ACCESS: Lyuboslovie is Open Access, which means that all published articles are freely available to the readers. They are also allowed to download and distribute the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking the publisher or the author for permission as long as the article is correctly cited with its title, original authors and publisher’s details.
AUTHOR FEES: No fees are required from the authors for either article submission or publication.
LICENSING POLICY: Our licensing policy is guided by the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) principles.
PUBLICATION POLICY: In its publication policy Lyuboslovie follows the general strategy of Shumen University, which observes the accepted international standards of publication ethics. The Editorial Board regards it as their inherent obligation to follow the rules defined in COPE:
PUBLICATION ETHICS: Lyuboslovie’s Rules of Ethics apply to all participants in the publication process:
AUTHORS: • Authors of a publication are considered people who have contributed considerably to writing the article. Everyone who has a substantial contribution should be identified as a co-author. The abuse of copyright is ethically unacceptable.
- The authors should keep the primary data related to the article for editorial review if requested and long enough after the publication of the article.
- Any form of plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The submitted materials must be original. If the authors use parts of their own or other people’s work, they should be cited correctly.
- It is considered unethical to present the same article simultaneously to more than one publisher. The authors do not have to offer to publish materials with identical studies already offered to other publishers. The authors declare that the scientific materials have not been published before in written or electronic form.
- The authors should report the conflict of interest that could affect the final results of the empirical data. The publication or use of the material without prior consent of the other co-authors is unacceptable.
- Upon detection of significant errors in already published articles the authors are required to notify immediately the Editorial Board and cooperate to withdraw or correct the issue.)
REVIEWERS: • Reviewers’ work is particularly important for improving the quality of the materials proposed for publication. Reviews play a crucial role in the decisions of the Editorial Board to publish a particular article.
- The reviewers must notify the editor when they consider themselves not qualified enough to review a particular scientific material, or when they are unable to examine immediately the manuscript. Then they should drop out from the process of peer review.
- The principle of confidentiality is essential in the work of the reviewers. The reviewer must not disclose or discuss the contents of the manuscript with another person unless s/he has received an explicit permission from the editor.
- Reviews must be based on the objective qualities of the article. The reviewers are obliged to write impartially and competently, clearly and with sufficient arguments.
- Reviewers are required to observe proper citation and use of data and sources. In case of detected violations (inaccuracies and omissions in the bibliography or finding pieces of the material in already published articles) they should notify the editor.
- Reviewers should withdraw from the reviewing process when there is a conflict of interest arising from professional, personal, financial and other relations with the author.
EDITORS: • The Editorial Board decides which of the submitted articles will be published in the next issue of the publication. The decision is based on criteria for publication in Lyuboslovie, the objectives and scope of the journal. A guiding principle for publishing is the importance of the research for development of scientific knowledge and its academic contribution to science. The Editorial Board is obliged to inform the author about all the deficiencies and inaccuracies, without the removal and correction of which the article will not be published.
- The evaluation of manuscripts by the members of the Editorial Board should be according to their scientific content regardless of the gender, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, ethnicity or political beliefs of the authors.
- The Editorial Board has the right to discuss the materials submitted only with the author, the reviewers and the publisher.
- Editors must give up considering articles in which they have a conflict of interest based on competitive or cooperative relationships with anyone of the authors, sponsors or institutions associated with the publication.
- The Editorial Board shall take an immediate action upon receiving a signal of unethical behavior, for example, incorrect citation, plagiarism, inaccuracies in the data used and manipulation of the results. Measures include contacting the parties and institutions to establish the veracity of ethical violations. The result could lead to the withdrawal of the manuscript or, if the paper has already been published to subsequent publishing of the revealed ethical violations.
- When rejecting an article the Editorial Board may recommend another publisher to the authors. The authors have the right to an additional review, but only if they provide evidence of any mistakes made by the reviewers. In this case a new expert committee can be formed that should give the final review.
PUBLISHERS: • The publisher does not take part in the decisions of the Editorial Board for the publication of the articles.
- The publisher guarantees that advertising, reprint or other commercial activities related to the publication, will not affect editorial decisions.
- The publisher gives contacts of other journals and publishers to the Editorial Board or the reviewers when it is necessary.
- The publisher cooperates with other publishers and organizations in defining standards and exchanging best practices on Publication Ethics.
COPYRIGHT: Copyright for articles published in Lyuboslovie is retained by the authors, however the first publication rights are granted to the journal. As authors retain their publishing rights they can upload their work on institutional websites, social academic networks, etc. What is more, the authors are allowed to archive both the submitted version and the published version to any database as long as this is mentioned explicitly.
PLAGIARISM STATEMENT: Every article submitted for publication to Lyuboslovie is checked for plagiarism and duplicate publication during the initial editor screening and before double-blind peer review. If there are any plagiarism allegations, we act in accordance with the COPE Guidelines. If plagiarism is acknowledged in an already published article, we will consequently publish an apology, in which the plagiarist will be identified.
MALPRACTICE STATEMENT: Lyuboslovie follows the best practices on ethical issues, corrections and retractions. One of the important responsibilities of the Editorial Board of Lyuboslovie is the prevention of publication malpractice. Any kind of unethical behavior is not acceptable, and plagiarism in any form is not tolerated. In case of any allegations we will act in accordance with the COPE Guidelines.
All contributors to the work submitted for publication should be acknowledged and the sources used cited correctly.
By submitting an article to Lyuboslovie authors agrees with the Ethical statement which affirms that the manuscript is original. Submissions already published, in press, or currently considered for publication elsewhere will be turned down.
Any suspicion of malpractice is treated very seriously. In such cases the Editorial Board would contact the related parties and institutions to establish the veracity of ethical violations. Provided the malpractice is proved, the manuscript will be withdrawn from publication or, if the paper has already been published, the revealed ethical violations will be made public.
CORRECTIONS AND RETRACTIONS: Lyuboslovie will regard very carefully any report about unreliable content or data which may result from honest errors or research misconduct and may lead to scientific inaccuracy of the published material. When honest errors are detected, they require the publication of a correction. Four categories of corrections are applicable to the submitted articles: Erratum or Publisher Correction, Corrigendum or Author Correction, Retraction or Addendum. We are responsible to keep the integrity of the scientific content. The correction procedure depends on the publication stage of the article as it is pointed out in the Correction and Retraction Policy. In all cases, we will follow the COPE Retraction Guidelines and in our communications with all parties involved.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Authors, peer reviewers, and members of the editorial team should notify the Editor-in-chief about any suspicion that can cause a Conflict of Interest in connection with the submitted materials. The Conflict of Interest Policy is relevant to all research articles in Lyuboslovie, including the sections Classical Heritage, Academic Reviews, and Documents and Memory.
COMPLAINTS: If a complaint is submitted by an author, in order to ensure a high standard of service, we will deal with it fairly, quickly and effectively. Further details can be found in our Complaints Policy.
PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Lyuboslovie is an annual journal and it is published online in November and in print in December.
ARCHIVING: Lyuboslovie is archived in Bulgarian National Library “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” (print, full text); Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) (digital, full text); eLibrary (digital, full text); SCRIBD (digital, full text).