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  • College in Dobrich


    The college in Dobrich is a successor of the Institute for preschool and primary school teachers established in 1972. During the years the college won recognition as a center for training highly qualified specialists in Northeastern Bulgaria within different areas of higher education.  

    The mission, goals and objectives of the College in Dobrich incorporate the idea of its own place within the context of social and economical development of the country.  These are in accordance with the mission of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen and correspond to the institution type, its name and structure, its academic profile and educational degrees offered.  The mission and the aims of the College in Dobrich are focused on:

    • meeting the real social needs related to training of highly qualified specialists in the area of Information Technologies, Pedagogy and Plant Protection who are easily adaptable to modern society requirements;
    • successful and effective realization of Professional Bachelor Degree graduates;
    • carrying out research in the field of Informatics and Information Technologies; Pedagogy and Plant Protection;
    • enhancement of organizational and financial activities within the College in order to achieve stability.

    The College aims at being a key factor in academic training and research that will allow education of harmonious and tolerant people who will be able to cope with the challenges in Bulgaria and worldwide.

    Annually, the College in Dobrich educates approximately 300 students in 3 professional fields that incorporate 5 modern higher education specialties: Informatics and Information Technologies, Primary School Education and Information Technologies, Preschool Education and Foreign Education, Plant Protection.

    The College offers 3 years full-time education. Graduates are awarded a Diploma for Higher education and Professional Bachelor Qualification Degree.  Those who graduate with excellent marks may be enrolled in a Master Degree Programme that is in the same professional field.

    Curricula are developed in accordance with Bulgarian and European standards. They include mandatory, optional and elective courses that allow students to gain fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge. Curricula provide opportunities for specializations. Moreover, there are opportunities for foreign language teaching and sport activities. Students do their school-based practices and specialized practices in reputable institutions, organizations and companies.

    There three departments within the College structure: Informatics and Mathematics, Preschool and Primary Scholl Education and Plant Protection.

    The education in the College is provided by highly qualified academic staff including 3 Professors, 5 Associate Professors, 13 Senior Lecturers and 1 Assistant. 3 of them are habilitated doctors, 7 are Doctors and 6 are Doctoral Students. Prominent scholars from the College, Shumen University and other Bulgarian universities deliver lectures to our students.

    The College in Dobrich disposes of modern equipment: lecture and seminar rooms, 7 computer laboratories with Internet and specialized foreign language teaching cabinets. There are special cabinets for music, plant protection, agricultural machines, genetics and selection. There are also sports hall with Fitness Centre and Students Internet Café. The library has more than 36 000 books. It offers a reading room equipped with computers connected to Internet. The library catalogue is digitalized and the database is available through the WEB site of the library.