Кандидатсвай онлайн

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    The Centre for Doctoral Training is a service unit in the structure of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen.

    The Centre supports some aspects of the University’s administrative processes in several main areas:

    • admission and training of doctoral students;
    • participation in research projects;
    • participation in scientific forums.

    Our mission is to develop and expand the scientific potential and research motivation of doctoral students, postdocs and young scientists.

    The Centre for Doctoral Training aims to support the research work of doctoral students by providing them with facilities for participation in courses, seminars, scientific forums and competitions related to their curriculum preparation.

    The Centre offers specialised consultations and training in accredited doctoral programs and creates opportunities for the personal, academic and career development of doctoral students.


    Head of Centre for Doctoral Training: Prof. Penka Kozhuharova, PhD
    • Office: Room 107, building 1, floor 1
    • Tel.: +359 54 830 495 / ext. 321
    • E-mail: p.kozhuharova@shu.bg
    Administrative Officer: Valentina Georgieva