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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

    A Czech scientist and expert in Bulgarian and Slavonic studies, literary and cultural historian, a professor in Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

    A Russian expert in Humanities, Slavonic literary critic, medievalist, specialist in culture studies, Slavic civilization historian. Russian Literature Institute, Saint Petersberg, Russia

    A famous English mathematician with contribution to the field of geometrical, topological and measuring devices, a member of the Organizing Committee of a Mathematical International Competition for students that has been held in Bulgaria since 1993. A Professor of Mathematics at University College, London, Great Britain

    A famous Swiss theologian, PhD in Theology. Dean of the Old Catholic Faculty at State University of Bern, Switzerland

    A famous German physicist with contribution to the field of the semi-conductors. Humboldt State University, Berlin, Germany

    A famous specialist in the field of General Linguistics and Russian Studies, who was Head of the Russian Department at Shumen University for many years. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

    A scientist with considerable contribution to the field of the Orthodox Christian Aesthetics. Philosophy Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moskow

    A famous conductor with a contribution to learning and popularizing Bulgarian music and Pancho Vladigerov’s works. Musical Academy, Tokyo, Japan.

    An English scientist in the field of Humanities with contribution to methodology and foreign language teaching. King’s College, London, Great Britain.

    One of the most significant Bulgarian scientists.He is considered to be the last encyclopedist in Bulgarian Humanities, literary scholar, researcher of Bulgarian consciousness and “Bulgarian passions”, interpreter of Bulgarian spiritual heritage and Bulgarian nature. A corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

    A world-known scientist with considerable achievements in the field of astronomy, a lecturer at Shumen University for many years and a rector. A Director of the Institute for Teaching Doctoral Students at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

    An honoured researcher in the field of Special Pedagogy, one of the Deans of the Faculty of Education at Shumen University, founder and head of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Sociology. Trakiya University, Stara Zagora.

    A prominent Bulgarian archeologist, historian and theologian, one of the founders of the History, Theology and Archeology majors at Shumen University, a lecturer and rector of Shumen University for a long time.

    An eminent Bulgarian linguist with special contribution to the field of Bulgarian dialectology, phonetics and lexicology, a lecturer at Shumen University for a long time, rector and head of the Department of Bulgarian Studies. Sofia University and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

    A distinguished Bulgarian linguist with contribution to all fields of moderm Bulgarian language, linguistic education and culture. The first vice-rector of Shumen University and the first head of the Department of Bulgarian Studies. A professor of modern Bulgarian language at Sofia University.

    An outstanding specialist in the field of musical psychology, early childhood education, children’s art, higher education didactics. A lecturer at Shumen University for a long time with active contribution to the Faculty of Education and College Dobrich.

    A German palaeoslavist. He researches, publishes and popularizes old Bulgarian culture heritage and especially Bulgarian writings from 9-10 century. A lecturer at the Faculty of Slavonic Studies at Albert Ludwig University, Freiburg, Germany.

    A Bulgarian politician, founder and chairman of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, PhD in philosophy and a scientific associate at the philosophy Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

    A German mathematician with high achievements in the field of the differential geometry. Mathematical Faculty at Technical University, Berlin, Germany.

    A French theologian, a specialist in Latin language and Roman law, a researcher of the Bulgarian lands during the Roman and Byzantine age. A chairman of the Academy of Sciences in Toulouse, France.

    A representative of the United Nations High Commissariat for Refugees in Bulgartia, a scientific researcher of the organization at Geneva University. A member of a number of foreign academies.

    A famous Bulgarian actor, winner of a number of national and international prizes, a lecturer of acting at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts.

    A famous Bulgarian journalist, founder of the first national Bulgarian private radio station– Darik, a chairman of Bulgarian National Electronic Media.

    A famous Bulgarian specialist in the field of neurology and neuropsychology, one of the founders of the Department of Special Pedagogy at Shumen University. A Head of Queen Joanna University Hospital, Sofia.

    A famous specialist in semiotics, an author of significant works on history of Russian literary language and Russian culture, a professor of Moscow State University, Russia.

    An expert of Turkish Studies, an author of a number of monographs, textbooks and research in the field of the Turkish, Tartarian and Gagaouz languages, one of the founders of the Turkish Studies major at Shumen University. A professor at the Eastern Languages and Cultures Centre at Sofia University.

    A radio journalist, radio researcher, founder of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications at Sofia University, winner of the Sirak Skitnik prize for overall contribution to radio development.

    A famous mathematician in the field of geometry and algebra, respected member of the Mathematical Society in Hamburg. A professor at Sofia University.

    A famous mathematician with scientific contribution to the field of mathematical analysis, a lecturer at Sofia University and Plovdiv University, a lecturer at Shumen University for a long time. A chairman of the Specialized Scientific Council of mathematics and mechanics at the Higher Certifying Commission.

    A famous specialist in Slav studies, researcher and translator of Bulgarian literature, PhD in Bulgaria. A lecturer in Old Bulgarian literature at Humboldt University in Berlin.

    A world-famous Hungarian palaeoslavist with contribution to popularizing old Bulgarian culture, a foreign member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Jozsef Attila University, Szeged, Hungary.

    A world-famous scientist with contribution to the field of analytical and coordination chemistry, A lecturer at Shumen University for a long time and a Head of the Chemistry Department. Sofia University and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

    A famous Bulgarian conductor and musician, founder of Bodra Pesen children’s choir, conductor of Rodny Zvutsy choir in Shumen, a professor at Shumen University. A winner of prestigious prizes in the field of musical art.

    A specialist in musical education and conductor, founder of Morsky Zvutsy choir and Varna Boys Choir, founder and president of Prof. Dimitrov International Choir Competition and director of an International Course for conductors

    Prominent Bulgarian diplomat, manager and finance specialist, philanthropist with a great contribution to the Bulgarian social and political life and donation causes with high public value.

    World-wide known painter with a high contribution and exceptional achievements for consolidation and development of Modern Bulgarian Art of Painting, Bulgarian culture and art, with active teaching activity and international recognition.

    A German mathematician with a distinguished achievements in the field of mathematical education and social practice in Mathematics and Gender Studies.
    Academic words „Teaching and/or Learning in Higher Education Institutions after the Bologna Contract – Constraints and Challenges“

    A Bulgarian mathematician with a distinguished achievements in the field of mathematics and with a great contribution for the establishment of the mathematical school at Konstantin University of Shumen.

    Prominent Bulgarian scientist with international prestige in the field of German studies, professor at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Director of the Center for German and European Studies “ZEDES – Germanicum”, Member of the Scientific Council of the German Language Institute in Mannheim, one of the founders of the Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen.


    Prominent Czech scientist with a great contribution in the filed of Bulgarian Studies, researcher of the work of Cyril and Methodius and the Old Bulgarian literary works.


    A prominent zoologist who left a deep mark in Bulgarian science with significant research contributions in the field of biodiversity, morphology, taxonomy, biology and ecology of freshwater, marine and parasitic unicellular animals (protozoa).

    Remarkable doctor, surgeon with 45 years of experience in the field of general and abdominal surgery, scientist of international prestige, president of the Bulgarian Surgical Society, vice-president of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, former head of the Surgery Clinic at ISTD “Tsaritsa Yoanna-I “, Honorary citizen of Shumen, winner of the award” Doctor of the Year `2018″.

    Author and co-author of over 30 books and scientific monographs and over 250 publications in Bulgarian and foreign journals. He is the author of 2 inventions, 1 utility model and 14 rationalizations. President of the Board of Trustees at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen.

    Leading scientist in the field of automation and informatics with outstanding achievements in the field of management theory and artificial intelligence.

    President of the Supervisory Board of the largest aluminum plant in the Balkans – Alcomet in Shumen and President of the Management Board of the Bulgarian-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Honorary citizen of Shumen. He has been declared the donor of the year of the municipality of Shumen several times. Every year he supports our students.

    Prof. Ivan Yordanov is a specialist in the field of medieval numismatics and sphragistics, science of state signs and symbols in the Middle Ages. He is the author of 9 monographic studies and more than 200 scientific studies, articles and reports in Bulgarian and foreign publications. Editor of “Numismatics, Epigraphy and Sphragistics”, a publication of the NAI at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and of the scientific series “History”, a publication of the Department of History and Archeology. Member of the editorial board of the collections “Pliska-Preslav” and “Preslav”. He is a member of the International Association of Byzantine Sphragistics and the editorial board of the specialized publication “Studies in Buzantine Sigillography”, published in Washington and Leipzig. Among the founders of the Department of History and Archeology and its head in the period 1995-1996. From 2005 until today he has been the director of the Scientific Center for Byzantine Studies in the Faculty of Humanities, at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen.

    (1930-2020) Prominent Russian scientist, known in international academic circles for his academy and research in the field of linguistics and linguodidactics, with merits for the development of the methodology of foreign language teaching and linguistics as one of the leading fields in Slavic studies, with indisputable contribution to world Russian studies. Academician Kostomarov is the initiator of the establishment of the Pushkin Institute of Russian Language in Moscow, its first Director and first Rector, and since 2001 – President and Vice-President of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (IATRLL).

    One of the most important contemporary Bulgarian writers whose books are translated into foreign languages and are popular not only in Bulgaria. His debut novel “18% Gray” has undergone several editions and was included in the ranking of the hundred favorite books of Bulgarians in the campaign “The Big Read”. He is a playwright, winner of the Grand Prize of the New Bulgarian Drama Competition (2008) for his play “Retreat” and of the most prestigious theatre award for playwriting in the country – “Asker” for his play “Sunday Evening”. Theatre festivals. Editor-in-chief of Siela Publishing House.

    Graduated from Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen – major in Bulgarian Philology in 1993. Winner of the Grand Prize for Fiction at the National Student Meeting in Shumen in 1993, member of the jury of the National Student Literary Competition “Boyan Penev”.

    Prof. Hristomir Hristov was born on 26.11.1958 in the town of Shumen. He has been engaged in theoretical chemistry for more than 40 years, has worked and specialized in the USA, Japan, Russia, Germany. He develops thermodynamic models investigating the impact of climate change on nature and man. For the past two years he has been listed among the top 2% of Bulgarian scientists in Stanford University’s annual ranking of overall scientific contributions.

    His professional career in chemistry began at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Department of Physiochemistry, where he completed his undergraduate and graduate studies between 1978 and 1984.  In 1993 he defended his dissertation at IONH-BAS on the topic.  From April 2002 to March 2012, he was a research scientist at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. In 2019, he received his Ph.D. from Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen with his dissertation topic: “Chemical and geochemical modeling: theory and practice”. Since 2016 he has been a professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Physics of the Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen.

    Historian, public figure, professor of journalism and political PR, prof. Petar Stoyanovich D.Sc. is a graduate of General History and History of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe at the University of Vienna, Austria. He defended his MA with distinction in 1995, when he was elected Herder Fellow in History. Since 1995 he has been a PhD student at the Institute of East and Southeast European History of the University of Vienna. In 1998, he defended his PhD in history at the University of Vienna with honors. In 2015, he defended the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen. Since 2016 he has been an associate professor at the Institute of Historical Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 2018 he defended a professorship in history at the University of Shumen, and in 2022 at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

    The main interests and scientific searches of prof. Stoyanovich are in the field of the so-called “long 19th  century”, relations between the Balkans and the Great Powers, the monarchical institution and the history of the Bulgarian ruling dynasty. With his consistent work and a number of monographs and articles on the subject, Stoyanovich has established himself as the undisputed authority on the image and reign of Tsar Ferdinand.