Доц. д-р Радостина Петрова Енчева
Факултет: Факултет по математика и информатика
Кабинет: Корпус 3, стая 315
Телефон: 054 830951
Email: r.encheva@shu.bg
Приемно време: I седмица - сряда от 13:00 до 15:00, II седмица - четвъртък от 13:00 до 15:00
2004 | Шейп инварианти в Евклидовата геометрия, София, 2004, 106 стр. |
2024 | Dinkova C. L., Encheva R. P. Focal curves of closed saddle curves, MATTEX 2024, Conference Proceedings v.1 (2024), pp. 19–30, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN: 1314-3921. | 2022 | Dinkova C.L., Encheva R. P., Generalized focal curves of regular C3-plane curves ,MATTEX 2022, Conference proceedings, v. 1 (2022), pp. 57- 65, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN: 1314-3921 | 2020 | Енчева Р. За орбитите на една подгрупа на Мьобиусовата група в R^3, MATTEX 2020, Сборник научни трудове, том 1 (2020), стр. 43- 47, Университетско издателство, ISSN: 1314-3921 | 2019 | Encheva R., Recovering space curves by Mobius invariants, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, vol. XX C, 2019, pp. 21-35, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1311-834X | 2018 | Georgiev G. H., Encheva R. P., Dinkova C. L., A visualization and a shape characterisation of a class of cylindrical helices, MATTEX 2018, Conference proceeding, v. 1 (2018), pp. 57- 64, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN: 1314-3921 | 2018 | Encheva R., On the Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Respect to One Subgroup of the Mobius Group, In:13th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Journal of Geometry (2018) 109:17, Springer International Publishing, ISSN: 0047-2468 (Print) 1420-8997 (Online) (Scopus) | 2016 | Encheva, R.P., Mobius transformations induced by rotations on the three-sphere, MATTEX 2016, Conference proceedings, v.1, 2016, pp. 43-50, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN: 1314-3921 | 2015 | Georgiev, G. H., Encheva R. P., Dinkova Cv. L., Geometry of cylindrical curves over plane curves, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 9, 2015, no. 113, 5637-5649, HIKARI Ltd, ISSN: 1314-7552 (online), ISSN: 1312-885X (print) (Scopus) http://dx.doi.org/10.12988/ams.2015.56456 | 2014 | Encheva R., Recovering Plane Curves by One of Their Conformal Invariants, Proceedings v.53, book 6.1, Mathematics, Informatics and Phisics, Ruse, 2014, p. 22-27, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, ISSN 1311-3321 (print) (ROAD) | 2014 | Encheva R. Mobius Invariants of Space Curves, In: 11th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Journal of Geomerty 105 (2014), 188–189, Springer International Publishing, ISSN: 0047-2468 (Print) 1420-8997 (Online) (Scopus) | 2014 | Георгиев, Г. Х., Динкова Ц. Л., Енчева, Р. П. Фокални криви в Евклидово пространство, Сборник научни трудове, МАТТЕХ 2014, том 1, 67-75, Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISSN: 1314-3921 | 2012 | Encheva R., Dinkova Cv. Algebraic curves associated to orthocentric system of points in the plane, MATTEX 2012, vol. 1, section Mathematics, pp.31-38, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN: 1314-3921 | 2012 | Encheva R. Geometric invariants with respect to one subgroup of the Mobius group in the plane. In: 10th International Conference on Geometry and Applications,Journal of Geometry, August 2012, Volume 103, Issue 2, pp 347-366, Springer International Publishing, ISSN: 0047-2468 (Print) 1420-8997 (Online) (Scopus) | 2011 | Енчева, Р. П., Динкова Ц. Л., Квадратично преобразование в ортоцентрична система от точки, Сборник научни трудове, Университетско издателство ”Еп. К. Преславски”, Conference proceedings, Шумен 2011, стр. 22-29, ISBN: 978-954-577-603-8 | 2009 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G. Similar Frenet Curves, Results in Mathematics, vol. 55, No. 3-4 (2009), 359-372, ISSN 1422-6383(print) (Web of Science, Scopus) | 2009 | Георгиев, Г., Енчева, Р. Върху преподаването на темата “Повърхнини от втора степен”, Сборник научни трудове, посветен на 105-годишнина от рождението на пионерите накомпютърната техника Джон Атанасов и Джон фон Нойман, том І, Университетско издателство "Еп. К. Преславски", стр. 126-131 (2009), Шумен, ISBN: 978-954-577-539-0 | 2009 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G. On a group of elliptic linear-fractional transformations. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proceedings of the Thirty Eighth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovetz, April 1–5, 2009, vol. 38, 125-130, ISSN 1313-3330 (print), Zbl 1214.00018 (zbMATH) | 2008 | Encheva, R. Applications of the space shape of the triangle. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proceedings of the Thirty Seventh Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovetz, April 2–6, 2008, vol. 37 (2008), 132-137, ISSN 1313-3330 (print), Zbl 1214.00024 (ZbMATH) | 2007 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G. Some self-affine sets in the Euclidean plane and their fractal dimensions. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proceedings of the Thirty Sixth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, St. Konstantin & Elena resort, Varna, April 2–6, 2007, vol.36 ( 2007), pp. 167-172, ISSN 1313-3330 (print), Zbl 1214.00021 (zbMATH) | 2007 | Георгиев, Г., Енчева Р. Равнинни криви с положителна шейп кривина. Сборник научни трудове, посветен на 10 г. от създаването на ФМИ, раздел “Математика и методика на обучениетопо математика”, Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски”, 2007, с.35-38, ISBN 978-954-577-430-0 | 2006 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G. Some self-similar sets defined by a pair of plane contracting similarities. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proceedings of the Thirty Fifth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovets, April 5–8, 2006 vol.35, pp. 159-163. ISSN 1313-3330 (print), Zbl 1096.00006 (zbMATH) | 2005 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G. Spherical curves with positive shape curvature. Proceedings, Volume 44, book 6.1, Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, pp. 13-17, 2005, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, ISSN 1311-3321 (print) (ВИНИТИ) | 2005 | Georgiev, G., Encheva, R. One-dimensional shape spaces. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proceedings of the Thirty Fourth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovets, April 6–9, 2005, vol. 34 ( 2005), 108-112, ISSN 1313-3330 (print) | 2003 | Encheva, R., Georgiev G. Shapes of space curves, Journal for Geometry and Graphics 7 (2003), 145-155, Heldermann Verlag, ISSN 14338157 (Scopus) | 2003 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G. Curves on the shape sphere. Results in Mathematics 44 (2003), 279-288, ISSN 1422-6383(print) (Web of Science, Scopus) | 2003 | Georgiev, G., Encheva R. Shape theorems for quadrangles. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proceedings of the Thirty Second Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians,vol.32 (2003), 162 – 168, ISSN 1313-3330 (print), Zbl 1043.00515 (zbMATH) | 2002 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G. Shapes of tetrahedra, Journal of Geometry, 75, No.1-2, 61-73 (2002), Springer International Publishing, ISSN: 0047-2468 (Print) 1420-8997 (Online) (Scopus) | 2002 | Georgiev, G., Encheva, R., Spirova, M. Studying special quadrangles by shapes. Annual of Konstantin Preslavski University, FMI, Vol. XV C (2002), 5-21, ISSN 1311-834X | 2002 | Georgiev, G., Encheva, R. Transformations of the shape sphere. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proceedings of Thirty First Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovets, April 3–6, 2002vol. 31. (2002), 96-101, ISSN 1313-3330 (print). | 2001 | Georgiev, G.; Encheva, R.; Spirova, M.Studying special triangles by shapes. (English), Nauchni Trudove, Matematika (Scientific Works. Mathematics) 33, No. 3, 35-44 (2001).Plovdiv University Press, ISSN 0204-5249, Zbl 1015.51008 (zbMATH) | 2001 | Georgiev, G., Encheva, R. Spirova, M. Shapes of inscribed and circumscribed quadrangles. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proceedings of Thirtieth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians Borovets, April 8–11, vol. 30 (2001), 129-134, ISSN 1313-3330 (print). | 1999 | Georgiev, G., Encheva, R., Spirova, M. Special triangles and complex triangle coordinates. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, Proceedings of the Twenty Еight Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematiciansvol. 28 (1999), 225-230, ISSN 1313-3330 (print). | 1998 | Георгиев, Г., Енчева, Р. Приложения на теоремата на Ван-Обел, Математика и математическо образование, Доклади на 27 Пролетна конференция на СМБ, с. 265-270, ISSN 1313-3330 (print), Zbl 0914.00055 (zbMATH) | 1998 | Георгиев, Г., Енчева, Р. Обобщена пространствена инверсия относно прост хиперболоид. Научна сесия на ВВУАПВО “П. Волов”, Сборник “Научни трудове”, 1998, кн.1, с.116-123, ISBN 954-9681-01-7 | 1997 | Георгиев, Г., Енчева, Р. Квадратични трансформации, запазващи един елипсоид. Научна сесия на ВВОВУ “В. Левски”, Сборник “Научни трудове”, 1997, кн. 57, с. 3-10, ISSN 0861-0312 | 1994 | Енчева, Р. Конформни инварианти в геометрията на Римановите многообразия. Математика и математическо образование, Доклади на XXIII Пролетна конференция на СМБ, Стара Загора, 1994, с. 200-207, ISSN 1313-3330 (print), Zbl 0790.00005 (zbMATH) | 1992 | Енчева, Р. Общата група от конформни преобразувания на свързаността на Леви Чивита. Hаучна сесия на ВВИСУ, Сборник доклади, 1992, с. 99-103. |
2024 | Цветелина Динкова, Радостина Енчева. Фокални криви на затворени седловидни криви (Focal curves of closed saddle curves), МАТТЕХ 2024, 24-26 октомври, 2024 г., Шумен | 2024 | Cvetelina L. Dinkova, Radostina P. Encheva. Curves on the hyperbolic paraboloid and their focal curves, Семинар на екипа на ДУЕКОС, Пампорово, 03-06.10.2024 г. | 2024 | C. L. Dinkova, R. P. Encheva, and A. A. Ali, Focal Curves of Closed Toroidal Curves, In: 50th International Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, 07 - 13 June 2024, Sozopol, Bulgaria | 2017 | Encheva R., On the Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Respect to One Subgroup of the Mobius Group, 13th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, September 1–5, 2017, Varna, Bulgaria | 2016 | Mobius transformations induced by rotations on the three-sphere, Научна конференция с международно участие МАТТЕХ 2016, 11-13 ноември 2016г. | 2015 | Доклад на Workshop on Geometry of Riemannian and Hermitian Manifolds от 7 – 10 декември 2015 г. в ИМИ – БАН | 2014 | Recovering plane curves by one of their conformal invariants, НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ – РУ & СУ’14, 24-25 октомври 2014 | 2014 | Фокални криви в Евклидово пространство, МАТТЕХ 2014, 20-22 ноември, 2014, Шумен. (в съавторство с Г.Георгиев и Цв.Динкова) | 2013 | Mobius invariants of space curves. 11th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, September 2013, Varna. | 2012 | Алгебрични криви, асоциирани с ортоцентрични системи от точки в равнината, MATTEX 2012, 22-24 ноември, Шумен. (в съавторство с Ц. Динкова) | 2011 | Geometric invariants with respect to one subgroup of the Mobius group in the plane. 10th International Conference on Geometry and Applications,Journal of Geometry, September 2011, Varna. | 2011 | Квадратично преобразование в ортоцентрична система от точки, Национална конференция с международно участие „40 Години Шуменски Университет 1971-2011”, Шумен.(в съавторство с Цв.Динкова) |
2014 | Енчева, Р., Аналитична геометрия (електронен учебник), Модул 2.: Криви и повърхнини от втора степен, ISBN: 978-954-577-859-9, 2014, Център за електронно обучение на ШУ "Епископ Константин Преславски", http://shu.bg/ceo | 2011 | Ръководство по геометрия с Mathematica©, Университетско издателство “Епископ Константин Преславски”, 2011, Шумен, ISBN 978-954-577-580-2 |
2021 | Енчева, Р., Дескриптивна геометрия с GeoGebra (електронен интерактивен учебник), https://radostina-s-school.thinkific.com/, 2021 г. |
2024 | Encheva RP, Georgiev GH. Similar frenet curves. Results in Mathematics. 2009 Nov;55(3):359. Цитирана в: Li J, Yang Y. Similarity signature curves for forming periodic orbits in the Lorenz system. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 2024 May 1;182:114751. | 2024 | Dinkova CL, Encheva RP. Generalized focal curves of regular C3-plane curves. Section Mathematics and Natural Sciences. 2022;57-65. Цитирана в: Mendonca, Thiago. 2024. On Flc-Focal Curves According Flc-Frame, Asian Research Journal of Mathematics 20 (9):76-80. https://doi.org/10.9734/arjom/2024/v20i9831. | 2022 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Curves on the shape sphere, Results in Mathematics, 44 (2003), 279-288. Цитирана в: Simsek, H. (2022). Similar and self-similar null Cartan curves in Minkowski-Lorentzian spaces . Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics , 71 (1) , 79-94 . DOI: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.865100 | 2022 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55(3-4) (2009), 359–372. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-009-0407-8 Цитирана в: Simsek, H. (2022). Similar and self-similar null Cartan curves in Minkowski-Lorentzian spaces . Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics , 71 (1) , 79-94 . DOI: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.865100 | 2022 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55(3-4) (2009), 359–372. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-009-0407-8 Цитирана в: Y Yang, The maximal curves and heat flow in fully affine geometry, arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.01992, 2022 | 2022 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55(3-4) (2009), 359–372. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-009-0407-8 Цитирана в: J Li, Y Yang, Similarity signature curves for forming periodic orbits in the Lorenz system, arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.04069, 2022 | 2021 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359–372 Цитирана в: Oren, I. & Incesu, M. (2020). Recognition of complex polynomial Bezier curves under similarity transformations. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, 69 (2), 1377-1388, 2020 DOI: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.692608 | 2020 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359–372 Цитирана в: Оren, I., Khadjiev, D., Recognition of plane paths and plane curves under linear pseudo-similarity transformations, Journal of Geometry, Vol. 111, Issue 3, 1 December 2020, Article number 38, ISSN: 00472468, DOI: 10.1007/s00022-020-00551-6, Scopus SJR 0.309(2019) | 2020 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359–372 Цитирана в: Оren, I., Khadjiev, D., Peksen O. Identifications of paths and curves under the plane similarity transformations and their applications to mechanics, Journal of Geometry and Physics, Vol. 151, Issue 3, May 2020, Article number 103619, ISSN: 03930440, DOI: 10.1016/j.geomphys.2020.103619, Scopus SJR 0.560(2019) | 2020 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Shapes of space curves, J. Geom. Graph., 7 (2003), 145-155. Цитирана в: Wang, Y., Chang, Y., Mannheim curves and spherical curves, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, Volume 17, Issue 7, 1 June 2020, Article number 2050101, ISSN: 02198878, DOI: 10.1142/S0219887820501017, Scopus SJR 0.353(2019) | 2020 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359–372 Цитирана в: Simsek, H., Similar and self-similar null Cartan curves in Minkowski-Lorentzian spaces, 3rd International Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM-VAN 2020), BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, Van, TURKEY, September 3-5, 2020 | 2019 | Encheva, R.P., Georgiev, G.H.: Similar Frenet Curves. Result. Math. 55, 359–372 (2009) Цитирана в: Sagiroglu, Y. Global Invariants of Paths and Curves in the Two-Dimensional Real Vector Space for Linear Similarity Groups Generated by Dual Numbers, Adv. Appl. Clifford Algebras (2019) 29: 10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00006-018-0929-9 Scopus SJR 0.4(2018) | 2019 | Encheva, R.P., Georgiev, G.H.: Similar Frenet Curves. Result. Math. 55, 359–372 (2009) Цитирана в: Idris OREN, Muhsin Incesu, Detecting similarities of Bezier curves for the groups LSim (E2), LSim+(E2), Conference Proceedings of Science and Technology, 2(2), 2019, 129–133, In: 17 th International Geometry Symposium, June 19-22, 2019 Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, Erzincan-TURKEY | 2019 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359–372 Цитирана в: Idris Oren, Global invariants of paths in the two-dimensional similarity geometry, 17 th International Geometry Symposium, June 19-22, 2019 Erzincan Binali Yildirim University, Erzincan-Turkey | 2019 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Shapes of space curves, J. Geom. Graph., 7 (2003), 145-155. Цитирана в: Betul Korkmaz, Shape curvature, shape torsion and its applications in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, MSc Thesis, Kirsehir Ahi Evran University Science and Engineering Institute Mathematics Department, 2019 | 2018 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Shapes of space curves, J. Geom. Graph., 7 (2003), 145-155. Цитирана в: Simsek H., Ozdemir M., Some Results on p-Shape Curvatures of Non-Lightlike Space Curves, International Electronic Journal of Geometry, Volume 11 no. 2 page 61–70 (2018) | 2018 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Shapes of space curves, J. Geom. Graph., 7 (2003), 145-155. Цитирана в: Altunkaya B., Kulaa L., Characterizations of slant and spherical helices due to pseudo-Sabban frame, Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Applications, 1 (1) (2018) 49-56 | 2018 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359–372, Цитирана в: Simsek H., Ozdemir M., Some Results on p-Shape Curvatures of Non-Lightlike Space Curves, International Electronic Journal of Geometry, Volume 11 no. 2 page 61–70 (2018) | 2018 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359–372 Цитирана в: Khadjiev, D., Оren, I., Peksen, О., Global invariants of paths and curves for the group of all linear similarities in the two-dimensional Euclidean space , International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, Vol. 15, No. 06, 1850092 (2018), Scopus SJR 0.454(2017) | 2018 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359–372 Цитирана в: Altin, M., Karadag, M. (2018). Kendine Benzer Egri Olmayan Bazi Ozel Egriler. Turk Doga ve Fen Dergisi, 7 (2), 48-53. Retrieved from https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/tdfd/issue/41964/472045 | 2017 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves. Results Math. 55 (2009), no. 34, 359-372. Цитирана в: Fatma Ates, Seher Kaya, Yusuf Yayli and F. Nejat Ekmekci,Generalized Similar Frenet Curves, MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS E-NOTES, 5 (2) 26-35 (2017) | 2017 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Shapes of space curves. J. Geom. Graph 7 (2003), 145-155. Цитирана в: Fatma Ates, Seher Kaya, Yusuf Yayli and F. Nejat Ekmekci,Generalized Similar Frenet Curves, MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND APPLICATIONS E-NOTES, 5 (2) 26-35 (2017) | 2017 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves. Results Math. 55 (2009), no. 34, 359-372. Цитирана в: Izumiya, S., Nagai, T., Generalized Sabban Curves in the Euclidean n-Sphere and Spherical Duality, Results Math (2017) 72: 401-417. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-017-0685-5 | 2017 | Encheva R., Georgiev G.: Curves on the shape sphere. Results Math. 44, 279–288 (2003). Цитирана в: Hakan S., Ozdemir M., SHAPE CURVATURES OF THE LORENTZIAN PLANE CURVES, Commun.Fac.Sci.Univ.Ank.Series A1, Volume 66, Number 2, Pages 276-288 (2017) | 2017 | Encheva, R., Georgiev, G., Similar Frenet curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359–372 Цитирана в: Luiz C. B. da Silva, Characterization of Spherical and Plane Curves Using Rotation Minimizing Frames, arXiv, 2017 | 2015 | Encheva R., Georgiev G.: Curves on the shape sphere. Results Math. 44, 279–288 (2003). Цитирана в: Hakan Simsek, Mustafa Ozdemir, On Conformal Curves in 2-Dimensional de Sitter Space, Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, pp 1-14, First online: 15 October 2015 | 2015 | Encheva R., Georgiev G., Shapes of space curves, J. Geom. Graph. 7(2), (2003) 145–155 Цитирана в: M. Ozdemir, H. Simsek, Similar and self-similar curves in Minkowski n-space, B. Korean Math. Soc. 2015 Vol. 52, No. 6, 2071—2093. | 2015 | Encheva R. P., Georgiev G. H., Similar Frenet Curves, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 359-372. Цитирано в: M. Ozdemir, H. Simsek, Similar and self-similar curves in Minkowski n-space, B. Korean Math. Soc. 2015 Vol. 52, No. 6, 2071—2093. | 2014 | Similar Frenet Curves. Result. Math., vol. 55, No. 3-4 (2009), 359-372 (в съавторство с Г. Георгиев) http://www.springerlink.com/content/x6145691n7437r17/, Цитирана в: Xuejuan Chen and Qun Lin, Properties of Generalized Offset Curves and Surfaces, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 124240, 13 pages | 2014 | Encheva R., Geometric invariants with respect to one subgroup of the Mobius group in the plane, In: 10th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Journal of Geometry, August 2012, Volume 103, Issue 2, 347–366. Цитирана в: Ivo M. Michailov, Invariant theory and its applications, Proceedings of the international conference МАТHТЕCH 2014, Volume 1 (2014), Shumen,16-47. | 2014 | R. Encheva and G. Georgiev, Shapes of space curves, J. Geom. Graph. 7 (2003), 145-155. Цитирана в: Ivo M. Michailov, Invariant theory and its applications, Proceedings of the international conference МАТHТЕCH 2014, Volume 1 (2014), Shumen,16-47. | 2014 | R.Encheva, Family of Plane Curves in the Extended Gauss Plane Generated by One Function, http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/FamilyOfPlaneCurvesInTheExtendedGaussPlaneGeneratedByOneFunc/ Wolfram Demonstrations Project, Published: July 8, 2013 Цитирана в: Ivo M. Michailov, Invariant theory and its applications, Proceedings of the international conference МАТHТЕCH 2014, Volume 1 (2014), Shumen,16-47. | 2013 | Shapes of space curves, J. Geom. Graph. 7 (2003), 145-155, Цитирана в: Bulent Karakas and Senay Baydas, An Action of A Regular Curve on R3 and Matlab Applications, Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 5 (2013), Number 3, pp. 133–141 | 2013 | Shapes of space curves, J. Geom. Graph. 7 (2003), 145-155, Цитирана в: Bulut, Vahide; Caliskan, Ali, The spherical evolute belong to the spherical image of developable ruled surface, International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering, Conference Proceeding, Oct2013, p139. | 2012 | Applications of the space shape of the triangle. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, vol. 37 (2008), 132-137. Цитирана в Georgiev G. H. , Geometric Transformations for Modeling od Curves and Surfaces, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2012. | 2011 | Shapes of tetrahedra. J. geom.. 75 (2002), 61-73.Цитирана в: Ali Gungor, Murat Tosun. Some characterizations of quaternionic rectifying curves, Differential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, Vol.13, 2011, pp. 89-100. | 2009 | Shapes of tetrahedra. J. geom.. 75 (2002), 61-73.Цитирана в: Abu-Saris, Raghib and Hajja, Mowaffaq. The Chaotic Behavior of the Sequence of Pedal Simplices, Results in Mathematics, 55 (2009), 209-220 (Impact factor: 0.513 -2009г.) |
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