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    Acta Pedagogica Naturalis strongly encourages online submissions. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the instructions below, please visit online submission Web site: www.shu.bg

    Please read these instructions carefully and follow them strictly. In this way you will help ensure that the review and publication of your paper are as efficient and quick as possible.

    The editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that are not in accordance with these instructions. Papers must be clearly and concisely written in English.


    Aim and editorial policy

    All submitted manuscripts should contain original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The primary criterion for acceptance is scientific quality.

    Papers should avoid excessive use of abbreviations or jargon, and should be intelligible to as wide an audience as possible. Particular attention should be paid to the Abstract, Introduction, and Discussion sections, which should clearly draw attention to the novelty and significance of the data reported.

    Failure to do this may result in delays in publication or rejection of the paper.

    Texts can be published as a review, a full paper (article) or as a short communication.


    Types of papers

    Reviews. Reviews are published by invitation only. However, a proposal for a Review may be submitted in the form of a brief letter to the Editor at any time. The letter should state the topics and authors of the proposed review, and should state why the topic is of particular interest to the field. Articles. Whenever possible the articles should be subdivided into the following parts:

    1. Front Page;
    2. Abstract (written on a separate page, 200 words or less, no abbreviations);
    3. Introduction;
    4. Materials and Methods;
    5. Results;
    6. Discussion;
    7. Acknowledgments, if applicable;
    8. References.

    Articles from some areas should follow their usual format. In some cases it may be advisable to omit part (4) and to merge parts (5) and (6). Whenever applicable, the Materials and Methods section should indicate the Ethics Committee that evaluated the procedures for human studies or the norms followed for the maintenance and experimental treatments of animals. Short communications.

    Short communications aim to report on research which has progressed to the stage when it is considered that results should be divulged rapidly to other workers in the field. A short communication should also have an Abstract (100 words or less) and should not exceed 1,500 words.

    Tables and Figures may be included but the text length should be proportionally reduced. Manuscripts submitted as articles but found to fit these specifications will be published as short communications upon the author’s agreement.


    Preparation of manuscripts

    All parts of the manuscript should be 1.0 line spacing. After acceptance, no changes will be made in the manuscript so that proofs require only correction of typographical errors.

    The authors should send their manuscript in electronic version only.

    Page format: Paper Size A4, portrait

    Margins: Top – 2.2 cm, Bottom – 2.2 cm, Left – 2.2 cm, Right – 2.2 cm, Header – 0 cm, Footer – 1.7cm

    Length of manuscript: 10 pages A4 format


    Tables and Illustrations

    Tables must be integer in the text and must have captions – Times New Roman, Font Size 11pt, Centered, Paragraph spacing – Before 6pt, after 3pt.


    Digitalized figures

    1. 1. Figures must be integer in the text and must have captions – Times New Roman, Font Size 11pt, Centered, Paragraph spacing – Before 3pt, after 6pt;
    2. Chemical formulae must be integer in the text as ChemDraw or ChemWindow objects or as images.


    Front page

    Article Title: Times New Roman, Font Size 14pt, Bold, Centered, Paragraph spacing – After 6pt,

    Authors: Times New Roman, Font Size 11pt, Bold, Centered, Paragraph spacing – After 6pt,

    Affiliation: Times New Roman, Font Size 11pt, Italic (Email Regular), Centered,

    Abstract: Times New Roman, Font Size 11pt, Bold &Italic, Justified, Paragraph spacing – Before 11pt, After 6pt,

    Keywords: Times New Roman, Font Size 11pt, Bold&Italic, Justified, Paragraph spacing – Before 6pt, After 6pt.



    These should be included at the end of the text. Personal acknowledgments should precede those of institutions or agencies. Footnotes should be avoided; when necessary they must be numbered.

    Acknowledgments to grants and scholarships and of indebtedness to colleagues as well as mention of the origin of an article (e.g. thesis) should be added to the Acknowledgements section.

    Abbreviations These should be defined at their first occurrence in the text, except for official, standard abbreviations. Units and their symbols should conform to those approved by the International System of Units http://www.bipm.org/en/si/si_brochure/general.html.



    Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the References. The cited literature within the text must be marked with Arab digits in square brackets. The reference section must be arranged following the appearance in the text and in following order: authors, journal (italic), year of issue (bold), volume (italic), first and last pages, Times New Roman, Font Size 11pt, Justified.



    [1]. Ivanov, I. I., Petrov, P. P., Zonarene, A Sesquiterpene from the Brown Seaweed Dictyopteris Zonarioides, Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 50, 25-28 

    [2]. Andreev, P., Todorov, M. Teaching methods and approaches, Blagoevgrad, Neofit Rilski University Publ., 2003, p. 94

    [3]. Stella, L. In Radicals in Organic Synthesis; Renaud, P., Sibi, M. P., Eds.; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, Germany, 2001; Vol. 2, p 407

    In the case of references on other than Latin alphabet, rules of transliteration must be applied!


    Transliteration Rules

    The transliteration from the Cyrillic script into the Latin alphabet is the process of character replacement as follows: А = А, Б = В, В = V, Г = G, Д = D, Е = Е, Ж = ZH, 3 = Z, И = I, Й = Y, К = К, Л = L, М = М, Н = N, О = О, П = Р, Р = R, С = S, Т = Т, У = U, Ф = F, Х = КН, Ц = TSH, Ч = СН, Ш = SH, Щ = SHT, Ъ = U, ЬО = YO, Ю = YU, Я = YA, Э = Е, Ы = Y