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    Проф. д-р  инж. Петър Красенов Боянов
    Проф. д-р инж. Петър Красенов Боянов

    Факултет: Факултет по технически науки


    Кабинет: Корпус 3, стая 407

    Телефон: +359879120856

    Email: petar.boyanov@shu.bg

    Приемно време: Петък от 09:00 до 11:00 ч.

    2016 Петър Красенов Боянов, Тема: Анализ и противодействие на опити за неоторизиран достъп до ресурсите на компютърните мрежи, Научна степен: образователната и научна степен "доктор" по комуникационни мрежи и системи, Професионално направление: 5.3. Комуникационна и компютърна техника, Диплома No/дата: Д-090 / 24.02.2016 г., Висше училище: Шуменски университет "Епископ Константин Преславски", Научен ръководител: Доцент доктор на техническите науки Жанета Николова Савова-Ташева, Рецензенти: Професор доктор на техническите науки Борислав Йорданов Беджев и Доцент доктор Росен Атанасов Богданов. Дисертационният труд съдържа 254 страници, от които 104 са приложения. Списъкът на използваната литература се състои от 140 заглавия, от които 5 на български и 135 на английски език. Включени са 68 фигури и 7 таблици. Dissertation: Petar Krasenov Boyanov, Analysis and counteraction to attempts of unauthorized access to the resources of computer networks, Acquired degree: Doctor (PhD), Professional direction: 5.3. Communication and computer networks, Diploma No/date: Д-090 / 24.02.2016.
    2022 Боянов, П., Хакерски техники и технологии, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 234 с. ISBN 978-619-201-620-3
    2022 Боянов, П., Неоторизиран достъп до информационни ресурси в компютърна мрежова среда – превенции и защита, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 249 с., ISBN 978-619-201-619-7
    2017 Боянов, П., Кибератаки и противодействие, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2017, 210 с., ISBN 978-619-201-206-9
    2024 Boyanov, P., Concealing text and executable files in JPG format files with a steganographic command-line tool in the operating system Kali Linux. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 26, Shumen, 2024, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 50-66, https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v26i1.394. Indexed in EBSCO (USA), ROAD, Crossref, National Centre for Information and Documentation (Bulgaria), Google Scholar, Mendeley, ResearchGate.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Implementation of the symmetric cryptographic algorithms RC2 and Triple DES in ECB mode using cryptographic software program CrypTool. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 26, Shumen, 2024, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 67-83, https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v26i1.395. Indexed in EBSCO (USA), ROAD, Crossref, National Centre for Information and Documentation (Bulgaria), Google Scholar, Mendeley, ResearchGate.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Practical applications of hash functions MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256 using various software tools to verify the integrity of files. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 27, Shumen, 2024, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 120-137, https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v27i1.413. Indexed in EBSCO (USA), ROAD, Crossref, National Centre for Information and Documentation (Bulgaria), Google Scholar, Mendeley, ResearchGate.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Revealing anomalies by network packet flooding on built FTP and OPENSSH servers in controlled lab environment. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 27, Shumen, 2024, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 138-156, https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v27i1.414. Indexed in EBSCO (USA), ROAD, Crossref, National Centre for Information and Documentation (Bulgaria), Google Scholar, Mendeley, ResearchGate.
    2023 Boyanov, P., Using modified sniffer scripts, implementing linear algorithms for detection of network port scan attacks in Linux based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 24, Shumen, 2023, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 78-88, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v24i1.371.
    2023 Boyanov, P., Discovering wireless networks via modified scripts implementing linear algorithms for Linux based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 24, Shumen, 2023, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 89-101, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v24i1.372.
    2023 Boyanov, P., Basic network penetration testing with the network tool Netcat in Linux-based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 25, Shumen, 2023, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 15-30, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v25i1.377.
    2023 Boyanov, P., Investigating the network traffic using the command-line packets sniffer Tcpdump in Kali Linux. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 25, Shumen, 2023, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 31-44, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v25i1.378.
    2022 Boyanov, P., Analysis and monitoring the network traffic in the process of connecting to industrial Siemens controllers. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 22, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 41-49, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v22i1.339.
    2022 Boyanov, P., Implementation of modified script for Linux based operating systems using a linear algorithm for network port scanning. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 23, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 48-59, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v23i1.353.
    2022 Boyanov, P., Implementation of software application for network port scanning in Android based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 23, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 60-72, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v23i1.354.
    2022 Boyanov, P., Implementation of modified network port scanner for Windows based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 23, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 73-84, DOI: DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v23i1.355.
    2022 Boyanov, P., A comprehensive scanning for open, closed and filtered ports in the computer systems and networks. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 23, Shumen, 2022, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 85-98, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v23i1.356.
    2021 Boyanov, P., Virtualization of the operating system Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) via WMware VSphere hypervisor ESXi 6.5.0 for educational purposes in the Faculty of Technical Sciences. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 21, Shumen, 2021, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 45-53, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v21i1.319.
    2021 Boyanov, P., Using VMware VSphere hypervisor ESXi 6.5.0 for virtualization of the operating system Kali Linux (64-Bit) for educational purposes in the Faculty of Technical Sciences. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 21, Shumen, 2021, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), 54-63, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v21i1.320.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Simulation of local area computer networks with distance-vector routing protocols for the needs of the private company. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 18, Shumen, 2020, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 83-93, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v18i1.283.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98.
    2019 Boyanov, P., A novel algorithm for detecting TCP/IP network attacks using hybrid firewall script applied in Linux operating system, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 57, May 2019, pp. 33-41.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Construction and simulation of optical local area computer networks for the needs of the academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 54, February 2019, pp. 89-96.
    2019 Savov, I., Boyanov, P., Implementation of the Denial of Service (DOS) cyber attack against the information resources of national government agencies and academic institutions, Politics & Security Journal, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2535-0358, Year III, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 15-20.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Obtaining access to confidential information using keylogger software tool in the computer networks and systems, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. IX E, 2019, pp. 105-110.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Implementation of the Doppler effect on the correlation properties of complex radio signals, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. IX E, 2019, pp. 111-114.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Implementation of protection mechanisms of information resources in the local area networks, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. IX E, 2019, pp. 115-121.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Implementation of the network vulnerability scanner Armitage for security weaknesses detection in the computer network and systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2019, 15, 47-54, ISSN 1314-6289, EBSCO, Google Schloar and Web of Science.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Implementation of the web based platforms for collecting and footprinting ip information of hosts in the computer network and systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2019, 16, 42-49, ISSN 1314-6289, EBSCO, Google Schloar and Web of Science.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Implementation of tcp syn flood cyber attack in the computer network and systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2019, 17, 36-42, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), EBSCO, Google Schloar and Web of Science, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v17i1.270.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Savova, Zh., Implementation of credential harvester attack method in the computer network and systems, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp.427-434, Google Scholar, Research Gate.
    2019 Iliev, M., Bedzheva, M., Boyanov, P., Bedzhev, B., Tsankov, Ts., Application of Number Theoretic Transformations for Signal Processing in Radar Sensors, 29th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) - 2019, Electronic ISSN: 2472-7687, Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2376-4198, 4-6 September 2019, Ruse, Bulgaria, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/EAEEIE46886.2019.9000451, indexed in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Google Scholar, Scopus.
    2019 Iliev, M., Bedzheva, M., Boyanov, P., Bedzhev, B., Tsankov, Ts., Requirements to the Personal Work Stations in the University’s Computer Laboratories, 29th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE) - 2019, Electronic ISSN: 2472-7687, Print on Demand(PoD) ISSN: 2376-4198, 4-6 September 2019, Ruse, Bulgaria, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/EAEEIE46886.2019.9000443, indexed in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Google Scholar, Scopus.
    2018 Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Implementation of network enumeration cyber-attacks and defense the computer resources of the local and wide area networks, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 392-397.
    2018 Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Security and vulnerability of the modern information systems in the government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 386-391.
    2018 Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Defense the computer resources of the government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions against the wannacry (wanacrypt0r 2.0) ransomware cyber-attack, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 398-407.
    2018 Боянов, П., Христов, Хр. Приложение на информационните системни кибератаки срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 24-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.34-41.
    2018 Боянов, П., Райнов, В. Идентифициране на основните типове и фази на съвременните кибератаки и използването им за определяне на слабостите в компютърните мрежи и системи в Районното управление при Областна дирекция на МВР, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.60-67.
    2018 Боянов, П., Приложение на кибератаката от тип социално инженерство срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.42-51.
    2018 Боянов, П., Приложение на кибератаки, насочени срещу уеб сървъри и уеб приложения. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.52-59.
    2018 Боянов, П., Христов, Хр. Приложение на кибератаките за получаване на информационни отпечатъци и прилагане на разузнавателни техники срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.23-33.
    2018 Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41.
    2018 Boyanov, P., Countermeasures against various types of cyber attacks in the context of the protection of the national security of Republic of Bulgaria, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VIII E, 2018, pp. 79-85.
    2018 Boyanov, P., Unauthorized access attempts to the information resources of private computer networks in academic institutions via network scanning cyber attacks, Yearbook of Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2367-8798, Vol. XV, 2018, с. 51-58.
    2017 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 146-154.
    2017 Getzov, P., Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Research of the transparency characteristics of the atmosphere which influence the flight control of flying machines, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 5-9.
    2017 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 47-58.
    2017 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol - EIGRP, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 35-46.
    2017 Boyanov Kr. P. et al., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, Scopus, Web of Science (Q4) - IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017).
    2016 Борборян, С., Чираков, Д., Илиев, Ил., Боянов, П., Проектиране на оптична комуникационна мрежа за нуждите на административна сграда, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2016" - 11 - 13 ноември 2016, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2016, с. 254-259.
    2016 Юсуф М., Ахмедов Иб., Иванов Ат., Боянов П., Приложение на безжична IP камера за контрол и наблюдение в локалната компютърна мрежа на факултета по технически науки, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2016" - 11 - 13 ноември 2016, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2016, с. 260-266.
    2016 Беджев, Б., Боянов, П., Противодействие на мрежови сканиращи кибератаки с изградена хибридна защитна стена, Международната конференция „Доверие, неприкосновеност и сигурност на личните данни в цифровия свят”, Организатор - Комисия за защита на личните данни на Република България, 17-19 ноември 2015 г. в София Хотел Балкан, гр. София, България, Информационен бюлетин, бр. 2 (59), март 2016 г. ISSN 2367-7759, с. 133-139.
    2016 Getzov, P., Stoyanov, S., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Visual detection of distant objects using electronic optical devices at irregular background luminance, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.10, 2016, pp. 5-10.
    2016 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Сравнителен анализ на съвременните видове антивирусни програми, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 123-133.
    2016 Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Николов, Ив., Изследване на сигурността на безжична локална компютърна мрежа, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 134-142.
    2016 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Николов, Ив., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Сравнителен анализ на съвременните видове безжични IP видеокамери в компютърните мрежи за наблюдение и контрол, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 143-149.
    2016 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Анализ на съвременните видове уязвимости и експлойти в компютърните мрежи и системи, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 112-122.
    2015 Коджейков, Р., Жеков, Ж., Боянов, П., Анализ на информационните ресурси в системата на логистичния мениджмънт, Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция 16-17 юли 2015 година, Национален военен университет "Васил Левски", Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, ISSN 1314-1937, т. 12, с. 191-198.
    2015 Жеков, Ж., Боянов, П., Червенков, Д., Анализ на особеностите на информационните логистични системи, Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция 16-17 юли 2015 година, Национален военен университет "Васил Левски", Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, ISSN 1314-1937, т. 12, с. 208-213.
    2015 Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Spectrophotometer with two concave diffraction lattices for investigation of the atmospheric ozone in the strips of Hartly-Huggins and Shoppui, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 5. 2015, pp. 65-70.
    2015 Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Optic system for a spectrophotometer, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 5. 2015, pp. 59-64.
    2015 Boyanov, P., Scanning and monitoring one http server and several hosts in wireless local area network for security, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 4. 2015, pp. 50-57.
    2015 Boyanov, P., Designing a small corporate building with four working computer departments using distance vector routing protocol - RIP, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 52-61.
    2015 Boyanov, P., Designing a small corporate building with four working computer departments using static routing and subnetting, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 43-51.
    2015 Boyanov, P., Detection and implementation of alternate data streams in the computer and network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 34-42.
    2014 Боянов, П., Прилагане на механизми за сигурност на портовете в мрежовите устройства, за намаляване на различни видове кибер-атаки, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2014" - 20 - 22 ноември 2014 г., ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, 2014, с.92-99.
    2014 Боянов, П., Прилагане на листи за контрол на достъпа с цел осигуряване на по-добра защитеност на трафика в дадена компютърна мрежа, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2014" 20 - 22 ноември 2014 г., ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, 2014, с.100-107.
    2014 Боянов, П., Характеристика на интернет протокол версия 4 в комуникационните и компютърните мрежи, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. IV E, 2014, с. 43-50.
    2014 Боянов, П., Изследване на структурата на интернет протокол версия 4 в компютърните мрежи, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. IV E, 2014, с. 51-59.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Building Secure mechanisms with the software program Avast Free Antivirus, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press,, ISSN 1314-9784, vol.3, 2014, 64-71.
    2014 Zhekov, Zh., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Chervenkov, D., Trifonov, T., Method for identification of signals, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 108-112.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Using the Colasoft Capsa network analyzer to diagnose, pinpoint and detect a variety of malicious cyber-attacks and to improve the vulnerabilities for a SOHO network, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 93-100.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Using HTTP filter to analyze and monitor the vulnerability and security states in determined computer network, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 2. 2014, pp. 45-51.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Analysis and assessment the security vulnerability in communication processes in a given computer network, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 2. 2014, pp. 39-44.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Using a specialized software for comprehensive monitoring the suspicious states in computer networks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 148-154.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Performance and connection analysis of the computer systems and networks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 141-147.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Monitoring of suspicious network traffic in private computer system, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 3. 2014, pp. 72-78.
    2014 Hristov, Hr., Boyanov, P., Trifonov, T., Approaches to identify vulnerabilities in the security system of the social organization and computer resources, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 101-107.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92.
    2013 Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124.
    2013 Boyanov, P., Using the security network scanner GFI Languard to discover and improve the vulnerabilities in the computer network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 4, 2013, pp.74-79.
    2013 Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Converting the learning process in educational research work of the students, Journal Science Education Innovation, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 1. 2013, pp. 20-24.
    2013 Boyanov, P., Zhaneta, T., An unauthorized penetration into computer system with activated firewall and antivirus software, Anniversary Scientific International Conference 45 Years Computer Sciences and Engineering Department 30 Years Computer Systems and Technologies Speciality, 27-28 September, 2013, ISSN 1312-3335, Varna, Bulgaria, Section 1 Computer systems and Networks, pp.41-46.
    2012 Цонев, Ив., Боянов, П., Изследване на комуникационните процеси в глобалната компютърна мрежа frame relay, Сборник научни трудове Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2012" - 22 - 24 ноември 2012 г., ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, 2012, с.42-47.
    2011 Боянов П. К., Изследване на корелационните свойства на сложни радиосигнали, използвани в безжичната комуникационна система LTE. Сборник научни трудове от проведена научна сесия 2011 г. в НВУ „Васил Левски, Факултет „Артилерия, ПВО и КИС“, Шумен, 2012, ч. III, Курсантско-студентска секция, изд. „Химера“ ООД, c/o Jusautor, ISSN 1313-7433, 2012, с. 41-49.
    2011 Боянов, П., Технологии за обединение на фиксираните и мобилните комуникационни мрежи, Сборник научни трудове от проведена научна сесия 2010 г. в НВУ „Васил Левски, Факултет „Артилерия, ПВО и КИС“, Шумен, 2011, ч. II, „Компютърни системи и технологии, Национална сигурност, Обществени науки: Филологии. Организация, управление и методика на обучението във висшите училища. Курсантско-студентска секция“, изд. „Химера“ ООД, изд. „Химера“ ООД, c/o Jusautor, ISSN 1313-7433, 2011, с. 422-430.
    2010 Боянов, П., LTE радиоканали, Сборник научни трудове, посветен на 130-Годишнината от рождението на академик Кирил Попов - МАТТЕХ 2010. Шумен, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, 2010, с.313-320.
    2018 Boyanov, P., Implementation of session hijacking cyber attacks against government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, Collection of reports from Jubilee International Scientific Conference on the subject of Security and Economics in the uncertain world – Dilemmas and Challenges, ISBN 978-619-7343-24-3, December 7, 2018, Plovdiv, pp. 153-159.
    2017 Чираков, Д., Ахмедов, Иб., Боянов, П., Сигурност при извършване на автодиагностика, Научна сесия за курсанти и студенти с международна участие, проведена на 26-27 октомври 2017 г. във ВВМУ „Н. Й. Вапцаров” гр. Варна (Под печат). Издаден е специален сертификат от ректора на ВВМУ за участието в този научен форум.
    2016 Ivan Krastev Tsonev, Miroslav Mariyanov Tsvetanov, Petar Krasenov Boyanov, Simulation of wide area network frame relay with Cisco Packet tracer, International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2016), Riga - Latvia, APL/RTU, ISBN 978-9934-14-902-3, Volume 11, June 6 - 10, 2016, pp. 119-123
    2016 Георгиева, В., Велизарова, М., Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Сканиране и анализиране на мрежовия трафик в безжична локална компютърна мрежа, Юбилейна научна сесия за студенти и курсанти с международно участие, посветена на 135-годишнината от създаването на Морско училище, проведена на 24-25 март 2016 г. във ВВМУ „Н. Й. Вапцаров”, гр. Варна, 2016, c/o Jusautor, т.2, с. 60-65.
    2016 Борборян, С., Илиев, Ил., Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Приложение на сканиращата мрежова програма Zenmap в безжична локална компютърна мрежа, Юбилейна научна сесия за студенти и курсанти с международно участие, посветена на 135-годишнината от създаването на Морско училище, проведена на 24-25 март 2016 г. във ВВМУ „Н. Й. Вапцаров”, гр. Варна, 2016, c/o Jusautor, т.2, с. 127-132.
    2016 Bedzhev, B., Nikolov, I., Boyanov, P., Protocols providing secure communication with unmanned aerial vehicles, International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2016), Riga - Latvia, APL/RTU, ISBN 978-9934-14-902-3, Volume 11, June 6 - 10, 2016, pp. 124-127.
    2014 Zhelezov St. K., Paraskevov Hr. Iv., Hristov Hr. At., Boyanov P. Kr., Uzunova B. Hr., An architecture of steganological subsystem for information protection, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 123-128
    2014 Boyanov, P., Analysis and assessment of several security vulnerability databases, Third international scientific conference science, Education, innovation, dedicated to the 145th anniversary of Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences and to the 35th anniversary of Georgi Ivanov’s flight, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISBN 978-954-577-969-5, vol. II, Shumen, Bulgaria, 21-23 May 2014, pp. 118-122.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Comprehensive scanning for vulnerabilities in the wireless networks, Third international scientific conference science, Education, innovation, dedicated to the 145th anniversary of Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences and to the 35th anniversary of Georgi Ivanov’s flight, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISBN 978-954-577-969-5, vol. II, Shumen, Bulgaria, 21-23 May 2014, pp. 112-117.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Finding a modern security approach and defense mechanism against various cyber-attacks, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 113-116.
    2014 Boyanov, P., Tasheva, Zh., Fetfov, Og., Trifonov, T., Uzunova, B., Securing the social profiles from malicious and unauthorized access, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 109-112.
    2014 Гинчев, Н., Димитров, Д., Габровски, Ст., Боянов, П., Специализирани системи за откриване на злонамерени потребители и осигуряване на безопасни операции в компютърната мрежа, Scientific Conference with International participation “Cadets and Students of the Naval Academy and Science”, N.Y. Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Varna 27-28 march 2014, т. 2, c/o-Jusautor, с. 210-214.
    2014 Кънчев, К., Йорданов, Й., Иванов, И., Боянов, П., Нов подход за намаляване действието на разпределената атака за отказ на услугата при използване на протокола Bit-Torrent в компютърните мрежи, Scientific Conference with International participation “Cadets and Students of the Naval Academy and Science”, N.Y. Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Varna 27-28 march 2014, т. 2, c/o-Jusautor, с 199-203.
    2013 Бучукчиева, М., Боянов, П., Приложение на портовия скенер NMAP в компютърните мрежи, // Научна сесия с международно участие “Курсантите и студентите на Морско училище и науката”, 28-29 март 2013 г. на ВВМУ “Н. Й. Вапцаров”, гр. Варна, т. 1, c/o Jusautor, с. 432-437.
    2013 Boyanov, P., Tasheva Zh, N., A comprehensive testing and analisys of the computer and network security vulnerabilities using the scanning program Nessus, International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2013), Riga - Latvia, LABPOTO - Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-8409-0-6, Volume 9, June 17 - 21, 2013, pp.162-165.
    2013 Boyanov, P., A sophisticated information gathering and security auditing of computer and network resources using the cross-platform portscanner Zenmap, International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2013), Riga - Latvia, LABPOTO - Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-8409-0-6, Volume 9, June 17 - 21, 2013, pp. 154-157.
    2013 Ташева, Ж., Боянов П., Сравнителен анализ на злонамерени уеб-базирани атаки, Научна конференция на тема „Защитата на личните данни в контекста на информационната сигурност”, Факултет "Артилерия, ПВО и КИС" при Националният военен университет „Васил Левски”, гр. Шумен, България, ISBN 978-954-9681-49-9, 6 - 7 Юни 2013, с. 178-183.
    2012 Боянов, П., Методи за защита на комуникационните процеси в каналния слой на малки локални мрежи, Научна сесия с международно участие от 2 май 2012 г. на ВВМУ “Н. Й. Вапцаров” - “Курсантите и студентите на морско училище и науката”, Варна, Издателски център и размножителна база на ВВМУ “Н. Й. Вапцаров”, 2012, c/o Jusautor, с.527-532.
    2012 Tsonev, I., Boyanov, P., "Processes Modeling in the Data Link Layer on Small Local Area Networks", International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Bulgaria - Varna, RTU Printing House - Riga, ISBN 978-9934-10-299-8, Volume 8, 2012, pp. 51-55.
    2012 Stanev, S., Tsonev, I., Boyanov, P., "Research of Communication Processes in the Data Link Layer on Small Local Area Networks", International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Bulgaria - Varna, RTU Printing House - Riga, ISBN 978-9934-10-299-8, Volume 8, 2012, pp. 56-59.
    2011 Боянов, П., Найденов, Б., Синхронизация по време в мобилната комуникационна система LTE. В: Сборник научни трудове от национална конференция с международно участие “40 Години Шуменски университет 1971 - 2011”, Шумен, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISBN: 978-954-577-620-5, 2011, с. 85-90.
    2010 Боянов, П., Основни характеристики на мобилните телефонни мрежи от четвърто поколение, Научна сесия с международно участие от 26 март 2010 на ВВМУ “Н. Й. Вапцаров” - “Курсантите и студентите на морско училище и науката”, Варна, Издателски център и размножителна база на ВВМУ “Н. Й. Вапцаров”, 2010, c/o Jusautor, с.366-371.
    2008 Боянов П. К., Приложение на нелинейните радиолокатори за търсене на подслушвателни устройства, // Годишник на Технически университет - Варна, Варна, 2008, Available at: http://www.zone4science.com/images/stories/st_sesiq_2008/98-100 Petar Boyanov.doc
    2022 Боянов, П., Университетска платформа за обучение в електронна среда, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 271 с., ISBN 978-619-201-590-9
    2022 Боянов, П., Програмиране в средата на MATLAB, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 162 с., ISBN 978-619-201-591-6
    2022 Боянов, П., Симулационно моделиране в средата на SIMULINK, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 143 с., ISBN 978-619-201-593-0
    2022 Боянов, П., Програмиране на Siemens контролери, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, Шумен, 2022, 181 с., ISBN 978-619-201-592-3
    2014 Боянов Кр. П., Програмиране в средата на MATLAB, ISBN: 978-954-577-844-5, 17.01.2014 г., Сайт (платформа) за e-book: http://www.cdo.shu.bg
    2014 Боянов Кр. П., Упражнения по компютърни мрежи, ISBN: 978-954-577-843-8, 17.01.2014 г., Сайт (платформа) за e-book: http://www.cdo.shu.bg
    2024 Hristov, Hr., Boyanov, P., Trifonov, T., Approaches to identify vulnerabilities in the security system of the social organization and computer resources, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 101-107, doi: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v5i1.115. Цитирано в: D. Tsonev, M. Kochankov and R. Iliev, \"A Generalized Net Model of Integration of Electronic-Communication Networks to Support the Command and Control Process,\" 2024 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Varna, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IS61756.2024.10705212. Indexed in Scopus.
    2024 Hristov, Hr., Boyanov, P., Trifonov, T., Approaches to identify vulnerabilities in the security system of the social organization and computer resources, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 101-107, doi: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v5i1.115. Цитирано в: Iliev, R., Kochankov, M., A Generalized Net Model of Command and Control System. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 127-131, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2024vol2.8035.
    2024 Hristov, Hr., Boyanov, P., Trifonov, T., Approaches to identify vulnerabilities in the security system of the social organization and computer resources, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 101-107, doi: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v5i1.115. Цитирано в: Kochankov, M., & Iliev, R. (2024, June). A Generalized Net Model for Accessing Information Resources in a Secure Environment. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 175-178, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2024vol2.8034.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Using a specialized software for comprehensive monitoring the suspicious states in computer networks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 148-154, https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v6i1.152. Цитирано в: Iliev, R., Kochankov, M., A Generalized Net Model of Command and Control System. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 127-131, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2024vol2.8035.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Using a specialized software for comprehensive monitoring the suspicious states in computer networks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 148-154, https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v6i1.152. Цитирано в: Kochankov, M., & Iliev, R. (2024, June). A Generalized Net Model for Accessing Information Resources in a Secure Environment. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 175-178, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2024vol2.8034.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41, https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v14i1.246. Цитирано в: Mirtcheva-Ivanova, D., Application of electronic platforms to increase the knowledge of learners. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 448-452, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2024vol2.8090.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41, https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v14i1.246. Цитирано в: Mirtcheva-Ivanova, D., Application of Artificial Intelligence in E-Learning. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 208-211, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2024vol2.8053.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Construction and simulation of optical local area computer networks for the needs of the academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 54, February 2019, pp. 89-96, http://sociobrains.com/bg/top/issues/Issue+54%2C+February+2019/ Цитирано в: Mirtcheva-Ivanova, D., Application of electronic platforms to increase the knowledge of learners. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 448-452, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2024vol2.8090.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Construction and simulation of optical local area computer networks for the needs of the academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 54, February 2019, pp. 89-96, http://sociobrains.com/bg/top/issues/Issue+54%2C+February+2019/ Цитирано в: Mirtcheva-Ivanova, D., Application of Artificial Intelligence in E-Learning. In Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia, Volume II, pp. 208-211, Print ISSN 1691-5402, Online ISSN 2256-070X, https://doi.org/10.17770/etr2024vol2.8053.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92, doi: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v5i1.113. Цитирано в: Qureshi, M. A., Ahmed, S., Mehmood, A., Shaheen, R., & Dildar, M. S. (2024). Vulnerability assessment of operating systems in healthcare: exploitation implications techniques and security. Health Sciences Journal, 2(2), 104-111, ISSN (Online): 2959-2259, ISSN (Print): 2959-2240, https://doi.org/10.59365/hsj.2(2).2024.98, https://mdripublishing.com/index.php/HSJ/article/view/98.
    2024 Boyanov, P., Virtualization of the operating system Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) via WMware VSphere hypervisor ESXi 6.5.0 for educational purposes in the Faculty of Technical Sciences. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, Vol. 21, Shumen, 2021, ISSN 1314-6289 (Print), ISSN 2815-4622 (Online), pp. 45-53, DOI: https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v21i1.319. Цитирано в: Tiawan, T., Fajari, M. S., Sihombing, R., Syastra, M. T., Novarini, R., Harahap, A. K., ... & Wijayanti, E. K. ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN WSL, VMWARE, DAN VIRTUAL BOX DI ATAS SISTEM OPERASI WINDOWS. Sentinel Journal, Jakarta, Indonesia, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2024, P-ISSN: 2622-1462, 409-420, https://doi.org/10.56622/sentineljournal.v5i1.39, http://ejournal.ids.ac.id/index.php/sentinel/article/download/39/36.
    2022 Boyanov Kr. P. et al., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, Scopus, Web of Science (Q4) - IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017). Цитирано в: Halynska Y, Bondar T, Yatsenko V, Oliinyk V. Combined model of optimal electricity production: evidence from Ukraine. Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal. 2022;25(1):39-58. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57198770650&fbclid=IwAR2eGePyu35sCKicWw3lhezmYI4opy_1Qf4rgXma-LJVux5fghpXEIS-0l0
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    2021 Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41. Цитирано в: Espinosa D.M., Vidal D.C., Huidobro C.B. Methodological Proposal for Privilege Escalation in Windows Systems. Proceedings of 10th International Congress of Telematics and Computing - WITCOM, Virtual Event, November 8-12 2021, part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS), November 2021, vol. 1430. Springer, Cham, Print ISBN: 978-3-030-89585-3, Series E-ISSN: 1865-0937, eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-89586-0, Series ISSN: 1865-0929, pp. 138-150. Indexed in Scopus. SJR=0.160 for 2020, Scopus. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89586-0_11, https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/17700155007, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-89586-0_11
    2021 Boyanov Kr. P. et al., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, Scopus, Web of Science (Q4) - IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017). Цитирано в: Oriekhova, K., Kendiukhov, O., Zakharkin, O., Solodovnik, O., Zakharkina, L., Murovana, T., Optimization modelling of engineering enterprises financial security improvement. Journal of Applied Engineering Science, Institut za Istrazivanja I Projektovanja u Privredi (Institute for research and design in industry), Belgrade, Serbia, ISSN: 1451-4117 (printed), E-ISSN: 1821-3197 (online), pp. 1-9. Indexed in Scopus, DOAJ, Crossref, ROAD. Indexed in Scopus. SJR=0.250 for 2020, Scopus. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5937/jaes0-30842, https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/4100151613, http://www.engineeringscience.rs/issue/OF/ONLINEFIRST
    2021 Boyanov, P., Savova, Zh., Implementation of credential harvester attack method in the computer network and systems, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp.427-434, Indexed in Google Scholar, Research Gate. Цитирано в: Naser, A., Jazzar, M., Eleyan, D., Eleyan, A., Social Engineering Attacks: A Phishing Case Simulation. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, ISSN 2277-8616, Vol. 10, Issue 3, March 2021, pp. 18-22. Indexed in Scopus. SNIP=0.485 for 2020, Scopus. https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100894501 https://www.ijstr.org/, https://www.ijstr.org/research-paper-publishing.php?month=mar2021 https://www.ijstr.org/final-print/mar2021/Social-Engineering-Attacks-A-Phishing-Case-Simulation.pdf
    2021 Boyanov Kr. P. et al., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, Scopus, Web of Science (Q4) - IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017). Цитирано в: Artyukhov, A., Omelyanenko, V., Prokopenko, O., University Technology Transfer Network Structure Development: Education and Research Quality Issues. TEM Journal-Technology Education Management Informatics, UIKTEN - Association for Information Communication Technology Education and Science, Serbia, May 2021, ISSN: 2217-8309 (Print). eISSN: 2217-8333 (Online), Volume 10, Issue 2, pp. 607-619. Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science, SJR=0.199 for 2020, Scopus. https://doi.org/10.18421/TEM102-16 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100831441?dgcid=sc_widget_citescore https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100831441&tip=sid&clean=0 https://mjl.clarivate.com/search-results?issn=2217-8309&hide_exact_match_fl=true&utm_source=mjl&utm_medium=share-by-link&utm_campaign=journal-profile-share-this-journal https://www.temjournal.com/content/102/TEMJournalMay2021_607_619.html
    2021 Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences), https://publons.com/journal/228506/knowledge-international-journal, http://www.ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/5067/4822
    2021 Boyanov, P., Using the Colasoft Capsa network analyzer to diagnose, pinpoint and detect a variety of malicious cyber-attacks and to improve the vulnerabilities for a SOHO network. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 93-100. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences), https://publons.com/journal/228506/knowledge-international-journal, http://www.ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/5067/4822
    2021 Boyanov, P., Using the security network scanner GFI Languard to discover and improve the vulnerabilities in the computer network systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 4, 2013, pp.74-79. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences), https://publons.com/journal/228506/knowledge-international-journal, http://www.ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/5067/4822
    2021 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences), https://publons.com/journal/228506/knowledge-international-journal, http://www.ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/5067/4822
    2021 Ташева, Ж., Боянов П., Сравнителен анализ на злонамерени уеб-базирани атаки, Научна конференция на тема „Защитата на личните данни в контекста на информационната сигурност”, Факултет \"Артилерия, ПВО и КИС\" при Националният военен университет „Васил Левски”, гр. Шумен, България, ISBN 978-954-9681-49-9, 6 - 7 Юни 2013, с. 178-183. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences), https://publons.com/journal/228506/knowledge-international-journal, http://www.ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/5067/4822
    2021 Боянов П., Кибератаки и противодействие, Университетско издателство \"Епископ Константин Преславски\" Шумен, ISBN 978-619-201-206-9, гр. Шумен, 2017 г., 210 с. Цитирано в: Dimitrov, Y., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ), Institute of Knowledge Management-Skopje, ISSN : 1857-923X (Printed), ISSN : 2545-4439 (Online), vol. 45, №5, 2021, pp. 1155-1160. Indexed in Publons (Web of Sciences), https://publons.com/journal/228506/knowledge-international-journal, http://www.ikm.mk/ojs/index.php/KIJ/article/view/5067/4822
    2021 Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Security and vulnerability of the modern information systems in the government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 386-391. Цитирано в: Николов, Л., Киберсигурност на комуникационно-информационните системи. Монография, Издателски комплекс при НВУ „Васил Левски“, ISBN 978-619-7531-22-0, гр. Шумен, 2021 г., 189 с.
    2021 Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Николов, Л., Киберсигурност на комуникационно-информационните системи. Монография, Издателски комплекс при НВУ „Васил Левски“, ISBN 978-619-7531-22-0, гр. Шумен, 2021 г., 189 с.
    2021 Savov, I., Boyanov, P., Implementation of the Denial of Service (DOS) cyber attack against the information resources of national government agencies and academic institutions, Politics & Security Journal, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2535-0358, Year III, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 15-20. Цитирано в: Николов, Л., Киберсигурност на комуникационно-информационните системи. Монография, Издателски комплекс при НВУ „Васил Левски“, ISBN 978-619-7531-22-0, гр. Шумен, 2021 г., 189 с.
    2021 Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Implementation of network enumeration cyber-attacks and defense the computer resources of the local and wide area networks, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 392-397. Цитирано в: Николов, Л., Киберсигурност на комуникационно-информационните системи. Монография, Издателски комплекс при НВУ „Васил Левски“, ISBN 978-619-7531-22-0, гр. Шумен, 2021 г., 189 с.
    2021 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Цветослав, С., Станимира, Ц., Способ за подбуждане на интерес у учениците в прогимназиален етап, към знания за якостта на материалите. XIII Международной научно-практической конференции “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, Том. 4, ISBN: 978-5-00137-158-8, Белово 2020, УДК: 378, pp. 196-201. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44181825, https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44181825_81815926.pdf
    2021 Zhelezov St. K., Paraskevov Hr. Iv., Hristov Hr. At., Boyanov P. Kr., Uzunova B. Hr., An architecture of steganological subsystem for information protection, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 123-128 Цитирано в: Zhelezov, S., Kordov, K., Method for Spread Spectrum Steganography with Cryptographic Algorithm. Proceedings of the National Conference on \"Education and Research in the Information Society\", Plovdiv, November, 2020, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Association for the Development of the Information Society, ISSN: 2534-8663, pp. 31-36. http://sci-gems.math.bas.bg:8080/jspui/handle/10525/3907, http://sci-gems.math.bas.bg/jspui/handle/10525/3907
    2021 Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Converting the learning process in educational research work of the students, Journal Science Education Innovation, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 1. 2013, pp. 20-24. Цитирано в: Цветослав, С., Станимира, Ц., Способ за подбуждане на интерес у учениците в прогимназиален етап, към знания за якостта на материалите. XIII Международной научно-практической конференции “Инновации в технологиях и образовании”, Том. 4, ISBN: 978-5-00137-158-8, Белово 2020, УДК: 378, pp. 196-201. https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=44181825, https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_44181825_81815926.pdf
    2021 Zhekov, Zh., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Chervenkov, D., Trifonov, T., Method for identification of signals, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 108-112. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Kalev, K., A special case of calculation of optical system for a collimator with an anfocal achromatic collimator. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.18, 2020, pp. 12-16.
    2021 Stoyanov St., Boyanov, P., Zhekov, Zh., Implementation of Factor Analysis in the Optical Manufacturing. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol. 8, 2015, pp. 16-20. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Kalev, K., A special case of calculation of optical system for a collimator with an anfocal achromatic collimator. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.18, 2020, pp. 12-16.
    2021 Getzov, P., Stoyanov, S., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Visual detection of distant objects using electronic optical devices at irregular background luminance. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.10, 2016, pp. 5-10. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Mardirossian, G., Non-linear receiver reaction of irradiation with complex spectral composition. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.19, 2020, pp. 5-10.
    2021 Getzov, P., Stoyanov, S., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Visual detection of distant objects using electronic optical devices at irregular background luminance. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.10, 2016, pp. 5-10. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Mardirossian, G., Energy efficiency of a system for primary processing of signals in an opto-electronic device operation under low-contrast conditions. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.19, 2020, pp. 11-16.
    2021 Getsov, P., Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Research of the transparency characteristics of the atmosphere which influence the flight control of flying machines. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.11, 2017, pp. 5-9. Цитирано в: Zhekov, Zh., Mardirossian, G., Non-linear receiver reaction of irradiation with complex spectral composition. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.19, 2020, pp. 5-10.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41. Цитирано в: Greinsmark, Carl., “Ransomware.“, 2020, Independent project (degree project), 15 credits, for the degree of Degree of Bachelor of Science (180 credits), with a major in Computer Science Spring Semester 2020, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Kristianstad University, Sweden, p. 40. (https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1441210/FULLTEXT01.pdf)
    2020 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Анализ на съвременните видове уязвимости и експлойти в компютърните мрежи и системи, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 112-122. Цитирано в: Nikolov, L., Social engineering as a high cybersecurity threat. International Scientific Journal “Security & Future“, WEB ISSN 2535-082X; PRINT ISSN 2535-0668, Year III, Issue 3, 2019, pp. 106-108.
    2020 Боянов, П., Приложение на кибератаката от тип социално инженерство срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие “МАТТЕХ 2018“ - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.42-51. Цитирано в: Nikolov, L., Social engineering as a high cybersecurity threat. International Scientific Journal “Security & Future“, WEB ISSN 2535-082X; PRINT ISSN 2535-0668, Year III, Issue 3, 2019, pp. 106-108.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Forecasting logistics systems through models. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 68, April 2020, pp. 105-109.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Detection and implementation of alternate data streams in the computer and network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 34-42. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Forecasting logistics systems through models. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 68, April 2020, pp. 105-109.
    2020 Getzov, P., Stoyanov, S., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Visual detection of distant objects using electronic optical devices at irregular background luminance, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.10, 2016, pp. 5-10. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Environmental protection through the use of new technologies for co-generation of electrical and thermal power. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 91-97.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Environmental protection through the use of new technologies for co-generation of electrical and thermal power. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 91-97.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Detection and implementation of alternate data streams in the computer and network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 34-42. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Environmental protection through the use of new technologies for co-generation of electrical and thermal power. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 91-97.
    2020 Getzov, P., Stoyanov, S., Antonov, A., Boyanov, P., Visual detection of distant objects using electronic optical devices at irregular background luminance, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol.10, 2016, pp. 5-10. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Implementation of mechanized parkings for the provisional and long-term parking of vehicles in Shumen. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 98-105.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Implementation of mechanized parkings for the provisional and long-term parking of vehicles in Shumen. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 98-105.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Detection and implementation of alternate data streams in the computer and network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 34-42. Цитирано в: Yankova-Yordanova, Y., Konstantinova, E., Implementation of mechanized parkings for the provisional and long-term parking of vehicles in Shumen. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 98-105.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Computer didactic tool for network addressing and routing. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 70, June 2020, pp. 54-61.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol - EIGRP, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Computer didactic tool for network addressing and routing. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 70, June 2020, pp. 54-61.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Tsankov, Ts., Konstantinova, E., Computer didactic tool for network addressing and routing. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 70, June 2020, pp. 54-61.
    2020 Zhekov, Zh., Boyanov, P., Chervenkov, D., 2015. Analysis of features of the logistical information systems, Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 16-17 July, “Vasil Levski” National Military University, vol. 12, ISSN 1314-1937, pp. 208-213. Цитирано в: Karadocheva, M., Vasilev, M., Tsankov, Ts., The fast food production process and the addictive ingredients. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 69, May 2020, pp. 32-36.
    2020 Kodzheykov, R., Zhekov, Zh., Boyanov, P., Analysis of information resources in the system of logistics management. Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 16-17 July, “Vasil Levski” National Military University, vol. 12, ISSN 1314-1937, 2015, pp. 191-198. Цитирано в: Karadocheva, M., Vasilev, M., Tsankov, Ts., The fast food production process and the addictive ingredients. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 69, May 2020, pp. 32-36.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Implementation of the network vulnerability scanner Armitage for security weaknesses detection in the computer network and systems. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2019, 15, 47-54, ISSN 1314-6289, EBSCO, Google Schloar and Web of Science. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The asymmetric multiprocessor operating system – a new opportunity for manufacturing operations management. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 16-23.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The asymmetric multiprocessor operating system – a new opportunity for manufacturing operations management. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 16-23.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Detection and implementation of alternate data streams in the computer and network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 34-42. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The asymmetric multiprocessor operating system – a new opportunity for manufacturing operations management. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 67, March 2020, pp. 16-23.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Identification of active hosts in the computer networks and evaluation the network security against modern types of cyber attacks, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 92-98. Цитирано в: Lilov, V., Borisov, A., Tsankov, Ts., Reducing exhaust emissions by increasing the power-to-volume ratio of the internal combustion engine. Proceedings of the Eighth Student Scientific Conference “Ecology and Environment” 2020, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, vol. 7, April 24-25, 2020, ISSN 2367-5209, Shumen, pp. 83-91.
    2020 Stoyanov, St., Boyanov, P., Spectrophotometer with two concave diffraction lattices for investigation of the atmospheric ozone in the strips of Hartly-Huggins and Shoppui, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 5. 2015, pp. 65-70. Цитирано в: Vasilev, M., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Hydrogen as a fuel and how it can make our cars better and cleaner. Proceedings of the Eighth Student Scientific Conference “Ecology and Environment” 2020, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Biology, vol. 7, April 24-25, 2020, ISSN 2367-5209, Shumen, pp. 65-73.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov, St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Ahmedova, D., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The use of packet sniffing tools in computer networks security. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 401-406.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov, St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol – EIGRP. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Ahmedova, D., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The use of packet sniffing tools in computer networks security. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 401-406.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Ahmedova, D., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., The use of packet sniffing tools in computer networks security. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 401-406.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov, St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Lilov, V., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Cyber intelligence in protecting organizations from malicious activity. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 386-392.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov, St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol – EIGRP. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Lilov, V., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Cyber intelligence in protecting organizations from malicious activity. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 386-392.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Lilov, V., Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Cyber intelligence in protecting organizations from malicious activity. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 386-392.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Capabilities for high-speed data transmission through the use of visible light. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 379-385.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol – EIGRP. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Capabilities for high-speed data transmission through the use of visible light. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 379-385.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Capabilities for high-speed data transmission through the use of visible light. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 379-385.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Security routing simulation the local area network of academic departments using a link-state routing protocol – OSPF. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 47-58. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Analyzing security threats in smart homes technology. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 373-378.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Stoyanov St., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Routing information security in the local area network of academic departments using an enhanced distance vector routing protocol – EIGRP. A refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 11, pp. 35-46. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Analyzing security threats in smart homes technology. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 373-378.
    2020 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T. (2017). Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server. International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Tsankov, Ts., Analyzing security threats in smart homes technology. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies” DefTech 2020, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 08-09.10.2020, Shumen, pp. 373-378.
    2019 Боянов, П., Христов, Хр. Приложение на информационните системни кибератаки срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие „МАТТЕХ 2018” - 24-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.34-41. Цитирано в: Кантарджиев, И., Ефективност на функциониране на фирменото контраразузнавателно звено, Сборник доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски”, 27-28 юни 2019, Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, ISSN 2367-7481, Велико Търново, стр. 911-919.
    2019 Боянов, П., Райнов, В. Идентифициране на основните типове и фази на съвременните кибератаки и използването им за определяне на слабостите в компютърните мрежи и системи в Районното управление при Областна дирекция на МВР, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие „МАТТЕХ 2018” - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.60-67. Цитирано в: Кантарджиев, И., Ефективност на функциониране на фирменото контраразузнавателно звено, Сборник доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски”, 27-28 юни 2019, Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, ISSN 2367-7481, Велико Търново, стр. 911-919.
    2019 Боянов, П., Христов, Хр. Приложение на кибератаките за получаване на информационни отпечатъци и прилагане на разузнавателни техники срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие „МАТТЕХ 2018” - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.23-33. Цитирано в: Кантарджиев, И., Ефективност на функциониране на фирменото контраразузнавателно звено, Сборник доклади от Годишна университетска научна конференция на Национален военен университет „Васил Левски”, 27-28 юни 2019, Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, ISSN 2367-7481, Велико Търново, стр. 911-919.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Unauthorized access attempts to the information resources of private computer networks in academic institutions via network scanning cyber attacks, Yearbook of Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2367-8798, Vol. XV, 2018, с. 51-58. Цитирано в: Karadocheva, M., Konstantinova, E., Aleksandrova, A., Social networks and digital security, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 500-504.
    2019 Боянов, П., Приложение на кибератаката от тип социално инженерство срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.42-51. Цитирано в: Karadocheva, M., Konstantinova, E., Aleksandrova, A., Social networks and digital security, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 500-504.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Tasheva, Zh., Fetfov, Og., Trifonov, T., Uzunova, B., Securing the social profiles from malicious and unauthorized access, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 109-112. Цитирано в: Karadocheva, M., Konstantinova, E., Aleksandrova, A., Social networks and digital security, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 500-504.
    2019 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Анализ на съвременните видове уязвимости и експлойти в компютърните мрежи и системи, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“,ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 112-122. Цитирано в: Karadocheva, M., Konstantinova, E., Aleksandrova, A., Social networks and digital security, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 500-504.
    2019 Zhekov Zh., Antonov A., Boyanov P., Chervenkov D., Trifonov T., Method for Identification of signals, Journal Scientific and Applied Research Vol. 5, 2014, ISSN 1314-6289. Цитирано в: Arhangelov, N., Lilov, V., Analysis of magnetic particle inspection as a type of non-destructive testing method, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 505-511.
    2019 Коджейков, Р., Жеков, Ж., Боянов, П., Анализ на информационните ресурси в системата на логистичния мениджмънт, Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция 16-17 юли 2015 година, Национален военен университет "Васил Левски", Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, ISSN 1314-1937, т. 12, с. 191-198. Цитирано в: Arhangelov, N., Lilov, V., Analysis of magnetic particle inspection as a type of non-destructive testing method, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 505-511.
    2019 Жеков, Ж., Боянов, П., Червенков, Д., Анализ на особеностите на информационните логистични системи, Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция 16-17 юли 2015 година, Национален военен университет "Васил Левски", Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, ISSN 1314-1937, т. 12, с. 208-213. Цитирано в: Arhangelov, N., Lilov, V., Analysis of magnetic particle inspection as a type of non-destructive testing method, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 505-511.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Lilov, V., Influence of digital technology on e-learning, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 512-518.
    2019 Boyanov, P., A novel algorithm for detecting TCP/IP network attacks using hybrid firewall script applied in Linux operating system, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 57, May 2019, pp. 33-41. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Karadocheva, M., Tsankov, Ts., The invisible internet and cyber security, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 519-524.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Countermeasures against various types of cyber attacks in the context of the protection of the national security of Republic of Bulgaria, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VIII E, 2018, pp. 79-85. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Karadocheva, M., Tsankov, Ts., The invisible internet and cyber security, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 519-524.
    2019 Боянов, П., Христов, Хр. Приложение на кибератаките за получаване на информационни отпечатъци и прилагане на разузнавателни техники срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции, Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.23-33. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Karadocheva, M., Tsankov, Ts., The invisible internet and cyber security, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 519-524.
    2019 Савов, И., Боянов, П., Приложение на кибератаката с отказ на услуги DOS (Denial of Service) срещу информационните ресурси на национални държавни агенции и академични институции, Politics & Security Journal, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2535-0358, Year III, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 15-20. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Bradvarov, A., Power of blockchain technology: redefining and demolishing trust in digital economy, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 525-530.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Unauthorized access attempts to the information resources of private computer networks in academic institutions via network scanning cyber attacks, Yearbook of Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2367-8798, Vol. XV, 2018, с. 51-58. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Bradvarov, A., Power of blockchain technology: redefining and demolishing trust in digital economy, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 525-530.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Bradvarov, A., Power of blockchain technology: redefining and demolishing trust in digital economy, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 525-530.
    2019 Savov, I., Boyanov, P., Implementation of the denial of service (dos) cyber attack against the information resources of national government agencies and academic institutions, Politics and security journal, Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv, ISSN 2535-0358, year III, issue 1, 2019, pp.15-20. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Military counterintelligence in the intelligence community of England, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 53, January 2019, pp. 108-116.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Unauthorized access attempts to the information resources of private computer networks in academic institutions via network scanning cyber attacks, Yearbook of Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2367-8798, Vol. XV, 2018, с. 51-58. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Military counterintelligence in the intelligence community of England, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 53, January 2019, pp. 108-116.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Implementation of session hijacking cyber attacks against government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions. Collection of reports from Jubilee international scientific conference on the subject of Security and economics in the uncertain world-dilemmas and challenges - 7 December 2018, Plovdiv, ISBN: 978-619-7343-24-3, 2018, pp.153-159. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Military counterintelligence in the intelligence community of France, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 53, January 2019, pp. 100-107.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Unauthorized access attempts to the information resources of private computer networks in academic institutions via network scanning cyber attacks, Yearbook of Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2367-8798, Vol. XV, 2018, с. 51-58. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Military counterintelligence in the intelligence community of France, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 53, January 2019, pp. 100-107.
    2019 Боянов, П., Приложение на кибератаката от тип социално инженерство срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.42-51. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., The religion as constitutional law and national security, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 54, February 2019, pp. 78-88.
    2019 Боянов, П., Приложение на кибератаката от тип социално инженерство срещу правителствени агенции, частни организации и академични институции. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т.2, ч.1, 2018, с.42-51. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Islamic religious fundamentalism and extremism, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 56, April 2019, pp. 80-91.
    2019 Boyanov P., Using the security network scanner GFI Languard to discover and improve the vulnerabilities in the computer network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 4, 2013, pp.74-79. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, Collection of reports from Jubilee International Scientific Conference on the subject of Security and Economics in the uncertain world – Dilemmas and Challenges, ISBN 978-619-7343-24-3, December 7, 2018, Plovdiv, pp. 160-166.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, Collection of reports from Jubilee International Scientific Conference on the subject of Security and Economics in the uncertain world – Dilemmas and Challenges, ISBN 978-619-7343-24-3, December 7, 2018, Plovdiv, pp. 160-166.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Security and vulnerability of the modern information systems in the government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 386-391. Цитирано в: Stoykov, St., Savov, I., Opportunities to increase the publication activity of the academic composition, Collection of reports from Jubilee International Scientific Conference on the subject of Security and Economics in the uncertain world – Dilemmas and Challenges, ISBN 978-619-7343-24-3, December 7, 2018, Plovdiv, pp. 361-366.
    2019 Ташева, Ж., Боянов П., Сравнителен анализ на злонамерени уеб-базирани атаки, Научна конференция на тема „Защитата на личните данни в контекста на информационната сигурност”, Факултет "Артилерия, ПВО и КИС" при Националният военен университет „Васил Левски”, гр. Шумен, България, ISBN 978-954-9681-49-9, 6 - 7 Юни 2013, с. 178-183. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Implementation of the cyber attacks for eavesdropping and monitoring of confidential information in the computer networks of government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, Collection of reports from Jubilee International Scientific Conference on the subject of Security and Economics in the uncertain world – Dilemmas and Challenges, ISBN 978-619-7343-24-3, December 7, 2018, Plovdiv, pp. 160-166.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41. Цитирано в: Христов, Х., Характеристика на съвременните видове шпионски информационни програми, Politics & Security Journal, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2535-0358, Year III, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 30-37.
    2019 Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в: Христов, Х., Характеристика на съвременните видове шпионски информационни програми, Politics & Security Journal, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2535-0358, Year III, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 30-37.
    2019 Ташева, Ж., Боянов П., Сравнителен анализ на злонамерени уеб-базирани атаки, Научна конференция на тема „Защитата на личните данни в контекста на информационната сигурност”, Факултет "Артилерия, ПВО и КИС" при Националният военен университет „Васил Левски”, гр. Шумен, България, ISBN 978-954-9681-49-9, 6 - 7 Юни 2013, с. 178-183. Цитирано в: Христов, Х., Характеристика на съвременните видове шпионски информационни програми, Politics & Security Journal, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2535-0358, Year III, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 30-37.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system Windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp.34-41. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Implementation of information intelligence techniques against academic institutions, Yearbook of Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2367-8798, Vol. XV, 2018, с. 59-66.
    2019 Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Implementation of information intelligence techniques against academic institutions, Yearbook of Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2367-8798, Vol. XV, 2018, с. 59-66.
    2019 Ташева, Ж., Боянов П., Сравнителен анализ на злонамерени уеб-базирани атаки, Научна конференция на тема „Защитата на личните данни в контекста на информационната сигурност”, Факултет "Артилерия, ПВО и КИС" при Националният военен университет „Васил Левски”, гр. Шумен, България, ISBN 978-954-9681-49-9, 6 - 7 Юни 2013, с. 178-183. Цитирано в: Hristov, H., Implementation of information intelligence techniques against academic institutions, Yearbook of Higher School of Security and Economics, Plovdiv, Publishing complex HSSE, ISSN 2367-8798, Vol. XV, 2018, с. 59-66.
    2019 Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124, available at: http://www.rsttto.com/publication.html. Цитирано в: Kovacheva, M., Basics of corporate security, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VIII E, 2018, pp. 65-78.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Educational exploiting the information resources and invading the security mechanisms of the operating system windows 7 with the exploit Eternalblue and Backdoor Doublepulsar, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 14, 2018, pp. 34-41, available at: http://www.rst-tto.com/publication.html. Цитирано в: Kovacheva, M., Basics of corporate security, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VIII E, 2018, pp. 65-78.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Kazakov, K., Process approach to the management of intelligence and counterintelligence services, Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 2018 of the National Military University "Vasil Levski" - Veliko Tarnovo, 14 - 15 June 2018, ISBN 978-619-7246-20-9 (onlinee-book), Vol. 5, pp. 165-170.
    2019 Boyanov, P., Hristov, Hr., Fetfov, O., Trifonov, T., Educational simulation the local area network of academic departments with securely configured FTP server, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 31, March 2017, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 146-154. Цитирано в: Teodosiev, P., The relations between Bulgaria and Turkey – problems and resolving perspectives, Proceedings of the Annual University Scientific Conference 2018 of the National Military University "Vasil Levski" - Veliko Tarnovo, 14 - 15 June 2018, ISBN 978-619-7246-20-9 (onlinee-book), ISSN 1314-1937, Vol. 5, pp. 181-189.
    2019 Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в: Khammas, B. Hasan, S., Ahmed, R., Bassi, J., Ismail, I., Accuracy Improved Malware Detection Method using Snort Sub-signatures and Machine Learning Techniques, 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), Publisher: IEEE, 19-21 Sept. 2018, Colchester, United Kingdom, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-7275-4, USB ISBN: 978-1-5386-7274-7, Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-7276-1, Page(s): 107 - 112, DOI: 10.1109/CEEC.2018.8674233, indexed in Scopus.
    2019 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Анализ на съвременните видове уязвимости и експлойти в компютърните мрежи и системи, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 112-122. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Karadocheva, M., Tsankov, Ts., The invisible internet and cyber security, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 519-524.
    2019 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Сравнителен анализ на съвременните видове антивирусни програми, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско идателство „Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISSN 1311- 834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 123-133. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Bradvarov, A., Power of blockchain technology: redefining and demolishing trust in digital economy, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 525-530.
    2019 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Николов, Ив., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Сравнителен анализ на съвременните видове безжични IP видеокамери в компютърните мрежи за наблюдение и контрол, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 143-149. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Lilov, V., Influence of digital technology on e-learning, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 512-518.
    2019 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Анализ на съвременните видове уязвимости и експлойти в компютърните мрежи и системи, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 112-122. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Lilov, V., Influence of digital technology on e-learning, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 512-518.
    2019 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Анализ на съвременните видове уязвимости и експлойти в компютърните мрежи и системи, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 112-122. Цитирано в: Konstantinova, E., Bradvarov, A., Power of blockchain technology: redefining and demolishing trust in digital economy, Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Defense Technologies”, Faculty of Artillery, Air Defense and Communication and Information Systems, ISSN 2367-7902, 01-03.10.2019, Shumen, pp. 525-530.
    2018 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92. Цитирано в Hristo, Hr.,Scanning for Vulnerabilities in the Security Mechanisms of the Hosts in the Academic Institutions and Government Agencies, Mathematical and Software Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2018), 1-6 (available at: http://varepsilon.com/).
    2018 Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в Hristo, Hr.,Scanning for Vulnerabilities in the Security Mechanisms of the Hosts in the Academic Institutions and Government Agencies, Mathematical and Software Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2018), 1-6 (available at: http://varepsilon.com/).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Zhaneta, T., An unauthorized penetration into computer system with activated firewall and antivirus software, Anniversary Scientific International Conference 45 Years Computer Sciences and Engineering Department 30 Years Computer Systems and Technologies Speciality, 27-28 September, 2013, ISSN 1312-3335, Varna, Bulgaria, Section 1 Computer systems and Networks, pp.41-46. Цитирано в Hristo, Hr.,Scanning for Vulnerabilities in the Security Mechanisms of the Hosts in the Academic Institutions and Government Agencies, Mathematical and Software Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2018), 1-6 (available at: http://varepsilon.com/).
    2018 Boyanov, P. 2013. A sophisticated information gathering and security auditing of computer and network resources using the cross-platform portscanner Zenmap, International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2013), Riga - Latvia, LABPOTO - Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-8409-0-6, Volume 9, June 17 - 21, 2013, pp. 154-157. Цитирано в Hristo, Hr.,Scanning for Vulnerabilities in the Security Mechanisms of the Hosts in the Academic Institutions and Government Agencies, Mathematical and Software Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2018), 1-6 (available at: http://varepsilon.com/).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Using HTTP filter to analyze and monitor the vulnerability and security states in determined computer network, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 2. 2014, pp. 45-51. Цитирано в: Zhelezov, St., Uzunova-Dimitrova, B., Paraskevov, Hr., An approach for hiding steganography data within web applications. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 1816-949x (Print): ISSN: 1818-7803 (Online), 2017, Vol. 12, Issue 8 SI, pp. 8251-8255, DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2017.8251.8255, SJR: 0.163 (2017), SNIP: 0.380 (2017), CiteScore: 0.31 (2017).
    2018 Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в: Khammas, B. Malware Detection using Sub-Signatures and Machine Learning Technique. Journal of Information Security Research, Print ISSN 0976-4143, Online ISSN 0976-4151, Vol.9, No 3, 2018, pp. 96-106, DOI: 10.6025/jisr/2018/9/3/96-106, indexed in UlrichsWeb Global Serials Directory.
    2018 Getsov, P., Bo, W., Mardirossian, G., Nedkov, R., Stoyanov, S., Prokopenko, O., Boyanov, P., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017).     Цитирано в: Kai-jun, Yu,, Rui-yi, Gong. Research on the Competitive Intelligence Alliance of Medical Devices Based on Industrial-University-Hospital-Administration-Research. The 2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI-2018), KnE Social Sciences, ISSN 2518-668X, 2018, pp. 1364–1377. DOI: 10.18502/kss.v3i10.3476.
    2018 Getsov, P., Bo, W., Mardirossian, G., Nedkov, R., Stoyanov, S., Prokopenko, O., Boyanov, P., Equipment for evaluation of the characteristics of electronic-optic converters, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), ISSN 2367–5535 (Online), Vol. 70, No. 11, 5 December 2017, pp. 1575-1578, IF: 0.270 (2017), SJR: 0.210 (2017), SNIP: 0.332 (2017), CiteScore: 0.29 (2017). Цитирано в:     Li, Ruoyang. The Current Situation and Thinking of Ideological and Political Education in College Students. The 2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation (ICOI-2018), KnE Social Sciences, ISSN 2518-668X, 2018, pp. pages 1378–1387. DOI: 10.18502/kss.v3i10.3477.
    2018 Боянов, П., Изследване на корелационните свойства на сложни радиосигнали, използвани в безжичната комуникационна система LTE, Сборник научни трудове от проведена научна сесия 2011 г. в НВУ „Васил Левски, Факултет „Артилерия, ПВО и КИС“, Шумен, 2012, ч. III, Курсантско-студентска секция, изд. „Химера“ ООД, c/o Jusautor, ISSN 1313-7433, 2012, с. 41-49. Цитирано в:      Беджев, Б., Николов, Н., Цанков, Ц., Обучаема изкуствена имунна система използваща „добри“ пътища за синтез на сигнали с оптимални автокорелационни свойства. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Боянов, П., Изследване на корелационните свойства на сложни радиосигнали, използвани в безжичната комуникационна система LTE, Сборник научни трудове от проведена научна сесия 2011 г. в НВУ „Васил Левски, Факултет „Артилерия, ПВО и КИС“, Шумен, 2012, ч. III, Курсантско-студентска секция, изд. „Химера“ ООД, c/o Jusautor, ISSN 1313-7433, 2012, с. 41-49. Цитирано в:      Беджев, Б., Янакиев, Пл., Обзор на методите за синтез на идеални фазово манипулирани сигнали с дължина n=3mod4. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Боянов, П., Изследване на корелационните свойства на сложни радиосигнали, използвани в безжичната комуникационна система LTE, Сборник научни трудове от проведена научна сесия 2011 г. в НВУ „Васил Левски, Факултет „Артилерия, ПВО и КИС“, Шумен, 2012, ч. III, Курсантско-студентска секция, изд. „Химера“ ООД, c/o Jusautor, ISSN 1313-7433, 2012, с. 41-49. Цитирано в:      Беджев, Б., Янакиев, Обзор на методите за синтез на идеални фазово манипулирани сигнали с дължина n=1mod4. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92. Цитирано в:      Николов, Л., Фетфов, O., Борисова. A., Съображения за сигурност при писането на кодове с javascript. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Using HTTP filter to analyze and monitor the vulnerability and security states in determined computer network, Journal Science Education Innovation, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 2. 2014, pp. 45-51. Цитирано в:      Николов, Л., Фетфов, O., Борисова. A., Съображения за сигурност при писането на кодове с javascript. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Фетфов, О., Боянов, П., Николов, Ив., Ташева, Ж., Трифонов, Т., Сравнителен анализ на съвременните видове безжични IP видеокамери в компютърните мрежи за наблюдение и контрол, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, Университетско идателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, ISSN 1311-834X, Vol. VI E, 2016, с. 143-149. Цитирано в:      Чобанов, Д., Интегрирана система за наблюдение и контрол. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Analysis and assessment of several security vulnerability databases, Third international scientific conference science, Education, innovation, dedicated to the 145th anniversary of Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences and to the 35th anniversary of Georgi Ivanov’s flight, Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISBN 978-954-577-969-5, vol. II, Shumen, Bulgaria, 21-23 May 2014, pp. 118-122. Цитирано в:      Диманова, Д., Кузманов, З., Международни стандарти за сигурност. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Security and vulnerability of the modern information systems in the government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 386-391. Цитирано в:      Диманова, Д., Кузманов, З., Международни стандарти за сигурност. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92. Цитирано в:      Диманова, Д., Кузманов, З., Управление на риска в информационната сигурност. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Security and vulnerability of the modern information systems in the government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 386-391. Цитирано в:      Диманова, Д., Кузманов, З., Управление на риска в информационната сигурност. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Zhaneta, T., An unauthorized penetration into computer system with activated firewall and antivirus software, Anniversary Scientific International Conference 45 Years Computer Sciences and Engineering Department 30 Years Computer Systems and Technologies Speciality, 27-28 September, 2013, ISSN 1312-3335, Varna, Bulgaria, Section 1 Computer systems and Networks, pp.41-46. Цитирано в: Кантарджиев, И., Станев, Ст., Христов, Х., Относно финансовото осигуряване на дейността на фирмено контраразузнавателно звено. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92. Цитирано в:      Кантарджиев, И., Станев, Ст., Христов, Х., Относно финансовото осигуряване на дейността на фирмено контраразузнавателно звено. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Zhaneta, T., An unauthorized penetration into computer system with activated firewall and antivirus software, Anniversary Scientific International Conference 45 Years Computer Sciences and Engineering Department 30 Years Computer Systems and Technologies Speciality, 27-28 September, 2013, ISSN 1312-3335, Varna, Bulgaria, Section 1 Computer systems and Networks, pp.41-46. Цитирано в:      Христов, Л., Станев, Ст., Христов, Х., Средства за защита на чувствителната информация на фирмата от вътрешни зложелатели (инсайдери). Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92. Цитирано в:      Христов, Л., Станев, Ст., Христов, Х., Средства за защита на чувствителната информация на фирмата от вътрешни зложелатели (инсайдери). Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в: Досев, Н., Петров, В., Съвременни тенденции и аспекти на информационната сигурност в автоматизираните информационни системи и мрежи (аис/м). Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Vulnerability penetration testing the computer and network resources of windows based operating systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 85-92. Цитирано в:      Досев, Н., Петров, В., Съвременни тенденции и аспекти на информационната сигурност в автоматизираните информационни системи и мрежи (аис/м). Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Боянов, П. Кибератаки и противодействие. Монография, Университетско издателство "Епископ Константин Преславски" Шумен, ISBN 978-619-201-206-9, гр. Шумен, 2017 г., 210 с. Цитирано в:      Досев, Н., Петров, В., Съвременни тенденции и аспекти на информационната сигурност в автоматизираните информационни системи и мрежи (аис/м). Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2018 Boyanov, P., Hristov, H., Security and vulnerability of the modern information systems in the government agencies, private organizations and academic institutions, International Scientific Online Journal, www.sociobrains.com, Publ.: Smart Ideas - Wise Decisions Ltd, ISSN 2367-5721 (online), Issue 42, February 2018, pp. 386-391. Цитирано в:      Русева, В., Василева Р., Корупция в сферата на държавната администрация. Сборник научни трудове - Научна конференция с международно участие "МАТТЕХ 2018" - 25-27 октомври 2018, ISSN: 1314-3921, т. 2, 2018, (под печат).
    2016 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в: Hristov, Hr., Civic Control under security sector, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, 2016, Vol. VI E, Faculty of Technical Sciences, ISSN 1311-834X, pp. 161-173.
    2016 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124. Цитирано в: Hristov, Hr., Public control under security sector, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, 2016, Vol. VI E, Faculty of Technical Sciences, ISSN 1311-834X, pp. 174-189.
    2016 Boyanov P., Using HTTP filter to analyze and monitor the vulnerability and security states in determined computer network, JOURNAL SCIENCE EDUCATION INNOVATION, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 2. 2014, pp. 45-51. Цитирано в: Zhelezov, Stanimir; Uzunova-Dimitrova, Boryna; Paraskevov, Hristo. An approach for hiding steganography data within web applications, Advanced Science Letters, American Scientific Publishers, 2016.
    2016 Zhelezov, St., Paraskevov, Hr., Hristov, Hr., Boyanov, P., Uzunova, B., An architecture of steganological subsystem for information protection, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Vol. 10, June 2-7, 2014, pp. 123-128. Цитирано в: Stanev, St., Szczypiorski, K., Steganography Training: a Case Study from University of Shumen in Bulgaria. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, ISSN 2081-8491 (until 2012), E-ISSN 2300-1933 (since 2013), 2016, Vol. 62, No 3, pp. 315-318, DOI: 10.1515/eletel-2016-0043, SJR: 0.216 (2017), SNIP: 0.693 (2017), CiteScore: 0.75 (2017).
    2015 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124 Цитирано в: Ташева Ж. Н., Следващо поколение киберсигурност - предвиждане на заплахите. CIO. бр. 7, от 20 юли 2015, http://cio.bg/7296_sledvashto_pokolenie_kibersigurnost__predvizhdane_na_zaplahite
    2015 Boyanov P., Using HTTP filter to analyze and monitor the vulnerability and security states in determined computer network, JOURNAL SCIENCE EDUCATION INNOVATION, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 2. 2014, pp. 45-51 Zhelezov St.,Modified Algorithm for Steganalysis, Mathematical and Software Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2015), 31-36 (available at: http://varepsilon.com/)
    2015 Hristov Hr., Boyanov P., Trifonov T., Approaches to identify vulnerabilities in the security system of the social organization and computer resources, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 5, 2014, pp. 101-107 Цитирано в: Станев Ст., Железов Ст., Параскевов Хр., Христов Хр., Ръководство за упражнения по стеганография, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски”, Шумен, 2015, ISBN 978-619-201-011-9
    2015 Zhelezov St. K., Paraskevov Hr. Iv., Hristov Hr. At., Boyanov P. Kr., Uzunova B. Hr., An architecture of steganological subsystem for information protection, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 123-128. Цитирано в: STANIMIR S. STANEV, BORISLAV P. STOYANOV., Предизвикателствата на стеганографията към информационната сигурност и обучението на специалисти в университетите, Сборник трудове на научна конференция „Новите предизвикателства пред системите за информационна сигурност”. ФАПВОКИС на НВУ, Шумен, 2015. ISBN 978-954-9681-65-9. стр. 36-55.
    2015 Boyanov P., Analysis and assessment of several security vulnerability databases, Third International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Innovation, Dedicated To The 145th Anniversary Of Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences And To The 35th Anniversary Of Georgi Ivanov’s Flight, ISBN 978-954-577-969-5, vol. II, Shumen, Bulgaria, 21-23 May 2014, pp. 118-122. Цитирано в: Hristov, Hr., Company security service in action, Annual of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Shumen, 2015, Vol. V E, Faculty of Technical Sciences, ISSN 1311-834X, pp. 113-125.
    2014 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124 Цитирано в: Hristov H., Approaches about evaluation on threats’ influence upon social orgnization, JOURNAL SCIENCE EDUCATION INNOVATION, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 3. 2014, pp. 97-103
    2014 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124 Цитирано в: Krastev K., Hristov H., Development of warfare and counter-terrorism, JOURNAL SCIENCE EDUCATION INNOVATION, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 2. 2014, pp. 169-179
    2014 Boyanov P., Analysis and assessment the security vulnerability in communication processes in a given computer network, JOURNAL SCIENCE EDUCATION INNOVATION, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 2. 2014, pp. 39-44 Цитирано в: Hristov H., Development of warfare and counter-terrorism, JOURNAL SCIENCE EDUCATION INNOVATION, ISSN 1314-9784, VOL. 3. 2014, pp. 104-111
    2014 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124 Цитирано в: Ташева Ж. Н., Предизвикателства към сигурността на съвременните информационни системи. CIO. бр. 7, от 23 юли 2014, http://cio.bg/6511_predizvikatelstva_kam_sigurnostta_na_savremennite_informacionni_sistemi
    2014 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124 Цитирано в: Dimanova D., Hristov H., A model about organizing a counteraction to encroachments on company security, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 96-104
    2014 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124 Цитирано в: Krastev K., Hristov Hr., Development of warfare and counter-terrorism, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 179-186
    2014 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124 Цитирано в: Hristov Hr., Methods of approach for identifying the sources of threats for an organization, THIRD INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE SCIENCE, EDUCATION, INNOVATION, DEDICATED TO THE 145TH ANNIVERSARY OF BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND TO THE 35TH ANNIVERSARY OF GEORGI IVANOV’S FLIGHTISSN, ISBN 978-954-577-969-5, vol. II, Shumen, Bulgaria, 21-23 May 2014, pp. 335-343
    2014 Boyanov P., Using the security network scanner GFI Languard to discover and improve the vulnerabilities in the computer network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 4, 2013, pp.74-79 Цитирано в: Dimanova D., Risk factors for occurrence of crisis situations and crisis, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 82-86
    2014 Boyanov P. K., A taxonomy of the cyber attacks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, Vol.3, 2013, pp. 114-124 Цитирано в: Dimanova D., Risk factors for occurrence of crisis situations and crisis, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 82-86
    2014 Boyanov P, Kr., Tasheva Zh, N., "A comprehensive testing and analisys of the computer and network security vulnerabilities using the scanning program Nessus", International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2013), Riga - Latvia, LABPOTO - Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-8409-0-6, Volume 9, June 17 - 21, 2013, pp. 162-165 Цитирано в: Stanev S, Hristov H, Dimanova D, "Aproaches for stego defense of sensitive information", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 117-122
    2014 Boyanov P., Zhaneta T., "An unauthorized penetration into computer system with activated firewall and antivirus software", Anniversary Scientific International Conference 45 Years Computer Sciences and Engineering Department 30 Years Computer Systems and Technologies Speciality, 27-28 September, 2013, ISSN 1312-3335, Varna, Bulgaria, Section 1 Computer systems and Networks, pp.41-46 Цитирано в: Stanev S, Hristov H, Dimanova D, "Aproaches for stego defense of sensitive information", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 117-122
    2014 Boyanov P., Using the security network scanner GFI Languard to discover and improve the vulnerabilities in the computer network systems, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 4, 2013, pp.74-79 Цитирано в: Dimanova D., Hristov H., A model about organizing a counteraction to encroachments on company security, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 96-104
    2014 Zhelezov St. K., Paraskevov Hr. Iv., Hristov Hr. At., Boyanov P. Kr., Uzunova B. Hr., An architecture of steganological subsystem for information protection, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics (ICBBM 2014), Liepaya, Latvia, ISBN 978-9934-10-573-9, Volume 10, June 2 - 7, 2014, pp. 123-128. Цитирано в: Stanev, S.S., Обучението и изследванията по стеганология в Шуменския Университет „Епископ Константин Преславски”, Годишник на ШУ „Епископ К. Преславски”, Факултет по математика и информатика, том ХVІ С, 2014, стр. 117-129.
    2014 Боянов П. К., Технологии за обединение на фиксираните и мобилните комуникационни мрежи. // Сборник научни трудове от научна сесия 2010. Шумен, Творческо студио и Рекламна агенция „Химера” ООД - гр. Шумен, част II, 2011, с. 422-430. Цитирано в: Kanchev Y. K., Argirov B. Sv., Ginchev St. N., Ivanov M. Iv., Nedzhibov S. M., Dimitrov Kr. Z., Yankova Sp. N., Main features of LTE advanced technology, Proceedings of the international conference "МАТТЕХ 2014" - 20 - 22 November 2014 г., ISSN: 1314-3921, vol. 2, 2014, pp. 300-306.
    2014 Боянов П. К., Найденов Б. Г., Синхронизация по време в мобилната комуникационна система LTE. В: Сборник научни трудове от национална конференция с международно участие “40 Години Шуменски университет 1971 - 2011”, Шумен, Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски”, ISBN: 978-954-577-620-5, 2011, с. 85-90. Цитирано в: Kanchev Y. K., Argirov B. Sv., Ginchev St. N., Ivanov M. Iv., Nedzhibov S. M., Dimitrov Kr. Z., Yankova Sp. N., Main features of LTE advanced technology, Proceedings of the international conference "МАТТЕХ 2014" - 20 - 22 November 2014 г., ISSN: 1314-3921, vol. 2, 2014, pp. 300-306.
    2014 Stanew S., Tsonev I., Boyanov P., "Research of Communication Processes in the Data Link Layer on Small Local Area Networks", International Conference on Bionics and Prosthetics, Biomechanics and Mechanics, Mechatronics and Robotics, Bulgaria - Varna, RTU Printing House - Riga, ISBN 978-9934-10-299-8, Volume 8, 2012, pp. 56-59. Цитирано в: Argirov Sv. B., Kanchev Y K., Rasim Z. T., Ginchev St. N., Stanimirova A. V., Dimitrova M. M., Fahredin V. G., Ismail V. V., Ismail V. F., Main features of the MPLS protocol, Proceedings of the international conference "МАТТЕХ 2014" - 20 - 22 November 2014 г., ISSN: 1314-3921, vol. 2, 2014, pp. 293-299.
    2012 Боянов П. К., Технологии за обединение на фиксираните и мобилните комуникационни мрежи. // Сборник научни трудове от научна сесия 2010. Шумен, Творческо студио и Рекламна агенция „Химера” ООД - гр. Шумен, част II, 2011, с. 422-430. Цитирано в: Nikolov G., Yordanov Y., Features of the Standard IEEE 802.11, Proceedings of the international conference "МАТТЕХ 2012" - 22 - 24 november 2012 г., ISSN: 1314-3921, vol. 2, 2012, pp. 408-414.
    2012 Боянов П. К., Изследване на корелационните свойства на сложни радиосигнали, използвани в безжичната комуникационна система LTE. // Сборник доклади от VII Национална студентска научно-техническа конференция 2011. София, Издателство на Технически Университет - София, 2011, ISSN 1314-0442, с.247-254. Цитирано в: Nikolov G., Yordanov Y., Features of the standard IEEE 802.11, Proceedings of the international conference "МАТТЕХ 2012" - 22 - 24 november 2012 г., ISSN: 1314-3921, vol. 2, 2012, pp. 408-414.
    2012 Boyanov П. К., Методи за защита на комуникационните процеси в каналния слой на малки локални мрежи, // Научна сесия с международно участие от 2 май 2012 г. на ВВМУ “Н. Й. Вапцаров” - “Курсантите и студентите на морско училище и науката”, Варна, Издателски център и размножителна база на ВВМУ “Н. Й. Вапцаров”, 2012, с.527-532. Цитирано в: Bonchev Y., Bonchev M., Types of network attacks, Proceedings of the international conference "МАТТЕХ 2012" - 22 - 24 november 2012 г., ISSN: 1314-3921, vol. 2, 2012, pp. 473-478.
    1900 Boyanov, P., Using a specialized software for comprehensive monitoring the suspicious states in computer networks, a refereed Journal Scientific and Applied Research (Licensed in EBSCO, USA), Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, ISSN 1314-6289, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 148-154, https://doi.org/10.46687/jsar.v6i1.152. Цитирано в: D. Tsonev, M. Kochankov and R. Iliev, \"A Generalized Net Model of Integration of Electronic-Communication Networks to Support the Command and Control Process,\" 2024 IEEE 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Varna, Bulgaria, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IS61756.2024.10705212. Indexed in Scopus.