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  • Article Submission

    Instructions to Authors (Formatting)

    ► ETHICAL STATEMENT [download]

    1. Lyuboslovie accepts texts in Bulgarian, Russian, English and German.
    2. The authors send in a separate file the following information in English: name, surname; title, degree; affiliation; email address.
    3. The journal accepts texts according to the following criteria:
    • articles – min. 4000 words – max. 7000 words
    • texts for Cultural heritage – min. 3000 words – max. 6000 words
    • texts for Academic review – min. 2000 words – max. 5000 words
    1. The article is approved after blind peer reviewing by experts in the corresponding thematic field and editing by the journal’s editorial board.
    2. Formatting guidelines:
    • The title the article should be both in English and in the language of the article (Bulgarian, Russian, German).
    • Articles should contain an abstract and key words in English.
    • The texts for Cultural heritage, Documents and memory and Academic review do not contain an abstract and key words in English.
    • Pages should not be numbered.
    1. Technical requirements:

    Title – centered, font Constantia 11, ALL CAPS Bold.

    Аbstract (after one blank line) – min. 120 – max. 150 words, font Constantia 10 /Italic/.

    Key words (on the next line) – font Constantia 10 /Italic/, up to 5.

    The text of the article (after one blank line) formatted as follows:

    Page Setup:

    Margins: Top – 2.8 см; Bottom – 2.8 см; Left – 2.8 см; Right – 2.8 см.

    Paper Size: Envelop B5 Custom size: Width: 17.5 см;  Height: 25.0 см

    Layout: Header: 1.4 см, Footer: 1.4 см

    Format: Font – Constantia; Font Style – Regular; Size – 11

    Paragraph: Line Spacing All: 1; Alignment: Justified;

    Spacing: Before – 0 pt. After – 6 pt.

    Line spacing – Multiple 1.15

    • Citation

    The journal follows the APA standard of citation. Citations of more than 4 lines start at a new line – Constantia 10, Regular, justified, indent on the left 0.5 cm.

    Authors cited in the text are marked as follows:

    (Spasov, 2002, pp. 120 – 122); (Dobreva, Savova, 2009, p. 13).

    • Notes

    Only footnotes, formatting: Constantia 9, Regular, justified; numbered in Arabic numbers.

    • References

    One blank line after the text the works cited are ordered alphabetically, font size Constantia 10, Regular, justified. Titles in Cyrillic are transliterated:

    А = А, Б = В, В = V, Г = G, Д = D, Е = Е, Ж = ZH, 3 = Z, И = I, Й = Y, K = К, Л = L, М = М, Н = N, О = О, П = Р, Р = R, С = S, Т = Т, У = U, Ф = F, X = Н, Ц = ТS, Ч = СН, Ш = SН, Щ = SНТ, Ъ = А, Ь = Y, ЬО = YО, Ю = YU, Я = YА, Э = E. ы = Y,  ДЖ = DZH,
    ДЗ = DZ


    Examples of references

    • Books / Monographs

    Anderson, B. (1991). Imagined Communities. London, New York: Verso.

    Savova, I. (2007). Text i vreme. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press. [Савова, И. Текст и време. Шумен: УИ “Еп. К. Преславски”, Шумен, 2007.]

    Dobreva, E., Savova, I. (2009). Tekst & diskurs. Terminologichen spravochnik. Faber: Veliko Turnovo. [Добрева, Е., Савова, И. Текст & дискурс. Терминологичен справочник. Фабер: Велико Търново, 2009.]

    • Journals / Periodicals

    Fileva P. (2008). Kachestvo na upravlenieto na mediynite organizatsii. Medii i obshtestveni komunikatsii, 3. [Филева П. Качество на управлението на медийните организации. Медии и обществени комуникации, 3. http://www.media-journal.info]

    Gudikunst, W. B., Yang, S., Nishida, Т. (1987). Cultural Differences in Self-Consciousness and Self-Monitoring. Communication Research. SAGE, 14 (1), 7-34.

    Pileva, M. (2012). “Zemnite gradini na Bogoroditsa” – edna savremenna “Pesen na pesnite”. Literaturata, 12, 135. [Пилева, М. „Земните градини на Богородица” – една съвременна „Песен на песните”. Литературата, 2012, 12, 135].

    • Collective volumes

    Banton, M. P. (1996). The Actor’s Model of Ethnic Relations. In J. Hutchinson, A. D. Smith (Eds.) Ethnicity. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 98-104.

    Daynov Е. (2002). Kakvi gi vizhdame? Obrazite na maltsinstveni i spetsifichni obshtnosti v Bulgaria v ogledaloto na mediite. In L. Kolova, М. Pancheva (Eds.), Tehnite glasove. Prisastvieto na maltsinstveni i spetsifichni obshtnosti v bulgarskite medii (kraya na 20 – nachaloto na 21 vek). Sofia: Tsentar za sotsialni praktiki, 31-53. [Дайнов, Е. Какви ги виждаме? Образите на малцинствени и специфични общности в България в огледалото на медиите. В: Л. Колова, М. Панчева (ред.). Присъствието на малцинствени и специфични общности в българските медии (края на 20-ти – началото на 21-ви век). София: Център за социални практики, 2002.]

    Faryno, J. (2014a). Mechite natsionalni ikoni. Balgarskata mechka (transl. from polish R. Chavdarov i D. Chavdarova). In V. Panayotov, D. Chavdarova, S. Sivriev (Eds.). Via signorum 1. Collected papers in honour of prof. Dobrin Dobrev. Shumen: Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 89-126.  [Фарино, Й. Мечите национални икони. Българска мечка (прев. от полски Р. Чавдаров и Д. Чавдарова). В: В. Панайотов, Д. Чавдарова, С. Сивриев (ред.). Via signorum 1. Юбилеен сборник, посветен на 60-годишнината на проф. д.ф.н. Добрин Добрев. Шумен: УИ „Епископ Константин Преславски”, 2014, 89-126.]

    • Electronic resources

    Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page