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  • History

    Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen has inherited a centuries-long educational tradition dating back to the famous Pliska and Preslav Literary School (10th c) and going on through the ages in Shumen intellectual life.

    Shumen University is one of the five classical public universities in Bulgaria it is recognized as a leading university that offers modern facilities for education, scientific researches and creative work.

    The University continues and enriches the mission of the Higher Educational Course, started 80 years ago, on the basis of which in 1964 a Faculty, as a branch of Sofia University, was founded. In 1971 it became a separate higher school with three basic faculties – philological, natural sciences and educational. At present Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen has seven structural educational units (five faculties, a college in the town of Dobrich and In-Service Teacher Training Department in Varna). These units cover the main fields of the classical university science in the humanities, natural, mathematical and technical sciences and education. Students’ education is based on curricula and syllabi for the educational qualification degrees vocational bachelor, bachelor and master in correspondence with the state regulatory documents.

    The Postgraduate Education and Qualification Centre at the University provides the necessary conditions for retraining and higher qualification of specialists having graduated from colleges and higher education institutions. Faculties provide education which allows for bachelors and masters, having shown skills and abilities to conduct research, to continue their education in full-time and part-time doctoral courses for acquiring the educational and academic degree doctor.

    Over 7000 full –time and part – time students at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen study in Bachelor and Master Degree Programmes offered by the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,  the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Technical Sciences, the Faculty of Education, the College in the town of Dobrich, and the Deaprtment in Varna. The educational process is based on curricula and syllabi that ensure successful professional development and flexibility in various and dynamic labor environment for the future University alumni

    The academic staff within the University consists of about 400 lecturers. There are 44 professors and 151 associate professors; 30 Doctors Habil and 220 PhDs. The University is attractive for distinguished visitng professors from other Bulgarian and foreign partner universities.

    The University academic staff has contributed significantly to various branches of science and has participated in a number of international educational and scientific projects. The University offers different facilities and it has at its disposal many laboratories, educational studios and scientific centres where the academic staff conducts fundamental and applied research and creative work. The research work is focused on the following scientific fields: Old Bulgarian Studies, Theory and History of the Bulgarian Language, Applied Linguistics, Theory and History of Bulgarian Literature, Theological Studies, Bulgarian Christian Art, History of Bulgaria, General History, Banach’s Algebras, Theory of Groups, Coding, Functional Analysis, Organic and Non-Organic Synthesis, Agrochemistry, Physics of Aerosols, Astrophysics, Physics of the Plasma, Crystal Optics, Ecology, Microbiology, Phosphorus Organic Chemistry, Element Organic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, etc.

    Preslav Literary School is well-known to scientific circles in Bulgaria and abroad as a centre for research in the field of Medieval Studies. Active research work is carried out in the Educational Research Centre, Applied Linguistics Laboratory, Iconography Laboratory, Computer Methods in Archaeology Laboratory, The Astronomy Centre, etc.

    Shumen University Library book-stock offers contemporary resources for students and academic staff.

    The University Publishing House publishes hundreds of volumes of specialized, educational and scientific literature.

    Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen is comprised of 5 campuses four four students’ halls of residence with more than 1000 beds, and places for recreation.

    The Students` Council is a fundamental structure that ensures students` autonomy. Students have the opportunity not only to study in their desired major but also to participate in various activities and programmes that allow them to demonstrate and enhance their skills and competences.