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  • Extended Rector Council

    Chaiman: Prof. Dr. Habil Georgi Kolev, Ph.D- Rector


    1. Prof. Chavdar Georgiev Sotirov, PhD – Vice-Rector
    2. Prof. Stefka Yancheva Petkova-Kaleva, PhD – Vice-Rector
    3. Prof. Rositsa Dimitrova Davidova-Madjarova, PhD – Vice-Rector
    4. Chief Assist. Yordanka Ivaylova Yankova-Yordanova, PhD- Academic Secretary
    5. Nikolay Yankov Nikolov,PhD – Assist. Rector
    6. Veselin Bozhkov Panayotov, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
    7. Prof. Vezhdi Ismailov Hasanov, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
    8. Prof. Petinka Radeva Galcheva, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
    9. Prof. Ekaterina Lyubomirova Lyutskanova, PhD – provisionally acting Dean of the Faculty of Education
    10. Hristo Atanasov Hristov, PhD – Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences
    11. Prof. Violeta Ivanova Kyurchiska, PhD – Director of the Department of Information, Qualification and Lifelong Learning
    12. Nikolai Ivanov Yankov, DSc – Director of the College-Dobrich
    13. Prof. Yuriyi Petrov Prodanov, PhD – President of the General Assembly of Konstantin Preslavsky Univesity of Shumen
    14. Prof. Tihomir Spirdonov Trifonov, PhD – President of the Supervisory Board
    15. Maya Dimitrova Konova, PhD – Public Relations
    16. Anka Kamenova Stoyanova – Chief Accountant
    17. Ivanka Filipova Blagoeva – President of the Student Council

    Secretary: Ergidzhan Alinder-Ismailova, PhD