GoogleScholar. | 2018 | Tsvetkova, M. 2018. The Language of the Digital Age. In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), Knowledge – International Journal, Scientific Papers. Vol. 22.6, Serbia, 1545-1553. ISSN 2545-4439. Global IF 1.322 (2016). COBISS.SR-ID - 512268701. Отворите извор https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/issue/archive | 2017 | Tsvetkova, M. 2017. The Nonlinguistic Context – a Bridge to Linguistic Items and Phenomena. In: R. Todorova et al. (Eds.), Crossing Borders and Bridging Gaps in English Language Teaching and Research. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol. 2. Sofia: Asenevtsi trade Ltd., 219-226. ISSN 2534-952X за печатно издание; ISSN 2534-9538 за онлайн издание; ISBN 978-619-7356-35-9 за печатно издание; ISBN 978-619-7356-36-6 за pdf файл. COBISS.BG-ID – 1284500964. | 2017 | Tsvetkova, M. 2017. Polysemy and Homonymy of the Apostrophe. In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, Scientific Papers. Vol. 16.2, Skopje, 839-844. ISSN 1857-923X. (Global IF 1.023). COBISS.SR-ID - 512268701. Отворите извор https://ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/issue/archive | 2017 | Tsvetkova, M. 2017. Errors in Using Auxiliary Verbs. In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, Scientific Papers. Vol. 19.3, Greece, 1065-1070. ISSN 2545-4439. Global IF 1.322 (2016). | 2016 | Tsvetkova, M. Young Learners Vocabulary Acquisition. Годишник на Факултета по хуманитарни науки, том XXVII А. УИ "Епископ Константин Преславски", Шумен, 2016:53-58. ISSN 1311-7300.
2016 | Tsvetkova, M. 2016. The Cognitive Approach аs a Challenge in Foreign Language Teaching. In: R. Todorova et al. (Eds.), Challenges in English Teaching and Research. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 1. Sofia: Asenevtsi trade Ltd., 125-135. ISBN 978-619-7356-08-3. IF: 3.363 (SJIF 2016). COBISS.BG-ID – 1280704228. | 2015 | Tsvetkova, M. Action through words. Електронна публикация в Литермедия, ISSN 2534-8906. |
2015 | Tsvetkova, M. 2015. A Local Response to the Global Reality of Teaching English to Primary School Learners: Functions and Usage of the Verb ‘To Be’. In D. Cheshmedzhieva (Ed.), The Global and the Local: Current Trends in English Studies and Translation. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 53-56. ISBN 978-619-201-064-5. | 2014 | Tsvetkova, M. 2014. The Problem of Equivalence in Contrastive Analysis. In: S. Nedelcheva, D. Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva, D. Mossop (Eds.), English Studies: Translation and Linguistics. Shumen: Shumen University Press, 132-136. ISBN 978-954-577-996-1. COBISS.BG-ID – 1280170468. | 2014 | Tsvetkova, M. 2014. Transitive and Intransitive Constructions of the English Present Progressive. Proceedings of 4th International Congress on Early Prevention in Children with Verbal Communication Disorders. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 72-76. ISBN: 978-619-201-002-7. COBISS.BG-ID – 1275465188. | 2013 | Tsvetkova, M. 2013. Teaching Grammar to Young Learners – A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Second Language Acquisition. In: S. Nedelcheva, D. Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva (Eds.), Dynamics, Interdisciplinarity, Diversity. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 65-69. ISBN: 978-954-577-814-8. COBISS.BG-ID – 1263437540. | 2013 | Цветкова, М. 2013. Памет и езикоусвояване. Епископ-Константинови четения. Том 19. Шумен: Университетско издателство "Епископ Константин Преславски", 34-36. ISSN, електронно издание с формат интерактивен *.pdf: 1314-7358. | 2012 | Цветкова, М. 2012. За връзката на граматика и лексика в конструкцията на сегашно продължително време в английския език. Current Trends in the Study of English. Шумен: Университетско издателство „Константин Преславски”, 63-70. ISBN: 978-954-577-651-9. COBISS.BG-ID – 1254561508. | 2010 | Цветкова, М. Операторът и причини за изпускането му в структурата на сегашно продължително време. „Език, култура, идентичност” (Language, Culture, Identity), том. 2. Шумен: Издателство “Фабер”, 2010: 214-222. ISBN - 978-954-400-282-4. | 2010 | Tsvetkova, M. 2010. Can Cognitive-functional Approach Foster Young Learners’ Foreign Language Acquisition? In: R. Todorova, T. Seizova-Nankova (Eds.), Language, Cognition, Communication. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 66-72. ISBN - 978-954-577-561-1. COBISS.BG-ID – 1244342500. | 2009 | Цветкова, М. Видове глаголи и мястото на спомагателните глаголи в класификацията им. Годишник на ФСлФ към СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”, София, 2009. | 2009 | Цветкова, М. Сеизова, Т. Езикът на всекидневието: сравнителен анализ на сегашно време в българския и английския език. Сборник „Всекидневието: места, памет, езици”. Шумен: Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски”, 2009: 268-276. ISBN - 978-954-400-191-9. COBISS.BG-ID - 1231627492. | 2008 | Цветкова, М. Прогресивен вид на глагола be. Годишник на Минно-Геоложкия Университет „Св. Иван Рилски”, том 51, Св. IV, Хуманитарни и стопански науки. София, 2008:111-115. http://www.mgu.bg/sessions/08/4/mcvetkova.pdf | 2007 | Tsvetkova, M. Some Applications of Cognitive Theory to Second Language Acquisition. International Scientific Conference UNITECH’07. Vol.3. Gabrovo, 2007: 250-256. ISSN 1313-230Х (print); 2603-378Х (online). | 2005 | Tsvetkova, M. 2005. The Role of Prefabricated Language in Young Learners’ Foreign Language Acquisition. Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University, Shumen. Vol. XVI F, Postgraduate studies, 155-165. ISSN - 1311-834X. (в съавторство с Радка Спасова) | 2003 | Tsvetkova, M. 2003. A Way with Words. Annual Proceedings of Technical University in Varna. Varna: High-Technology Park - TU Varna Ltd., 206-211. ISSN 1312-1839. https://plus.bg.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/1292197604. COBISS.BG-ID - 1292197604. | 2003 | Tsvetkova, M. 2003. What Is Known about Acquiring the Grammatical Properties of a Foreign Language. International Scientific Conference UNITECH’03. Vol. 2. Gabrovo, 299-301. ISBN 954-683-167-0. COBISS.BG-ID - 1042997988. | 2002 | Tsvetkova, M. 2002. Real English. Сборник доклади от юбилейна научно-практическа конференция на тема: „Науката, методиката и училището-конфликтни точки, срещи иразминавания”. том V. Смолян, 56-58. ISBN 954-91026-8-8. COBISS.BG-ID - 1039897060. | 2002 | Tsvetkova, M. 2002. English as It’s Spoken. Ellipsis in Interrogatives. International Sciеntific Conference UNITECH’02. Gabrovo, 637-639. ISBN - 954-683-167-0. COBISS.BG-ID - 1042997732. | 2001 | Tsvetkova, M. 2001. The Internet as a Teaching Tool. Научна конференция: Съвременни постижения на филологическите науки и университетското обучение по чужд език. Университетско издателство “Св. Св. Кирил и Методий”, Велико Търново, 520-524. ISBN - 954-524-377-5. COBISS.BG-ID - 1041660900. |
2022 | Tsvetkova, M. The topic: The contradiction of the age: Online teaching and learning vs the limits on the use of information and communication technology (ICT). Metaphor-Spatiality-Discourse. The International Conference of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Letters, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania, 8th July, 2022. | 2019 | Tsvetkova, M. Beyond L2 Grammar Instruction. Кръгла маса „Гледни точки и перспективи в англицистиката“, Хисаря/ Одрин, 26-29 септември, 2019. | 2017 | The Nonlinguistic Context – a Bridge to Linguistic Items and Phenomena.// „Съвременни тенденции в обучението по английски език“, 7-9 юни 2017, гр. Панагюрище. |
2018 | Tsvetkova, Miroslava. 2018. Focus on Second Language Acquisition. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press. - Учебник по Лингвистични особености при усвояване на чужд език в детска възраст -131 стр. ISBN 978-619-201-215-1. COBISS.BG-ID - 1285702116. |
2019 | Александрова, А., и кол. (2019). 200 текста за превод от български и английски за бакалаври. З. Тодоров (ред.). Издателство Асеневци. ISBN: 978-619-7356-80-9 . COBISS.BG-ID - 38951688. | 2019 | Александрова, А., и кол. (2019). 120 текста за превод от български и английски за магистри. З. Тодоров (ред.). Издателство Асеневци. ISBN: 978-619-7356-79-3. COBISS.BG-ID - 39317768. | 2019 | Александрова, А., и кол. (2019). 333 български и английски текста за превод. З. Тодоров (ред.). Издателство Асеневци. ISBN: 978-619-7356-81-6. | 2015 | Тодорова, Р., Т. Сеизова-Нанкова (ред.) „120 български и английски текста за превод” (второ издание). Асеневци трейд ЕООД, 2015. ISBN: 978-954-8898-58-4. (в колектив). COBISS.BG-ID - 1272871652. | 2011 | Сеизова-Нанкова, Т., Р. Тодорова (ред) „120 български и английски текста за превод”. Велико Търново: Фабер, 2011. ISBN: 978-954-400-593-1. (в колектив). COBISS.BG-ID - 1239465700. | 2004 | Цветкова, М. Вълчева, Д., Добрева, А. Примерни тестове по английски език за кандидат-студенти, Шумен: Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски”, 2004. (в колектив). ISBN - 954-577-223-9. COBISS.BG-ID - 1042336740. |
2024 | TSVETKOVA, M. The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. In: Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 1. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2016. Цитирано в: ПОЛЯКОВА ВАРВАРА, ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ КОММУНИКАТИВНОЙ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТИ ФИТНЕСС ТРЕНЕРА В СИСТЕМЕ ИНТЕРАКТИВНЫХ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ (Диссертация доктора педагогических наук). На правах рукописи УДК: 378.147:796.035+004(043). ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ФИЗИЧЕСКОГО ВОСПИТАНИЯ И СПОРТА РЕСПУБЛИКИ МОЛДОВЫ, КИШИНЕВ, 2024. | 2023 | Tsvetkova, M. (2016). The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 1, 125-135. Cited in: N. Bahari & Y. Dost Mohammadi. Multisensory Learning and Vocabulary Retention: An Emotioncy-Based Study with the Stroop Task, Journal of Cognition, Emotion & Education, 1(1), 2023. | 2023 | Tsvetkova, M. (2016). The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 1(1), 125-135. Cited in: Reis, V. G. M. (2023). Crencas sobre o ensino de pronuncia: pesquisa e pratica docente na formacao inicial de professores de lingua inglesa. | 2022 | Tsvetkova, M. (2016). The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 1, 125-135. Cited in: Guerrero Paredes, L. S. (2022). English Contents of the Curriculum for developing Speaking Skill in the English Teaching and Learning Process, the case of students of Noveno Ano de Educacion General Basica D At Unidad Educativa Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Riobamba, Chimborazo Province. | 2022 | Tsvetkova, M. (2016). The cognitive approach as a challenge in FLT. Series in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, vol. 1. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia. Cited in: Hussain, Syed Sarwar. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in ELT as a Link between Language Learning and Content Development. Arab World English Journal. 2022, Vol. 13, Issue 2, p. 386-400. (Indexed in the Web of Science). | 2022 | Tsvetkova, M. (2016). The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 1, 125-135. Cited in: I Khair. Realities and Impacts of Teaching Approach and Method in Bilingual Classroom in Indonesia. PAROLE: Journal of Linguistics and Education, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 103-118. 2022. https://doi.org/10.14710/parole.v12i1.103-118 | 2022 | Tsvetkova, M. Past-time reference, tense, and aspect. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 4(2), 98-105.Cited in: El Hadari, T. (2022). The acquisition of the English temporal system: A developmental perspective. Journal of Language Teaching, 2(8), 8–17. | 2022 | Tsvetkova, M. (2016). The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 1, 125-135. Cited in: Nuraini Nuraini, Imam Asrori, Mamluatul Hasanah (2022). Material Development for Arabic Writing Skills Based on International Standards l Tathwir al-Mawad al-Dirasiyyah li Maharah al-Kitabah fi Dhau’i al-Ma‘ayir al-‘Alamiyyah. Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 14(2):290-307 DOI:10.24042/albayan.v14i2.13901 | 2022 | Tsvetkova, M. (2016). The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 1(1), 125-135. Cited in: Резепов, И. А., & Приходченко, П. И. (2022). ОБУЧЕНИЕ FUTURE TENSE С ПРИМЕНЕНИЕМ КОГНИТИВНОГО ПОДХОДА. ББК 81.2 я43, 340. | 2021 | Tsvetkova, M. The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT.Vol 1. Sofia: Asenevtsi trade Ltd., 2016, 125-135. Cited in: Anamova, Rushana R.; Leonova, Svetlana A.; Nartova, Lidiya G.; Zavarikhina, Elena V.; Shabunina, Vera A. Cognitive learning style in teaching geometry-graphic disciplines for engineering students. Review of International Geographical Education Online . 2021, Vol. 11 Issue 7, p. 2743-2756. | 2021 | Tsvetkova, M. Beyond L2 grammar instruction. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 6(2), 79-86. Cited in: Athena Pualeilani Jackson. A Phenomenological Study of How English Teachers Beliefs Affect Their Grammar Instruction. Liberty University. Doctor of Education in Curriculum & Instruction (EdD). | 2021 | Tsvetkova, M. The Non-Linguistic Context–A Bridge To Linguistic Items And Phenomena. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 2017. Vol. 2. Cited in: H. R. Holzapfel. CONTEXTUALISATION: TOWARDS A USE THEORY OF MEANING-MAKING. | 2021 | Tsvetkova, M. Errors in using Auxiliary Verbs, Vol. 19 No. 3 (2017): The power of knowledge. Cited in: P. Pathak, S. Raghav, S. Jain and S. Jalal, Essay Rating System Using Machine Learning. 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON), IEEE. 2021, pp. 1-6. | 2020 | Tsvetkova, M. The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language Teaching. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol.1. 20 P.125-135. Cited in: Aviles-Jawhari, Joanna. Approaches to Language Teaching.
2020 | Tsvetkova, M. The Cognitive Approach аs a Challenge in Foreign Language Teaching. In: R. Todorova et al. (Eds.)., Challenges in English Teaching and Research. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 1. Sofia: Asenevtsi trade Ltd., 2016, 125-135. ISBN 978-619-7356-08-3. Cited in: Жантлеcсова Жанар Уразыловна, КОГНИТИВНЫЙ ПОДХОД В ОБУЧЕНИИ ИНОСТРАННОМУ ЯЗЫКУ (ПО МАТЕРИАЛАМ ЗАРУБЕЖНЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ). Журнал „Вестник науки и образования”, 5 (83), частъ 1. 2020, 74-78. УДК 372.881.1. Импакт-фактор РИФ 3,87. РИНЦ. Научная электронная библиотека eLIBRARY.RU 3.583. ISSN 2312-8089. ( |
2020 | Tsvetkova, M. The Cognitive Approach as a Challenge in Foreign Language Teaching. In: R. Todorova et al. (Eds.)., Challenges in English Teaching and Research. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 1. Sofia: Asenevtsi trade Ltd., 2016, 125-135. ISBN 978-619-7356-08-3. Cited in: С. Максакова, О КОГНИТИВНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ КУРСАНТОВ ВОЕННЫХ ВУЗОВ В ИНОЯЗЫЧНОМ УЧЕБНОМ ПРОЦЕССЕ. Международный научный журнал, Выпуск № 3. Издательство: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью „Мегаполис” (Москва), 2019, 102-109.
УДК: 378:355:159.9. РИНЦ. ISSN: 1995-4638.
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2020 | Tsvetkova, M. The Cognitive Approach аs a Challenge in Foreign Language Teaching. In: R. Todorova et al. (Eds.), Challenges in English Teaching and Research. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 1. Sofia: Asenevtsi trade Ltd., 2016, 125-135. ISBN 978-619-7356-08-3. Cited in: O. Галайбіда, Usage of cognitive method in language learning. IІІ ВСЕУКРАЇНСЬКОЇ НАУКОВОЇ ІНТЕРНЕТ-КОНФЕРЕНЦІЇ ТЕКСТ І ДИСКУРС: КОГНІТИВНО-КОМУНІКАТИВНІ ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ. Bereznya 18, 2020. УДК 378.016:811.111. ISSN печатной версии 2312-8089.
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2020 | Tsvetkova, M. The Language of the Digital Age. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, 22.6, 2018, 1545-1553. Cited in: R. Iglikova, MICROCONTENT PATTERNS AND EFFICIENCY IN YOUTUBE VLOGS: A CASE STUDY OF THE JEFFREE STAR YOUTUBE CHANNEL. In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.) KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, Scientific Papers. Vol. 38.6, Skopje, 2020, 1455-1460. ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version); ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version). | 2020 | Tsvetkova, M. Grammar Mistake or Creative Effectiveness? KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, 30.5, 2019, 1137-1142. Cited in: R. Iglikova, MICROCONTENT PATTERNS AND EFFICIENCY IN YOUTUBE VLOGS: A CASE STUDY OF THE JEFFREE STAR YOUTUBE CHANNEL. In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, Scientific Papers. Vol. 38.6, Skopje, 2020, 1455-1460. ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version); ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version). | 2020 | Tsvetkova, M. Grammar Mistake or Creative Effectiveness? In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), Knowledge - International Journal. Vol. 30.5. Serbia, 2019, 1137-1142. ISSN 2545-4439. Global IF 1.822 (2017). Cited in: A. Aleksandrova, From Bexit to Megxit – Leaving Britain in (Royal) Style. In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, Scientific Papers. Vol. 38.6, Skopje, 2020, 1451-1454. ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version); ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version). | 2020 | Tsvetkova, M. (2016). The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT, 1, 125-135. Cited in: Arzu KARAGUL, Behcet ORAL. Evaluation of A1.1 and A1.2 Language Level Objectives of Secondary School French Teaching Program from the Perspective of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy. Journal of Ziya Gokalp Faculty of Education. Dicle University. |
2019 | Tsvetkova, M. (2016). The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Series in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 1, 125-135. Cited in: Biao Li, Phang. (2019). Modern versus traditional: visual aids in the teaching of English vocabulary among Form 1 ESL students (A research project). |
2018 | Tsvetkova, M., On the inseparability of grammar and lexis in the English present progressive construction. Current Trends in the Study of English. Shumen, 2012: 65-72. In Angelov, N. "Developing Speaking Skills of Adult Beginners" (BA thesis) | 2018 | Tsvetkova, M. The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. In Todorova et al. (eds.). “Challenges in English teaching and research”. Series in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol 1. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2016. 125-135. In Angelov, N. "Developing Speaking Skills of Adult Beginners" (BA thesis) | 2018 | Tsvetkova, M. The Nonlinguistic Context – a Bridge to Linguistic Items and Phenomena. “Crossing Borders and Bridging Gaps in English Language Teaching and Research”. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol. 2. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2017. 219-226. In Angelov, N. "Developing Speaking Skills of Adult Beginners" (BA thesis) | 2018 | Tsvetkova, M. The cognitive approach as a challenge in foreign language teaching. Series in Linguisitcs, Culture and FLT, 1. 2016: 125-135. In Ingrid VILA TANA. BARRIERS IN THE BEGINNING OF TEACHING ENGLISH USING DRAMA AN ACTION RESEARCH CASE. Double Degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education. 2018: 10-11.
2018 | Tsvetkova, M. The Non-linguistic Context - A Bridge to Linguistic Items and Phenomena. „Crossing Borders and Bridging Gaps in English Language Teaching and Research”. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol. 2. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2017. 219-226. Cited in: D. Peneva, Modality Markers in the Speech Acts of Assurance in English and Bulgarian Spoken Discourse. In: R. Dimitrovski (Ed.), KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, Scientific Papers. Vol. 22.6, Serbia, 2018. 1533-1538. ISSN 2545-4439. Global IF 1.322 (2016). | 2018 | Tsvetkova, M. (2017). The Non-Linguistic Context–A Bridge To Linguistic Items And Phenomena. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 2(1), 219-226. Cited in: Nuhiu, R. (2018). SOME ISSUES REGARDING THE TRANSLATION OF ADJECTIVES IN LITERARY TEXTS FROM ENGLISH TO ALBANIAN. KNOWLEDGE-International Journal, 28(7), 2259-2262. | 2017 | Tsvetkova, M. The Pproblem of Equivalence in Contrastive Analysis. In S. Nedelcheva, D. Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva, D. Mossop (eds.). English Studies: Translation and Linguistics. Shumen: Shumen University Press, 2014: 132-136. Cited in: D. Peneva, The Use of Commissive Speech Acts in English and Bulgarian and Their Politeness Implication. “Crossing Borders and Bridging Gaps in English Language Teaching and Research”. Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT. Vol. 2. Asenevtsi trade Ltd.: Sofia, 2017. 227-239. ISSN 2534-952X за печатно издание; ISSN 2534-9538 за онлайн издание; ISBN 978-619-7356-35-9 за печатно издание; ISBN 978-619-7356-36-6 за pdf файл. | 2014 | Tsvetkova, M. Can Cognitive-functional Approach Foster Young Learners’ Foreign Language Acquisition? Language, Cognition, Communication. Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Shumen, 2010: 66-72. Cited in: T. Melnikova, Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning. The Kazakh-American Free University Academic Journal № 6, 2014. Registered in the U.S. Library of Congress. ISSN 2153-926X. (http://www.kafu-academic-journal.info/journal/6/183/) | 2013 | Tsvetkova, M. Can Cognitive-functional Approach Foster Young Learners’ Foreign Language Acquisition? In: R. Todorova, T. Seizova-Nankova (Eds.), Language, Cognition, Communication, Konstantin Preslavski University Press, Shumen, 2010, 70-71. Cited in: I. Birova, Game as a Main Strategy in Language Education. American Journal of Educational Research, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 1, 7-11. ISSN (Print): 2327-6126; ISSN (Online): 2327-6150. |