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  • Faculty оf Humanities

    Blind Peer-review Process

    In order to be approved for publication all submitted articles undergo a two-stage review process by experts in the respective areas. The articles are submitted anonymously. The information about the author(s) is sent in a separate file. Upon submission the Editor-in-chief is the first to review each manuscript in order to see if it meets […]

    Editorial Board

    Editor in chief: Assoc. prof. Svetlana Nedelcheva, PhD (Shumen University, Bulgaria) Co-Editor in chief: Assist. prof. Biserka Stoimenova, PhD (Shumen University, Bulgaria) Members: Prof. Dr. Galin Tihanov (Queen Mary University of London, UK) Prof. Dr. Stephen M. Dickey (University of Kansas, USA) Prof. Dr. Hana Gladkova (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) Prof. Dr. Grażyna Szwat-Gyłybowa […]

    Aims and Scope

    Lyuboslovie is an annual double-peer reviewed international journal of Humanities. Its main objective is to publish serious research studies in various areas of classical and modern Literature, Language, Linguistics; History, Cultural Studies, Ethnology and Ethnography, Sociology and Political Anthropology; Visual Arts, Media and Public Communications,Language Learning and Teaching; Translation and Interpreting Studies; The documentary section […]


    About Us Lyuboslovie is a journal of the Faculty of Humanities at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen. It was first published in 1996. The idea belongs to assoc. prof. Nikolay Dimkov, who became its first editor in chief. At the beginning the journal is a repetition not only of the name of Fotinov’s prototype but […]

    Dean’s Body

    Празен Dean Assoc. Prof. Todor Raychev Todorov, PhD Office: building 1, room 214 E-mail: fhn@shu.bg Office hours: 1st week on Tuesday from 14.00 – 16.00, building 1, room 214 2nd week: on Tuesday from 13.00 – 15.00, building 1, room 214 Vice-Dean of Research, International Relations Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Yordanova Nedelcheva, PhD Office: building 1, […]

    Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes

    BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMMES: Applied Linguistics (English and Russian) Methods of Teaching History and Geography Archeology History Theology Bulgarian Studies and Media Journalism and Advertisement Public Relations Russian Studies Methods of Teaching Bulgarian Language and Russian Language MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMMES: Country Studies Master Degree Programme (Graduates from Professional Bachelor`s Degree) MASTER’S  DEGREE PROGRAMMES (Post-BA or MA) Archeology  Master Degree Programme (Shumen) […]


    ENGLISH STUDIES Head of the Department: Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Nedelcheva, PhD Administrative Officer: Dobrinka Aleksandrova Office: Building 2, room 310 Tel.: +359 54 830 495 / ext. 245 E-mail: d.aleksandrova@shu.bg   BULGARIAN LANGUAGE Head of the Department: Prof. Dimitar Popov, PhD Administrative Officer: Kameliya Petkova Office: Building 1, room 209 Tel.: +359 54 830 495 / […]

    Faculty оf Humanities

    Faculty of Humanities is one of the oldest faculties at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen. It was established in 1971 along with Shumen University. It offers education in Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree programmes in the fields of Philology, History and Archaeology, Religion and Theology, Public Communication and Information Sciences and Pedagogy. Faculty alumni acquire fundamental and […]

    Faculty оf Humanities

    Faculty of Humanities is one of the oldest faculties at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen. It was established in 1971 along with Shumen University. It offers education in Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree programmes in the fields of Philology, History and Archaeology, Religion and Theology, Public Communication and Information Sciences and Pedagogy. Faculty alumni acquire fundamental and […]