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  • Editorial policy


    – The editorial policy of the magazine is based on the principle of double anonymous review. This helps for the selection of original manuscripts. There is a standard form of review which assists the review process. Partner’s editorial assessment is a major component of the magazine’s policy. It assists the chief in making the final editorial decisions. If necessary, to improve the quality of the manuscript, communication between the chief editor and the author can be realized.

    – The principle of objectivity and the expression of reasoned opinion is respected in the process of making reviews. It is particularly important to keep the standards for correct citation on the topic which is under consideration.

    – All manuscripts are considered as confidential documents and are not discussed without the permission of the chief editor. When a conflict of interest is detected, the reviewer must notify the chief editor.

    – The editorial policy of the magazine is related to reviews which are submitted before the deadline. After receiving the manuscript, the reviewers have a deadline of 20 to 30 working days to send the completed review or to notify the editorial board about possible delays.

    – After the reviews have been received by the editorial board, the chief editor informs the author about the reviewers’ views. If necessary, he/she requires the necessary adjustments to be made. The author has to return the new edited copy of the article’s manuscript within a specified time. Preprinted preparation follows and no corrections can be made to the text.

    – The editorial board reserves the right to reject article’s manuscripts that do not respond to the magazine’s objectives and the criteria mentioned above.