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2018 | Acta Pedagogica Naturalis
Acta Pedagogica Naturalis’2018 (full)
Book Cover |
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Basic information |
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Sponsors |
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Contents |
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Rositsa Vladeva, Petinka Galcheva, Methodological aspects of teaching Natural sciences at Shumen University |
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Stella Dermendzhieva, Tamara Draganova, Situational analysis of a type plan (algorithm) in the training on „Geography of countries” in the Balkan Peninsula |
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Stela Dermendzhieva, Semra Nejdet, Interactivity and interactive methods and techniques in geography and economics training on „Number, density and population movement“ |
27 |
Neli St. Dimitrova, Characteristics of the contemporary teacher |
38 |
Kristiana Dobreva-Stankova, Analysis of the actual legal framework on the role of the training activities in geography and economics education in fifth grade |
45 |
P. Galcheva, I. Traykov, The game as an interactive method in teaching chemistry and environmental education in grade 7 |
49 |
Petinka Galcheva, Rositsa Vladeva, Penka Russeva, Elisaveta Dimova, An Opportunity to form skills supporting development with the help of out-of-class environment |
56 |
Antoaneta Hineva, Petinka Galcheva Using Project Based Learning in the „Thermochemistry” Topic – example from education practice |
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Ivelina Ivanova, Communicative-behavioral stiles of the modern teacher |
69 |
Irena Radeva, The quality of geography education – vision and challenges |
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