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  • MMSC 2016

    The international Workshop “Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (MMSC 2016)”, take place from 18th to 24th September 2016 at College „Dobrich“ in the city of Dobrich, Bulgaria, The workshop is organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University „Kl. Ohridski“, College „Dobrich“ at Shumen University „Bishop Konstantin Preslavsky“, University of Ruse „Angel Kanchev“, Technical University Varna and the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians (Section “Biomathematics and Scientific Computing”). The Workshop follows the traditions of the previous MMSC’09, MMSC’02, MMSC’01, and MMSC’93 conferences. The aim of the workshop is to bring together scientists from diverse areas of mathematics, and computer science, as their application in biology, biotechnology, ecology, medicine, physics, chemistry, engineering, social sciences, etc. Among the goals of the workshop is the stimulation of new research cooperations which would lead to novel results. We expect a free exchange of ideas and results to inspire further developments and to motivate new research directions in computational and applied mathematics. Presentations at MMSC 2016 are welcome for submission in special issues of the announced journals. The authors need to comply with the scope and the requirements of the journal if they would like to submit. more
    Roumen A. Anguelov, University of Pretoria, e-mail: roumen.anguelov@up.ac.za, tel.: +27-12-420-2874;
    Svetoslav M. Markov (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, e-mail: smarkov@bio.bas.bg, tel.: +359-888824567;
    Ivan G. Ivanov, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University „St. Kl. Ohridski“,
    e-mail: i_ivanov@feb.uni-soifa.bg, tel.: +359-898636339.
    MMSC School for Young Scientists
    The school comprises plenary lectures, contributed presentations (talks and posters) and an instructional workshop. The lectures at the school are of more introductory nature giving foundations and insight into the respective topic rather than focusing on new results and are presented by some of the keynote speakers of the conference. A central event for the school is the Hot Topics Workshop. Several scholars act as moderators, presenting „hot areas“ and related open problems. All PhD students and young scientists participating in the conference are considered members of the School for Young Scientists. Their presentations (oral or posters) will be assessed by a jury. more
    Associated conferences:
    18th International Symposium on
    Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2016)
    September 24-27, 2016, Timisoara, Romania     

    Публикувано на 28/06/2016