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  • Academic series “Filologičeski rakursi”

    The academic series is indexed, monitored within CEEOL and included in the National reference list of NACID.

    Filologičeski rakursi is an academic series of publications (with an open access) in the main areas of philology education: linguistics, literary studies, translatology, intercultural communication and methods of foreign language teaching. The academic series is issued biennially in electronic format at the initiative of the Department of German Studies at Konstantin Preslavski University of Shumen. So far, four volumes have been printed as a result of the Department’s development and work on various research projects, led by Assoc. Prof. Antoaneta Dimitrova, PhD and Prof. Dr. habil. Snezhana Boycheva – the initiators and implementors of the idea in its beginning stage. The publication work continued with the assistance of the staff of the Department: Assoc. Prof. Daniela Kirova, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Aylya Iliyazova, PhD, Senior Lecturer Sevginar Ibryam, PhD, Senior Lecturer Nataliya Lecheva, PhD, Senior Lecturer Gergana Gerova, PhD, Senior Lecturer Aglika Dobreva, PhD, Lecturer Iliyana Obretenova, Assist. Prof. Rositsa Vassileva, PhD. Renowned researchers from Germany, Bulgaria, Turkey and other European countries with whom the Department has maintained long-term and fruitful academic contacts have published articles in the academic series. Within these publications research quests and ideas have also been provided by scholars, working  in the field of Bulgarian, English, Russian language studies and Turcology from leading Bulgarian universities, as well as PhD students and prominent BA and MA students majoring in the programs taught by the Department of German Studies at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen. The working languages of publication are Bulgarian, German, English and Russian. Emphasis is laid on INTERDISCIPLINARY and INTERCULTURAL STUDIES in the field of humanities: classical and modern literature and linguistics, media and public communications, translation studies, new technologies in university education.

    Texts, such as translations, memoirs, texts from archives and unpublished documents can be proposed for the documentary section of the series. The academic series is also open to reviews/annotations of newly published research in the field of humanities in higher education in Bulgaria and abroad.

    The publication of the initial Volume 1 of the academic series was made possible thanks to the funding by the  internal university project of the Department of German Studies entitled “German Studies – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” (2015). The issues have been funded by internal university projects of the Department. So far, the following volumes, available on the website of the Publications of the Faculty of Humanities of  Konstantin Preslavsky University, have been published :

    Volume 1: Димитрова, А. Бойчева, С. Сборник от статии. Шумен: Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, 2015, ISSN: 2367-8348. (Dimitrova, A. &Boycheva, S.  Sbornik ot statii. Shumen: Universitetsko izdatelstvo  Episkop Konstantin Preslavsky, 2015, ISSN: 2367-8348.)

    Volume 2: Колективна монография: Език, медии, култура във взаимодействие, Шумен: Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, 2017, ISSN: 2367-8348. (Kolektivna monografiya: Ezik, medii, kultura vav vzaimodeystvie, Shumen: Universitetsko izdatelstvo  Episkop Konstantin Preslavsky 2017, ISSN: 2367-8348.)

    Volume 3: Герова, Г. Димитрова, А. Кирова, Д. Език и комуникация. Медиалингвистични измерения. Сборник от статии. Шумен: Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, 2019, ISSN: 2367-8348. (Gerova, G. Dimitrova, A. Kirova, D. Ezik I komunikaciya. Medialingvistichni izmereniya. Sbornik ot statii. Shumen: Universitetsko izdatelstvo  Episkop Konstantin Preslavsky 2019, ISSN: 2367-8348.)

    Volume  4: Бойчева, С. Димитрова, А. Кирова, Д. Филологиите в дигиталното съвремие – традиции и предизвикателства. Шумен: Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“, 2021, ISSN: 2367-8348. (Boycheva, S. Dimitrova, A. Kirova, D. Filologiite v digitalnoto savremie – tradicii I predizvikatelstva. Shumen: Universitetsko izdatelstvo  Episkop Konstantin Preslavsky, 2021, ISSN: 2367-8348.)



    Articles are subjected to anonymous review. The Editor-in-Chief checks whether the article corresponds to the formatting guidelines of the academic series and cooperating with the members of the Editorial Board appoints two reviewers according to the specifics of the proposed article. Reviewers evaluate the received text according to the following criteria: relevance of the topic, theoretical and applied significance of the study, scholarly level of the publication, originality, language and structure of the text.

    Based on their examination, the reviewers suggest one of the following options: the article can be published; the article can be published after taking into consideration the recommendations of the reviewer; the article should be revised and submitted for a second reviewal; the article cannot be published.

    The notes and the recommendations of the reviewers are sent to the authors by e-mail without revealing the reviewers’ names. The articles are examined within one to three months after the acceptance deadline. The final decision regarding the publication of the articles is made by the responsible Editor-in Chief and the Editorial board.